Show i II Variety of Sports in a Nutshell I I Compiled from AP APt UP INS wire t and local news sources Jackie Burke Ogden successfully successfully success success- fully lully defended his intermountain welterweight title at Butte Mont Monday night in a round 10 bout w with Bobby McIntyre Detroit Minnesota is ranked first among i ithe the football teams of the nation 1 in the Azzi system with Michigan second followed by Texas A. A M. M Stanford Tennessee Tennes Tennes- see Boston college Nebraska Pennsylvania Northwestern Mississippi Mississippi Mississippi Mis Mis- State A postseason football game between Minnesota and Michigan Michigan Michi Michi- gan with proceeds to go to char charity It has been proposed for forDe De December 7 at Ann Arbor Minnesota 1 handed Michigan 1 its lone defeat of the season 7 76 Oscar Vitt former lormer Salt Lake pilot who Monday took over the I of the Portland club of the Pacific Coast baseball league will go east Friday in i search of talent Paul Christman Missouri's passing passing pass pass- passI I ing quarterback Tuesday accepted accept accept- ed an invitation to play for the western squad in the annual East- East i West football game at r JACKIE BURKE BUnKE San Francisco New Years Year's day Tom Harmon of Michigan and Frank Reagan of Penn already have signed with the eastern team Coach Don Simmons will send his Ephraim high school into their first game of the season season season sea sea- son Friday at Bicknell with Captain Captain Captain Cap Cap- tain Jack out of the up line-up because of a broken finger Joe former St. St Louis Cardinals' Cardinals infielder will play third base for the New York I Giants next season The Chicago Chicago Chicago Chi Chi- cago Cubs have named a new manager new general manager two new coaches and a new treasurer treasurer treasurer treas treas- during the past two weeks but will have the same trainer trainer- David Lotshaw Lotshaw again again next sea sea- I SO son I Russell Blackburne onetime Chicago White Sox pilot is the new manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs of the International baseball circuit The Waite high school football football football foot foot- ball squad of Toledo Ohio started Tuesday for Portland Ore to meet the Grant high school team there Friday In a special intersectional game came Waite defeated a Portsmouth Ohio team 6 39 Monday night Welterweight Champion Fritzie of Pittsburgh meets Ronnie Beaudin Canadian titleholder in ina a round 10 bout Tuesday night at Buffalo Dr Frank G. G Dickinson of the University of Illinois who has made a hobby of rating intercollegiate intercollegiate intercollegiate intercol intercol- football teams for a decade decade decade dec dec- ade said Tuesday his 1940 listings will be his last Alan Bartholomey Bartholomey Bar- Bar of Portland Ore has been elected to captain Yale's 1941 football squad |