Show JUNIOR POLICE HIT IN In an opinion that may affect operations of junior traffic police patrols the state attorney generals general's office held Tuesday that local school boards have no authority to appoint students as traffic officers and may be held personally liable for accidents The opinion was written by Rulon Rulon Rulon Ru- Ru lon S S Howells deputy attorney general for Charles H H. Skidmore state superintendent of public instruction instruction in in- Mr Skidmore said that as a result result result re re- sult of the opinion he had sent this notice to all 40 local school boards in the state The opinion holds that school board members may be held liable personally for injuries resulting from their attempted managements managements managements manage manage- ments of public traffic off school premises through the use of pupils or otherwise unless specifically authorized authorized authorized au au- au- au to do so by the city county county county coun coun- ty or town in m which the said traffic traffic traffic fic operates The opinion held that school boards are not authorized to appoint appoint appoint ap ap- ap- ap point students as traffic officers for regulation of traffic of students or other persons outside school premises It pointed out regulation of traffic traffic traffic fic is delegated to cities towns and counties authorities of which may deputize persons among whom could be students for traffic control control con con- con j |