Show AID FOR BRITAIN DELAY FAVORED WASHINGTON Nov 26 A Immediate 1 legislative e c g i f s 1 a t i f v e action toward giving financial assistance Ito t to the British was described by Chairman George of the senate foreign relations committee Tuesday Tuesday Tues- Tues day as im impractical and somewhat premature In his is first public comment on Current current issues since he was chosen Ito to head the strategic senate com- com George D. D Ga had this It i lii t to say say of a pending resolution by by j senator King D. D Utah which I hould would deaf cleat the way for granting i credits to Britain tei MI I believe it is impractical to Secure sc ure action now and somewhat premature He expressed this view after Sits to the state department and md White House which he concluded Wy by b telling reporters at the latter place rolace pl ce that that he was in general agreement agreement with President Roosevelt Roosevelt Roose- Roose velt and Secretary Hull on foreign p policy licy |