Show US U.S. ASKS CURB ON TRANSPORT PLANE OUTPUT Sti Stimson son Seeking To Improve Army's Situation WASHINGTON Nov 2 26 AP The AP-The The war department acted Tuesday to freeze plane production for commercial airlines airlines airlines air air- lines at the present level and simul simultaneously disclosed that thata thata thata a very large shortage of en engines engines engines en- en gines for forthe the nations nation's expanding expand expand- ing ling military and naval air force was in prospect for next spring Secretary Stimson announced at ata ata ata a press conference that the department department department depart depart- ment had asked the priorities board to prevent any increase in m the number of planes planes- planes going going to to commercial commercial com com- op- op mercial air services The request st was made Stimson said in the in interest tnt tn- tn t terest rest of supplying American and British needs for bomber and fighter fight fight- er airplanes At the same conference an aid Continued on Page Two Column Seven U. U S. S Seeking to Freeze ju Airline Plane Output Continued from Pair Page One of the war department chief explained explained explained ex ex- ex- ex that a very large shortage shortage shortage short short- age age of engines similar to those used in commercial transports was in prospect for the fighting forces early next spring because of the time lag required to get new engine engine engine en en- gine facilities into production At the moment the aid added one make of big motor four-motor bombers bomb bomb- ers is being accepted without en en- gines General George C. C Marshall Marshall Marshall Mar Mar- shall chief of staff announced recently recently recently re re- re- re that in order to power such planes the army had obtained obtained obtained ob ob- rights to engines being manufactured manufactured manufactured man man- for the British giving I the British priority instead to other I bombers already rolling roIling off the production line Stimson explained engines used In large commercial planes are equivalent to those used in bombers bomb bomb- ers and with the addition of superchargers superchargers superchargers su su- su- su to those used In fighter fight fight- er planes At the outset of the conference Stimson declared the Douglas Aircraft Aircraft Aircraft Air Air- craft company was now delivering planes to commercial lines at the rate of 12 a month although it had been 60 days behind schedule m in delivering the test plane on an army artIlY order for dive bombers Order Placed In 39 The order for dive bombers the secretary added was placed with Douglas in the spring of 1939 and the planes are needed now for training purposes but he said only one bomber has been delivered and that Is for test purposes At the same time Stimson declared declared declared de de- Douglas has proposed to tomake tomake tomake make planes for an expansion of commercial services e d' d dp The secretary said the war d department de- de p had no intention of di disrupting dis or curtailing commercial air service or of preventing commercial com com- mercial airlines from obtaining r re placement planes i f What it has proposed he sal salis said is that the commercial airlines airline be not permitted to expand the their business during the present national nation al emergency t tAt At At the pres present nt time the con commercial com com- corn mercial airlines are ordering large larg large transport planes so that they mays may substantially double the number of planes operated by them Th They t are aiming at an expansion of i per cent in the year two-year period from July 1 1940 to July 1 I They have admitted this before the th aircraft committee of the priori ties board They are now 12 large transport planes a month from one manufacturer and that manufacturer is today in n arrean in its production for the army British Need Cited CUed With the army and the navy I far below their requirements requirement on on combat planes and with the BritIsh British British Brit- Brit ish need for built American-built planes planer growing more serious with ever every J month Stimson continued the army and the navy believe that it itis ItIs is incompatible with adequate na na- na Honal defense to have part of th the nations nation's productive capacity taken taken up with an attempted expansion of civilian business J I N m soar y affect the Heart HeartOn On Gu tripped reaped in th th or er gullet ml let eat tilt lot t I trigger bait on the tha tent hart Al At the flat alga ilia of t mm mart men me and nd women omen depend on n Bill mi Tablet h l li i tat ilL t III gas ii tree free No Ko but buL med mad ef of t the Ibs medicIne known knon for tor add acid It If Ib UN lb FIRST DOSE doesn't BeU Ben beU bUer reins b bottle Ul to 10 ui ut and DOUBLE Mang Slack Ke 1st Advertisement I 1 |