Show i C g W aJ J I S F S f I. I 04 F Last Call Winter Telephone Directory T i doses closes t oses Tomorrow I Irti g. g 4 W WILL LL YOUR name be listed Will friends try trying ng Call t to reach you know where to find you Order a tel telephone tele tele- ph phone ne today and your name will appear S 'S now If you live in a home that has hasa a telephone or or you ask for the are arc in n business wi with h someone who has one you can Business Office have a separate listing of your own at little cost 1 a C 1 Special reu t. t USED r ICE BOXES 1 I Tl P 5 fc and Up I S. S TIME OR CASH I Porcelain in lined various vario s finishes all ali sizes sIzel top and tide side leers ex excellent condition J. J H Tf f Soviet mice ce J. J If Y You II 0 Demand he B Best I Sterling Open i i Satu Saturday day and ancI Monday 1 this Q Dinner S Service I was just Nights Till made for you Why riot not be bethe the first fint t introduce duce it to Prompt Mail Order neighborhood il Salt Lake Store N fiew Ogden St Store re Service State St St. 2422 Washington Ave 1 Beautiful 1 Gold Bo Border Border er Flower Floer of 01 95 j France FranceA France A New Richly Richly- Designed PIECE 0 PIECE DINNER SERVICE DISPLAYED IN WIN WINDOWS R Regular V Value 50 A At a Feature Price i Easy Terms No No Carrying Charge 1 A Complete Service ce for 12 Pe People p e. e The Most Remarkable Din Dinner er Set St Offer ff Made in Many Years Year Molded in n New La La France Shape Art Artistically stI aIly and d Double d 1 e I Dinner Beautiful ji Set 0 China of 01 Quality High 0 V h New Patterns of Beautiful n i 4 ii S Color C Combinations The Combinations The The i- i fi Very Newest if You i i l e Please e S I j You simply must see lee these beautiful beautiful F dishes to appreciate their beauty c tf S S 4 color sparkle It Its It's ons on of Df 1 I i the most exquisitely shaped and 4 1 r 7 y e Ji lively in keeping designed with patterns the ever produced produced- j I smart color vogue iG- iG sure to appeal to discriminating women a 1 2 dV 11 1 The silverware is most adorable It Its It's I. I I i the Arlington p pattern silver plate E i i 5 S silversmiths the newest creation by world famous Every piece is V I i a. a beautifully e- e shaped and molded and represents workmanship work I a manship of the s highest order Every i piece is plated with pure silver on ott a a- a I t. t 4 u S. S g t t for genuine many nickel years silver bOd body arid and will last lut c Th NEWEST SHAPED PIECES What 7 c glorious change from the old round style tyle k plates I What delightful charm you will i find In the new shape of these thele pl pieces pieces- ceal t 1 It is ia the very l latest test thing thIng the the mark cf of 1 t b priced high dinner sets The quality of 1 the tho ware is in every way equal to that found in sets selling up to The fine smooth surface of this super self ct I 4 dinner service Is a oil Joy to the eye and the he i I tt touch Every piece is guaranteed to be j. j perfect 9 L. L p. p j T Special u j J Purchase From FrOID the Country's ss' ss SILVERWARE I Finest Potteries Potteries' GUARANTEED I bik Here Here's flood Dood news The Dinner Set and 55 riO rear 5 Sliver Silver Set et you youve you've ye been dreaming about about 5 r- r 1 I I S' S fO at a oil price so low you'll youJI think youre you're t S 'S 5 still dreaming It Its It's s another of the sen it the for J S bargains Sterling is noted but It far value it surpasses any we a S have ever offered I Think of it it-a it a complete corna com corn fl 5 5 Dinner Set and Piece 26 c- c S Silver Set at less jess than the tho price pries of ot the V dinner set alone r. r I Sensational you'll say and it I is 1 r Sensational Its It's our w way y of adding 10 1000 S 5 new customers In one week by 7 giving so 80 much value so 10 o much ity and such liberal credit tern term that you simply cant can't afford to pass ue this marvelous bargain I Delivers This Thi High Grade The Piece Dinner Set SetIn I Down Dinner Set and anda a Fine ine Arlington Ar I i I I I INCLUDED I In nIeces p 0 f 12 nc I Includes 1 u d es I FREE lington Pattern Silver Set a Week W ee k With this s piece P. P Ieee h high high- ag b 12 Cups 1 Covered Vegetable grade graae Dinner Set the 26 12 Saucers Dish 2 pieces U piece pece A Arlington r Ii SI Silver Silver- on ng I ver 12 Soup Plates tes 1 Creamer 12 12 full Fruit size Dishes Dinner 1 1 I Sauce Sauce Boat Boat Stand A dIA Gigantic GI c antl-c One Day One Day Sale Plated Set includes Plates 1 11 inch 2 Meat 6 S T Tea ea S Spoons 12 Bread and cutter Butter Platt Platter r You may look far and wide you may make ake every comparison and r Plates 1 I inch 2 Meat 6 Knives I Sugar Bowl two PI Platter we e know OW you you'll It 11 i agree II th that a C t the this wiS JS is JS 15 I. I b by f far S X th ek the e nos most t astounding U t oun d. d an L b bargain you i pieces 1 I Open Butter Dish have 6 Forks Forks 1 I inch 8 Oblong 1 I Oatmeal Dish ever seen Only through the manufacturers manufacturer's whole hearted cooperation Vegetable 1 inch 5 Fruit Dish are we able to offer this never to never forgotten b e- e f va value I uc A bargain like this thIS' 6 Soup Spoons 1 12 Pie 1 Fruit Dish Plates has never been offered before a and d cant can't 1 1 Sugar Shell 1 Open Vegetable 1 I Open Bowl we simply do it again so sowe f Dish 1 Teapot 2 p pece ece we know you'll come in an early in an the week to avoid disappointment 1 I B Butt u tt r Knife Knie Ie T I |