Show NONE BETTER i PABST w 3 MA LT SYRUP D Distributed by REILLY HELL Y ATKINSON If COMPANY COMPANY- IK Inc J CH H C COMENS CO OMENS O. O I MENS MEN'S SUITS At a Special Sale Price 1 I We consider nider this the finest purchase 2250 can buy wool All-wool and worsted wor- wor wor-C wor 5 0 I I 1 sted materials Latest fall faIl shades V I Several hundred suits to pick fr from ln A 2250 f 0 I small deposit will put the suit away in our will vill call cal or at you may charge it Special io Extra Pair of f Pants I i OVERCOAT 0 V E R COAT SALE 7 Each coat guaranteed to be all I wool Fleeces blue and grey Meltons 50 with velvet collars extra collar of the same sanle materials for those who prefer 7 them to the velvet All Union Made 18 Which accounts for the expert tailoring of t these ese garments Values to 5 Special t f t Mens Men's Pullover Sweaters Sweaters' i Mens Men's Winter HATS 1 I t Worn in the London Manner Special Purchase Sale Shorter than the tile usual pullovers pullovers- A complete line of rn mens men's ns n's fur felt designed to take the place of a hats in m the very newest shades and 50 95 waistcoat Tuck inside your trou iron 3 styles All sizes 6 64 to 7 74 The 3 The Tile sers colors are tan tan royal black nest green or sage Match 1 price should be Special l. l or blend with Will your suit Special Others priced and 7 OO Mens Men's Men's Mens Furni Furnishings Street shines Street Floor THE NATIONAL DRESS UP WEEK for BOYS Bring your boy to Auerbach's DRESS Auerbach's DRESS HIM UP In sports s school hool business busi busi- ness ness any any profession keep up his appearance Hell He'll shine in our clothes B Boys Boys' SUITS Boys' Boys Leatherette Coats J A leatherette coat of unusual value Made Mad Madof lade of genuine DuPont Du- Du Pont ol Fabric with big lg Wombat o i collar The is fully k 95 95 S I. I sheep Pieced lined Inch 30 Solid SoUd pelt nolt not nol length S' S L 5 to t 1995 o 19 Black or brown Special ci S I Boys' Boys Wool Trousers I II i I Complete Un line Latest t popular popular I 3 q lar wool nil fabrics Also a i iI Before elsewhere I you buy shop complete line of or corduroys corduroy's i 45 novelty longs golfa colCa or flap flap- at Auerbach's and see the wonderful won won- tiers hers The Time prices aro right Should hould sell for tr 2 per pair pah values we offer in boys boys' Boys' Boys Shirts Blouses suits overcoats sheep lined I The Tho famous Kanee or Tom I coa coats ts leather coats sport coats Sawyer Sa All AH sizes guaranteed guaran 79 teed fast last colors i Specially priced for k e etc tC Ve We satisfy thousands of Saturday N Boys' Boys Winter Caps customers who buy our boys boys' All 11 wool caps cap unbreakable o od an and d students students' t U d en t s SUI suits t S. S We Ve n e se sell 11 the satin lined All sizes Xo No Jl need d going goin bareheaded nt It 79 I f the o o prices Specially priced I ht at the right products pro ng right prices fori Saturday at I Auerbach's Boy Bon Boys Street 1001 Floor |