Show I Postwar Journalism By MARLEN E E. E PEW Editor of Editor and nd P Publisher Many editors particularly who are blessed with a n sense of or humor keep their heads and manage to o wado wade through tho the delirious mass massof ot human rivalry and barbarism and seem destined to survive the thc gat reaction of or tho the World war others less reso reso- ute lute r resign but all ultimately go to their rewards The Tho he wisest I think counsel and patience Thero There is an unfailing law in economics which protects protects pro pro- th the life lite of or tho the ethical newspaper Newspapers that betray public confidence either cither by y treachery or cowardice which aro are only selfish businesses unwilling g to sacrifice an any dirty dollar and ind which and stutter and dodge their course course are found out and you OU and I have hayo seen a n. hundred of or them fall into dust Conversely Con- Con n newspapers possessed ed of or at least some somo few elements of or public service veracious news fair criticism and sincere advocacy of oC good men and progressive progressive pro pro- m measures do not suspend |