Show Brazil r Government Gove r nU-m nU Falls s Luis Q Quits e When Wh Garrison AA Deserts V v. v VI I Lead Insurgents to Vi Victory ory 1 I P Ir r 1 t 4 r rf SS 41 BORGES Jd P DE MEDEIROS GETULIO VARGAS lied Ie wi h rebels re e C s 5 Showered pamphlets Il C r rS S 'S l t I wr sit i iS S L COLLOR COL CUNHA Rio Grande Grando do S 'S Sul l' l leader leader High Commander r I IR R Resigns s sni ii in Face of of Uki mat l m 1 Threat Threatening i Bo Bombardment a dm JUNTA IN IN POWER pOWE i Mobs Mobs- M bs- bs W Wreck eck Off Offices Offices- ices of f Newspapers pers T RIO Oct 24 Unit United ed edl Press Press Prell aro Tavor revolutionary io ary lead loader r from P tn th buco arrived arrived- by airplane today and took to k charge of the g v. v in b behalf h lf of v IUt no aries aries' The tri mph nt rebel leaders began arre arresting various officials officials-of of the tho deposed r-egi r regime including former former for for- mer mfr Senator Irin Irineu u who fot w ww who w was a taken to Copacabana C on ByC RIO D DE DEJANEIRO JANEIRO Brazil Oct 24 United Press The Prose The Br-a Br Brazilian il volu r revolution ion triumphed ph d' d today tod t President Washington Washington Wash Wash- aShington aSh aSh- ington Luis LUll ra- ra rt 1 1 signed when the Wi 0 main main part of the f federal de al forces at tf i tion d in In th the capital capi capi- capital tal ta went over over tl to i m the th revolution In the face taco 0 an ultimatum 1 gi giving WI J. J ing khim until 3 1 1 WI n o'clock to get u y ot sa p and further urther blo ei on t th the h e e. e lighting i fronts Luis Luls re resigned resigned re- re r J signed at O f. f n aL ra tn A A. nil wi headed by General l.-c l. S Leite ide de' do- do C and n na Barrette ette took over the thU reins el 8 ori ol jf pow power Wl With pe D De r 1 Castro is is as provi provisional p ll t. t j 1 p president esl nt Jt it r. r i was o h t 1 W congress v would be beg dissolved and a a. a W. W LUIS he now e w cab cJ In l pt ot t Q Quita its named 1 While Castro t C pay d a a- par part in t tip the e t l of ot the voll it CS t It was nB that General r t Barreto would haye ye tem temporary tern tem charge chargo of or Hie the government N oM tro o Ij b gun with rebel ebel leaders u nation in Ui Inan an nn effort to fo de clear r r t the e s status tUII of ot Readership Ip r r r Th The Tho end of the tho started on Octobers October r 3 c came came to swiftness s A A drawn long n struggle e had been expected p c ed and af- af most flOst until the tho the the had been n issuing opt opt- statements nis of f It its Us' success on the he southern ro OVernight t the o destinies a a. L c country of or population with an area l larg rg rt th n t n u U States tates we were turned over overto a revos leadership b backed bY force Orce of arms It Is South merican republic to toL toL- toL und undergo r a revolution evolUtion l Uon in in the last few month Continued on page 10 fUIS S NS A AS I PRESIDENT WHEN GARRISON DESE DESERT T Continued from page 1 Tho ho others rs were Argentina Peru Peri and Bolivia BoUvia RI iDE E TS LI It t w was s' s the tho defection n of r the sarr garrison garri son on at tho the important coast artillery post of Copacabana fortress at Rio RIc dc do Janeiro backed by tho third thin regiment that turned the tide for foi forthe the revolutionaries Castro issued at nn announcement saying he had 1 gom g ne over to the revolution to save savi needless ss bloodshed d and fighting bc between be- be tween brothers TIle The new leader bad had not hitherto Men especially prominent in hi th the thc revolution re He Is a a. military man most of whose career has been spent in tho the arm army The sudden overthrow of ot tho the government gov goy leaves heavy forces o of federal and revolutionary troops troop confronting each other on tho the Par Par- Sao ana Paulo border in the tho south an and anC at nt various points elsewhere In Ir the nation All fighting was was' expected ex expected ex- ex to cease while the leaders 01 of bt the revolt ha hat t ned t to Rio de do Janeiro Janeiro Jan Jan- Jan Jan- eiro etro to decide dc-clde on the form of ot th the tho provisional gov government RIOTING BREAKS OUT Vandalism and rioting broke broko out In n the capital soon after tIle tho over overthrow overthrow over over- throw of f tho the government go Mobs M bs raced through the streets looting and burning within a a. few fe hours of or tho the resignation of ot President President dent Washington Luis Luls Newspapers Newspaper which had supported the government government govern govern- ment were the specIal object of or at attack attack at- at tack and the plants of ot six papers pape s were wrecked A tho handsomest newspaper newspaper news news- paper building In Rio do Janeiro was entered by by a mob Which which wrecked ked the tho offices of ot the director Rocha one of oC th tho wealthiest wealth wealth- lest iest men in Brazil The furniture was thrown into the street and s set sel t afire dire Rocha was not present but the ho manager manag r of the paper Ismae Ismael Mala was as beaten The offices 01 of the he United Press in Sn tho same samo building were not molested The six newspapers newspapers which whicK were wen wrecked already b hid had d suspended publication on at least t temporarily Isolated gunfire began to be bo heard heart throughout the city as tho the tho mobs mobs mob started their work work work-of of vengeance bj by y wrecking the newspapers A Aast vast vasi throng hastened toward Gu Cu Guanabara the presidential pala palace e which th the revolutionary tl nary leaders had entered to oust the president RUMBLINGS HEARD There had been rumblings o of tr trouble Uble at the tho S' S garrisons for or tw two days but th the the- sharp call of oC a a. bugle bugli at the the third regiment quarters at 2 a a. m. m m. today was a a. surprise for tor the thi government The bugle was a a. signal that hat the ultimatum demanding resignation of the tho the president nt had hadeen h d been een sent to tho the palace Tho The ultimatum ulti ultI- m turn was accompanied by t n a warning that unless the president resigned tho the h heavy avy guns guns- of ot th the artillery would b be trained on the capito Fo Four Foi r airplanes which went ovejo over overto overto to o th th rebels last nIght llen ov over r rth th he the city dropping pamphlets callInG callIng call- call InG ng on tho the people to Join the re ution lution n. n The pamphlets were sl signed n by Vergas leader of oC the tho revolution evolution Guns at t fortress boomed soon after the bugle signal warning tho the government oC of the bombardment If It it i- failed to meet th the insurgent dem demands It was an announced an- an nour d the rebels were ready to total tal take e th the capital by f for force r e If Ie necessary sary Th The president ent and his family and chief government officials were as assured assured assured as- as of oC safety if Ir they resigned but the tho rebel leaders said they would mar march h into palace place Ir if f the government attempted to re resist re- re SHOUT LEADERS' LEADERS NAMES AMES After Arter three weeks of or mobilization of 01 men and supplies on a t war basis ho tho population advanced into the tho streets to express their satisfaction wIth the new regime Groups gathered gathered gathered gath gath- ered in the downtown districts shouting the names of Pessoa l. who president Vargas who VarGas as as' of ot Rio Grande do Sui Sul led the southern southern south south- ern era rebel movement movement and and other rebel leaders Police were mobilized to maintain order but the crowds were highly excited listening to extemporaneous orators and shouting that the resignation resignation resignation nation of oC the president was tor lor the salvation o of the nation Tho crowds were wildly excited all over tile the cit city surging through the ho streets shouting for the revolutionary revo- revo leaders and denouncing denouncing- the government It was reported Washington LuLs Luis was held prisoner and ind there was much speculation whether the same would bo be followed as in other South American revolutions re and the tho pre president president l- l dent and an his ministers be held responsible re- re for Cor their deeds FORTRESS DESERTS The SU success of ot tho thio revolution ap appeared appeared ap- ap neared complete Alter After a night of or expectancy during which four airplanes airplanes air- air planes which had joined the revolution revo- revo lution flew ominously ov over r the cap cal tal ital Ital news came that the Third regiment regiment regi regi- ment mont of oC federal infantry had joined tho the revolution Copacabana fortress fort fort- ress Tess the tho coast artillery post also deserted the government At dawn the bugles of or the Third regiment garrison t shattered tho the morning calm advising the city that the tho president had been given until 10 a. a m. m to get out out- The principal actors In tho the final chapters of ot the rev re revolution lution led b by Leite de Castro commander of or the Third Infantry entered the palace well before 9 a a. a m. m At a. a m m. th hc the president capitulated Washington Luis Luls was reported to have havo lavo been Imprisoned in Copacabana hana bana fortress GAVE GUARANTEES The ultimatum to Yashin Washington ton Luis demanding his resignation was as assigned signed d b by a 3 group of generals general headed leaded by Barreto and Do Dc Castro It t assured him guarantees and gave hIm ilm half hale an hour to accept The disposition of oC tho the president ald said he was nas uncertain One report t had lad taken refuge in tho the palace of or Cardinal Se Leme Other reports said both Washington ton Luis Luls and Vice President Mello Vienna were held bell prisoners In the tho fortress Previously Pre it was said tho the president presIdent president dent was temporarily sheltered in inthe Inthe inthe the Italian legation les-atlon nn and then sought safety in the United States cm- cm Las would not takE tako him himIn himin bassy In n because of the tho state departments department's policies I Se Several Seral ral persons were reported injured injured InJured in in- in in the attacks on newspaper bulJ buildings sonic ome being shot and others hit by ly stones The number was ws believed cl small After destroying the newspapers newspaper regarded as 8 nt a mob of r th thousands marched 1 cheering down the Rio Ulo Bran Branco o acclaiming acclaiming ac ac- claiming the success of of- the revo- revo FOREIGNERS SAFE Tho ho story 23 23 building of ot A. A the highest In S South uth America w was s tho the scene o of t the greatest violence The mob threw thre furniture to the tle street and rind s set t it afire I Others went ent from lI floor or to floor forcing the doors of oC locked offices Foreigners vere c e ass assured red of e safety fet The Tho United States S consulate has offices in the building After having been Isolated for tor a tithe time tho the United Press staff finally was obliged to vacate because of smoke from the fires fIres' and water tl m faucets which h had bach been opened on every floorS floor The Tile b building was soon flooded Huge tIres tires Ires were started at each corner of or the buildIng build build- Ing- Ing the flames soon catching on to the structure itself Calmer person person persona per per- son sona tried tiled to put out the fires tires |