Show I Steer Rebels at Ignominy of I I I Act and Steals Show at Rodeo Rodeo NEW V YOUR YOUK Oct 24 2 UP UP-A UP A I steer from Texas plains that re rc belled at the tha Ignominy or of l eln as ns- ns signed to trundle round around a little red cart as part of ot a 1 clowns clown's act stole the tho show at al tho Madison Square Garden rod rodeo rodco o last night I Tho animal broke broko loose from Crom the clown kicked the cart to pieces and after the cowboys In the arena who only a few tew minutes be before before be- be fore rore had exhibited their braver bravery In steer wrestling and calf calC tying None of oC the cowboys stopped to argue with the charging beast east and some of them just managed to I scramble over the parapet ahead of ot I the tho tossing horns lin Having elcar cleared d the arena the steer retired snorting to th tho center Whenever v r a 3 cowboy showed a dis disposition position to swing a a. leg Jc- over the parapet the animal charged to show he wa was in no trifling mood After the steer had monopolized the thc show for tor about t half baIt an hour the thc bravest of ot the tho cowpunchers finally lassoed It and led it away Dick Truitt a 3 cowpuncher from Stonewall Okla Okia won the calf calf- roping exhibition by tying an anima animal animal ani ani- ma mal in 21 5 3 seconds Jack Kerscher Ker- Ker sc er of ot Blackfoot Ida proved pro to tobe be bo the champion steer wrestler ban hangin on for 19 5 4 seconds |