Show I I Licenses Refused to Kondas After Alter Hearing Following up Its action netlon of or orV V Wednesday refusing to grant within six months a after ter revocation similar licenses to th those se denied be- be causo of ot liquor violations tho the cH city commission Thur Thursday da r another another an an- other set of ot licenses being used b by Gus Kondas at t West First South street Kondas failed to appear appear ap ap- ap pear tOt for the hearing The action was wa taken at request of Police Pollee Chief Chic JO Joseph eph E. E who informed the commission that thal liquor had been found Cound at Kondas' Kondas place lace of ot b business three times since September 8 Kondas Hondas was the holder of or soft sort drink restaurant i and nd tobacco licenses The revocation ordered also serve served 11 notice on the thc city license d department not to 10 issue e eany any licenses of or sl similar character r for six months at nt the same address |