Show Wh When en G- G Girls GI If I sere W Were B Boys son Lorraine left and Hender- Hender Mar B. B Wyatt donned masculine masculin attire F Friday iday in preparation for a party Friday evening in the Westminster college Both desire to escort Betty Taylor to the gala affair J j p A t W 6 f r C v 1 ri I t I k a 4 f 3 Westminster Girls Don Masculine Garb to Attend Party Staged J in l No toI to- to I Mans Man's s. s Land I The Girls Girls' lints Athletic association n of Westminster college cOllego has planned an unusual party larty for Friday evening in the school gymnasium slum In order Ordel to tot enter er e every girl must be accompanied accompanied accompanied ac ac- ac- ac companied by bya a X boy friend l and since no fellows will be admitted necessity ec s ity became came the mother o of ot in In- In Some of the girls will meet m masquerade as as' young men to tho situation The entertainment program arranged arranged ar ar- ar ranged by Francis Parsons Sally Hennick k and Mary Ia B. B Wyatt tt In Includes In cinches clude the following Esther and Dorothy Beatty will wilt sing L Laura ura Block will give ghe a a. reading Virginia Hayes Haye a poem Maude l Ros Rogers rs will sing and to conclude the program Miss Parsons Audrey Taylor and Wyatt will give a a. one act play Miss Mits Vertice Ficke girls' girls athletic Instructor b l hostess assisted by the entertainment com corn committee committee and the officers of the G. G A. A AA A. A |