Show FOX MARKET I SOUTH STATE SA SATURDAY Y SPECIALS Prime Rib Rout Roast Rolled lb Ib t. t Round Roast Be Beef f Ib lb Rump Roast Ib lb C Sirloin Ste Steak k Ib lb Round Steak Ib lb Legs of Lamb Ib lb Lamb Lam Steak Ib lb Shoulder of Lamb Ib lb 15 Pork Neck Bones Bones- 3 3 lbs Ibs 25 Pork Kidneys 2 2 lbs Ibs 25 Lamb Stew 2 2 Ibs lbs 25 Good Cooking Fat 2 2 lbs Ibs 25 Fresh Pigs Pigs' Feet 2 2 lb lbs Ibs 25 f Lamb Hearts 2 2 Ibs lbs GROUND GREEN BONE 6 Ibs lbs 25 I Auerbach's G We rescue the right to limit quantity Free Delivery on Grocery Purchases of 3 3 or More COFFEE r t-E. t Hilis Hili's SP Special W Red C Can n I ID lb L CHEESE C H E ES E Special Mild I b. b b 1 9 C SEGO MILK tall cans C TAMALES j KIPPERED SALMON special lb DATES new stock Ib lb 1 FINNAN HAD HADDIE DIE new yew stock lb lh 2 PINEAPPLE No Libby Libby's z Black cans Label I I SALMON SALM 0 N cans Pink Pink 2 2 f far 0 r 2 5 C LARD 2 Ibs lbs PORK ROAST PORK ROAST I lb PORK LEGS ab a lb PORK loin or rib lb Ib STEWING HENS choice lb Ib 21 CLEG c cLEG LEG EG OF LAMB lb Ib HAMS whole or half lb Ib JONATHAN APPLES A w PLES Special Fancy Meadowbrook tl bushel J Pot Roast Lb c This is i. the tho best value we e have b been n able i to offer offer you for or month months For Saturday Saturday Saturday Satur Satur- day our markets in Salt Lake Lak Murray Midvale Bountiful and Magna will win sell sen the fin finest finst st o of Pot Roasts at only 13 per pound They will win be cut from fancy young beef are flavored and highly nutritious real real value at this price We will also abo sell seU Rib Boil at 10 per pound You can select exactly the size and cut you de de- de- de sire J Other s Each store will have other unusual prices on staple groceries for for instance Hills bills Red Can Coffee will willbe willbe willbe be priced at 38 per pound Our O. O P. P S. S Butter will sell for less than you expect and there will be other items which space will not permit mentioning mentioning mentioning mention mention- ing here 3 Loaves Bread t tOc Oc c If there is anyone in inthis inthis inthis this city who is not acquainted with the quality of O. O P. P S. S Bread here is y your ur chance Possibly you do o not know that we bake a real ounce 16 loaf of lOc quality bread To give everyone an opportunity to try it we will sell all day Saturday three full ounce 16 loaves for 10 You may may take white health or raisin straight or assorted Buy three six or a dozen loaves from our stores in Salt Lake Midvale Magna Bountiful or Murray O. O op SK GGS FO S SIP It A Surety 0 of IP Purity III II U No o substitutes substitutes- the peak in set quality Budweiser Malt Barley-Malt Syrup P LIGHT OR DARK RICH IN BODY NOT BITTER BITTERa a 2 1 III 1 III 1 III II III I J I BREN BREN t GREENHAGEN S MARKET WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE PETERSONS PETERSON'S CATSUP I large rg cans BOSTON BOSTON or RUMP 2 cans 25 ROAST Ib lb 20 Southeast oa oas Market SUGAR SUGAR 10 lbs Ibs 53 POT ROAST Ib lb 12 ONIONS Dr Dry Y 10 VEAL ROAST 90 bag 89 17 SUGARHOUSE CAULIFLOWER 16 5 Sh qu Id er l if If VEAL ROAST Leg TOMATOES Large Ib lb 22 Pork Can Corn Green Roast of or Leg e o Beans Benns 3 cans 35 VEAL STEW lb Ib 12 Ib lb 25 C MATCHES MArCHES MUTTON STEW 6 large boxes 15 4 lb lbs Ibs eo 25 S Stewing Slewing Hens ens TOMATO SOUP 4 4 cans 29 MUTTON 1 Ib lb 6 SHOULDER 10 Ib c PEAS 3 cans for 27 MUTTON CHOPS lb Ib 15 EGGS strictly fresh Sh She Pork P or k Roast R oas t POMEGRANATES POMEGRANATES doz 22 LEG Ib lb YOUNG MUTTON 15 T OLEOMARGARINE OLEOMARGARINE Ib lb 6 Ibs 25 3 lbs Ibs 64 Hew Hew- ewI Grapefruit G ra rap a f rUI t 6 for or 25 C Folger o er f tt ORIENTAL lett's letts eS Coffee Goffee tI I T Bananas Banan s lb e c TEA Ib 39 c C. C i itA Jl Butter BuDer Ib e 21 C CH H Hyland I an a nd 2171 2111 SO 50 STATE CHRIS GREENHAGEN Mgr I We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Open Every Day Cay In tho the Year Until 11 P. P M M. M THESE SPECIALS ON SALE UNTIL 8 P. P M. M Ask About Our Free Camera and nd Silverware P II S 1 WILL Event j r An even event planned for our cus cus- customers 7 4 w tom ers in ap appreciation of the fine patronage given our 5 stores Values r that hal build good will quality y that hat main maintains ains it a and makes abcs Wiggly outstanding ding in food distribution D ates Large meaty and golden 2 Ibs White Wh-t Sh ite K- K Gram Gran soap Fancy California I e King log Large S Sweet W g g Del Monte lento Golden solid pack No 2 2 J can Potatoes Ma Macaroni M aroni I 1 Ii Cut i. i 2 ibs 1 Lb Sa Chili Con Carne aa aae Can Valker's Ike Jack O 0 Lantern SOUp can can 7 I Pumpkin Cheese heese Pierces Pierce's tomato Utah mild full cream Oysters can Lb L b IC Pound Fanc Fancy eastern Prunes lb ib 10 lOc Santa Clara Utah Fancy Large Oats Oafs eel Celery e ry Mothers Mother's Premium Well Vell bleached and Utah Beet crisp EACH t Sugar C In strong 10 I I paper bags Ibs s. s Pot Roast ib lb I Choice shoulder cuts Fancy steer beef beci Sliced Bacon u lb 35 I Rind removed Delicious CIa flavor vor Lamb Legs lb Small fancy Utah lambs Iambs Fancy H Hams t ms I j Skinned guaranteed delicious flavor PI 1 WI Wiggly 1 Ad for Week Ending g October to r 25 1930 i ii A Tip i on 0 on Buying Chickens Chicke i f c t f Do You K Know now That ordinary Dressed Chicken that you pay to per pel pound for fOI in your market actually costs cosh you ou Cooked to per 1 lb And That That- from rom Oct to Oct you can can buy at al I almost most every h high I g h clan cli market In S Silt Salt lt lake lakeI I Hormel's Harmel a famous Sealed Flavor-Sealed Chickens already cooked tender tander and sealed in its oY own flavor navor to P PHere's per er 1 Ib lb Heres Here's Figu Figures Figures' es When you p purchase u rc h a. a a dressed chicken at your market you pay for inedible In Inedible In in- edible parts such as head hud neck feet and viscera to 10 that the chicken you cook actually costs 25 to 30 per percent percent cent cont more than the price pric at which you purchased d it it In cooking the chicken shrinks shrink an additional 25 to 35 per cent so 10 that your co cooked ked chicken will weigh only half approximately approximately of your original purchase Consequently your cooked cook d chicken costs you at least let twice the price per pound you paid In Addition Addition- I I to actual economy when buying on one one of Hormel's famous F Flavor l I a v o 0 r seated sealed Chickens Chicken you have j jI I assured quality 1 each eastern s selected e I e c ted milk milk fed fed chicken is i. U. U S. S G 0 O V VERN ERN M MENT E NT I IN INSPECTED INSPECTED IN- IN AND I FIE FLED FIED D. D convenience i i already cooked can be bl served cold direct from package Fried in 5 minutes Roasted in 15 minutes Fricassee in 10 minutes 1 and and in the package y you u uh h have ve sufficient concentrated concen juices for gravies and soups t 1 l l r lt t THE FAMOUS SEALED FLAVOR IDEA Scaled in vacuum containers and then cool cooked cd unusually tender tender ten ten- der without sacrificing one ono bit bitof bitof of ot flavor or food tood value Recognized Recognized by tho the finest chefs and dietitians ns as an outstanding achievement in good foods rind and cooking Other Flavor Sealed Flavor Sealed products packed by Geo A. A Hormel Co Austin Minn are whole and half size hams chicken a laking la I. laking king boneless chicken luncheon meat luncheon tongue and aid spiced ham r 4 |