Show Paymaster ya Killed as ass s r r Bandits Stage Raid SAI SALEM Ed N. N x J. ro Oct 24 AP AP wn- wn I iam am J J r M McCausland Ca 40 paymaster Or the Salem Glass Works was liot hot and killed by robbers outside lie plant plan today McCausland was was 1 the weekly payroll for tor the ants dant's GOO COO amounting to le everal thousand d dollars McCausland Co had left let his motor I It ar and was walking to the door M f t the plant when three men in an l li pulled up up near nearby b and railed jailed him As toe pa paymaster master turned around said Bald one ono of ot the robbers PP lo to the running board of the machine and without warning Dl ened tire fire McCausland McC usland f fell n still clutching tho bag t of Df f money The IThe The The- robbers fled led without t the when when hen a a 3 score of workmen t- t to o from ro the plants plant toJ |