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Show North Main street. Springville. He is a 1933 graduate of the Springville high school and holds a Master's degree from George Washington University, Washington, Washing-ton, D. C. The Eastern Air Procurement District is responsible for contract administration, production and quality control surveillance over Air Force prime contractors in an area stretching south from Fairfield Fair-field county, Conn., to North Carolina, Car-olina, and west to Ohio. As procurement inspector, Major Ma-jor Talmage will determine effective ef-fective contract administration in the district and at contractor facilities. Maj. H. G. Talmage Made Procurement i Inspector of A. F. New York, New York, March 28 j Major Henry G. Talmage has 1 been assigned as procurement in- j spector in its Inspector General's j office, the Air Force's Eastern ' Air Procurement District announc- I ed today. Major Talmage comes to his j present assignment from the North-eastern Air Procurement District, Boston, Mass., where he j was chief of the procurement in- ; spection office. A World War II veteran, he makes his permanent home on ' |