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Show Springville Woman Attends Civil Defense School Mrs. Harold Christensen returned re-turned the latter part of last week from a three day conference at the Western Training: School St. Mary's College, Calif., where she received instruction in women's partnership and responsibility in civil defense. Mrs. Christensen took the place of Mrs. Harrison Conover, a member mem-ber of the Utah County Civil Defense De-fense committee, who was to have attended the school. Among- other things stressed at the school, according to Mrs. Christensen is that a civil defense program is necessary because: a. Of the development of weapons wea-pons in this air atomic age. b. There can be no adeouate military- defense against enemy at. tack. c. Our lives, great industrial power, natural resources, and security sec-urity must be protected. Mrs. Christensen reported that many experts believe that in the event enemy attack on the U. S. comes, casualties can be reduced by more than one half if the American Am-erican people have been schooled in the techniques of civil defense and are prepared to act intelligently intelli-gently in time of crisis. Civil defense is a peace-time program and it is the people's program. pro-gram. Women's organizations were asked to enroll their members in, civil defense at the community level in self protection and home protection. The work of the women wo-men begins in the home it was stated. sta-ted. 49 million families must be educated and prepared to protect themselves in event of disaster it' was learned. Womens groups will be asked to work as supporting groups to the local and defense organization, or-ganization, it was stated. |