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Show , No. 2207 Is cut in sizes 1J to 20: to 40. Size 16. 3ya yds. 35-in. , No. 2945 is cut in sizes 1, 2, 4, 6. Six 4, lli yds. 35-in., 114 yds. trim. JPanUes Jd. 35-in. Send 30c for EACH pattern witl name address, Style number and siz' to AUDREY LANE BUREAU, Box 36S Madison Square Station, New York N.Y. The new Spring-Summer Fashioi i Book shows 125 other styles, 25o extra No 2275 ii cut in sizes 12 to 20: 36 tc 42. Si7.e 18 suit, 3 yds. 54-in. Eiousc. l'r. yds 39-in. No. 2131 is cut In sizes 4, 6. 8. 10. 12 Size 8. 2', yds. 35-in. Eyelet. 2r yds Send 30c for EACH pattern v.iU name, nddress. style number and sizt to AUDREY LANE BUREAU, Box 3f,9 Madison Square Station. New York N Y. The new SprinR-Summer Faslnor Book shows 125 other styles. 25c extra. NU-LI FT rr m MATERNITY 'f SUPPORT - yt Allow us to I flp- U- assist vou to a A ' Nl.'-JJFT KXCIXKIVE! VfiU. ; .,) A Style 1000 A youthful ma- s.i. - -f f ternity support "hung ! vil ! from the shoulders," dc- ; w if : signed with the aid and - . , r.. counsel of loading obstetric- i y v i ians as the ideal up-lift and f -, ! , J protective maternity sup- ; '-'' , i 1 i port. ' I 'iVt i Ttt'O-IX-OXE feature h After the baby arrives the ! "r7 ; 1 postpartum front replaces ; 5 the obstetrical front. j '-i' I ,' J i Com In No Obligation! MATERNITY WARDROBE "The Friendly Shop for the Expectant Mother" 32 No. 1st E. Provo 8G44-M I j; Snclsou Studio 4 101 South Main ?! Phone 66-J 5 " |