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Show SppDiniovDlDe (Cotty LB on 5 mi ' PoDctt some item or service? rXisted on this page are the placed that are anxious to kelp Dx- , ' . i i en npr rolumn inch per month, -f-1 ' 1 1 n fun i n 1 11 1 mil 1 1 m i in ii irectory advertisements of three lines, $1.00 per month. Dis play business directory ads, $i.du pei, , Drug Stores I PRESCRIPTIONS compounded promptly and accurately, ac-curately, exactly as your Doc-j Doc-j tor orders. ; COSMETICS Coty, Lentheric, Revlon, Max Factor, Tussy and others. ! SODA FOUNTAIN Featuring Chases Ice Cream. HAYMOND DRUG CO. 238 So. Main Phone 2 FREE DELIVERY Electric Shop Erdmann Electric - Shop - fe Electrical Contracting fe Lighting Fixtures Motors Repair & Sales Electrical Wiring Devices 353 South 1st East ' PHONE 227 Alterations CUYLER'S shop, 447 N. 2nd W., Provo. Phone 2276R. Expert tailoring. tail-oring. Women's smart suits out of men's. Men's, ladies alterations. Appliances G. E. Authorized dealers, Hoover vacuums, Estate gas ranges and hraters. Friol's 213 S. Mn. Ph 38. Auto Lubrication MAR-FaC lubrication done by experienced ex-perienced technician with best equipment. Smitties Texaco Service. Ser-vice. Phone 27. Automobiles FORD Authorized Sales & Service. G. Lowry Anderson, Inc. 330 South Main. Phone 177. Automobile Repairs Spec. Engine Rebuilding & Tuning, Elec. & Carburetor repairs. Phillips Phil-lips Garage. 96 No. Main. Ph 155. OVERHAUL, welding, front end aligning, take-up brakes. W. E. Ruff & Son, 38 W. Cen Ph. 223 Real Estate " SelfService Laundry AUTOMATIC washers and dryer; with soft water. Culligan Sof Water Serv. ph. 385,-37 E 2 S Service Stations STANDARD Oil products, lube wash, tire repairs. Dean Cobb ley, 295 So. Main, Phone 729-J Sporting Goods COMPLETE line of hunting, camping, camp-ing, fishing supplies. Art Bowl-ing, Bowl-ing, 45 W. 2nd So. Phone 574 Tire Service WE GUARANTEE fast service on every type of tire repair. Center I Service. Phone 399. ED Johnson Tire Service. Recapping, Recap-ping, vulcanizing, repairing. 43 , E. 2nd South. Phone 131. Used Cars ALWAYS the Best G. Lowry Anderson, Inc. Third South anc Main. Phone 177. Variety Store SPROUSE - Reitz Co., 265 South Main. Springville's Complete self-service Variety Store. B & G Store, 242 So. Main. Phone 8. Complete line of Variety Store Merchandise. Markets ! CRAGUN'S Market 687 No. Mai j Phone 320W. Featuring fruit i vegetables, meats and groceriei j SAFEWAY Stores, 245 So. Mail fresh meats, fruits, vegetable: dry groceries. Lumber j I j Coal Lumber m Castle Gate Dustproof coal Bennett's Paint Builder's Supplies Known for Dependability Kolob Lumber Co. Phone 12 38 West 2nd South Machinery Salt Lake City, Utah CONSTRUCTION ' MACHINERY ; SALES SERVICE - RENTALS BOB PARKER PHONE 527-VV Motor Rebuilding MOTOR REBUILDING by skilled mechanics from complete line of motor parts. Koepsel & Love, Phone 122. ' Mortuary Wheeler & Son Mortuary LADY ASSISTANT Leaders in Quality Service and Quality Merchandise! PHONE 44 or 293 211 E. 2 So., Springville Banking THERE is no substitute for monej in the bank. Springville Banking Co., 202 South Main. Barbers HUGHES Barber Shop Hughes Curtis and LeRoy Johnson, 25S South Main. Cafes FISH & CHIPS, Thick Tasty Malts. LeMars, 1700 South Main. FRIENDLY Service and Good Food. Cliff's Cafe, 266 South Main. DINING and dancing, banquets, special music. Melody Inn. Bill i Kapp, prop., at Park Ro-She. I : REAL home cooking. Ice Cream, fountain service. Monty's 248 South Main. v CHICKEN, shrimp and steak dinners. din-ners. Chicken Roost, 1 mile No. Main, Phone 118. Cesspools Cleaned CLEANED by Veteran. Waste hauled in sealed tanks. Reasonable. Reason-able. Phone Provo 3607. Feed Stores . PILLSBURY Best Flour & Feeds j Medical Supplies. Springvilk t Feed. 97 So. Main. Phone 230-J 1 GARDEN seeds, bulbs, fertilizer Garden & lawns tools. Smarts Feed & Prod. 340 So. M. Ph. 3C i Floor Coverings " RUGS, carpet, linoleum and tile, expert installation. Friel's 213 South Main. Phone 38. Funeral Home : CLAUDIN Funeral Home" 'I. : Ambulance Service 544 South Main Phone' 5 ; Welding PORTABLE equipment lor any job. Gen. shop welding. Red-the-Welder. 49 E. 3 So. Phone 509W Newspaper SPRINGVILLE HERALD FIRST IN $r Local News & Local Sports Local Society fe Local Advertising Subscriptions, $3.00 per year 161 So. Main Phone 57 I Paint - Wallpaper REYNOLDS Glass and Paint Co. Paints, Wallpaper and Sundries. Ph. 144. 346 South Main. . Photos' FINE portraits, weddings, family groups, copying & framing. Snel-, son Studio. 101 S. Main, ph. 66J ySlfflMT FESTIVAL tiiflii TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS r-Sfc-, BIG FESTIVAL OFFER SPjfol f5Jj WHILE IT LASTS... f-, i QuicK-Drying . Interior-Exterior ,.u, fl JAPALAC ENAMEL E ,00 LATEX MUL5,0N pAl" LJrririf3T World- most famoiu SPECIAL .1 Hlr z'psioq This offer for the 2-wcek Fest whiteth" I Period onIy is a dividend to the mil -QUART lions of satisfied Spred SATIN users- yiH!!iViJmkV E introduces the New Wonder Colors it I&sXJ ROCK-SPAR VARfJISH big savings for your Spring decorat"1?' I 0CK-sPA Buy on can. ony ,ilt jfc j GLIDDEN'S ALL-PURPOSE TitMMW ! :1ST WONDER PAIN1 j SAVE PAINTING DOLLARS ! Hn"l.J'r!akIn9 de0p Colrf 77 wth ENDURAHr r hab'8 brl9ht co,ort y0 i.ci I """'"""Pic iunmm,- Durable soft colon WlJJjk-iyy &fa: fM.-.ppl,B.y.l.r. y Looki''""' ' Fast-drying neutrol colort PIIONt 850 Cleaning & Pressing ALLAN CLEANERS cash & carry, car-ry, convenient location ample parking space. 373 S. Mn. Ph. 18 THE FINEST CLEANING THAT MONEY CAN BUY! Phone 299 HUMPHREY Cleaners 60 West 3rd South Coal BUY YOUR COAL from Boyer's. Delivery by pickup. Ph. 776 Ed-ward Ed-ward H. Boyer. 234 West 7th So. SPRING CANYON COAL. Buy from ' truck & save delivery charges. Reed M. Hales. 018-J2. E H. MILLER'S Cash Coal. Phone 0104-J2. Third house North of Holley's, east side of road Mapleton. Map-leton. ANY AMOUNT. J. G. Robbins. 368 Brookside Drive. Phone 563-J. Com. Fertilizer FOR farm, lawn and garden. Free soil testing. Edward H. Boyer 234 West 7th South. Phone 776.' Dairy Products DAIRY PRODUCTS Springville Milk for Springville People i Creamline or Homogenized SANITARY DAIRY i I Phone 377-M Drug Stores PRESCRIPTIONS, fountain. Free lelivery. S. O. S. Drugs, 214 Sojth Main, Phone 7. , Insurance GLENN HOLLEY, general agent, Pacific National Life Ins. Co., 154 South Main. Phone 415. Kif;ht now is the time to see us about retirement insurance. We have policies designed for business bus-iness women, whether married or unmarried, whether they have dependents or not. Let us help you plan a better future. "' ' - -aj Gifts CHINA, glass, silverware, small appliances, figurines, etc. Friel's. 213 South Main. Phone 38. Plumbing HERBERT J. CZIRR Prompt Service Plumbing Heating Repairing ' Water Heaters & Ranges 73 No. 4th East Phone 178 COMPLETE and prompt installations, installa-tions, sales & repair. A.H.Mort-ensen, A.H.Mort-ensen, 346 S 2 East, Phone 393. Printing ANNOUNCEMENTS, commercial forms, books, school annuals. Art City Pub., 161 S. Main. Ph. 57. Records RCA Victor, Columbia. Decca, Capital, and others. Friel's. 213 South Main. Phone 38. Refrigeration WE HANDLE all commercial refrigeration re-frigeration works. Phone 313-W. C. A. Deeben. |