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Show WANTED ! 'Van ted To Rent or Leasc ! V.' AN '..'j- for t":mnv-r mors -.hs, or Uug'-r. L,- ; .'..Mjhig J;:: 1, i l: "n .Sued house of i or S r- A. l-r ':,;,'!v t :, .,. Mur be f -pr-ysB pi-'". i;j puT of i"wn. Will take b-.st ff 1 ' pi-o-.. aad fumi.-h bigm-St retereiiees ir- WA ;-i ijii.-r, .--.:.;mr t::..:es. or l-Hoir. b- j gir. Ju;;- I. fur.i.n..l Louse T 8 , r-.-j:-- a : '1 tjr::, f.j-r la'elly of tv;n. Mi;V. ; 1 f .-:' -.-.-if phc-e. j'j I -.st part 1 ? Tou n. V. ;t. f;.; .. , s- ,.uri. ,,i vRi :(t!.i furr:'! I !.-'. st r,-f.. r..-L.j-H in th Cliv. J-'U-t- Wa. . ;:" .;- i i AN I'T - A io,..ro,g!ily mol'-rn. nicely fur- 't tin.' svr'. jj'-r b- a small family; no ''!- dp n. AddP-s E-20, T--i Lun:.-. i Ki;-,P,,?IKM; p.'-rty. family of 3. a 4-room i inoRrn bunga lvw it rui iu - with si pr-p ti-, nor-it, east Ki.jt. ; would cosidf r apartment "i i' fiii-u ; k i panic a lam. Address B-l 5. - I.N 1'LI.M UN ;.--ir-(. furnished ro"rn and sl"e-,- in c porch or v, el i vi' n i i I u t''tl Pi re t shed ni'im . '1' in, $1S it 'J-'J per ir.ij, Address ' ' LI.'! I.RUE I)'-i ;-.-, man wauls 5 -room 1e -tl nil t no sG-ieilv ni"dt-ru. Southeast prefer-", d . V' . 22 '.3. My Na.l-ord. ; 505 -J j i I EVIMILI", hniiMlv modern apartment or . hmgalo-y No children. Kef fi'iicta fur--i-:i-J W,rfs-. Bo-; 1-17.-.. city. y2G3 WA NTED lo rent. 5 in- Groom modern hou-e. -: i 'i-l-. I nil 1I land 5ns-u. -,5732 W A N'l i ID t. p-h-m, ,y r: - pouiMi parly, r. or 7 I'.j'nn modern house or bungalow. Lull Wa". 31 )-M v2572 I I RST i"T , unto iiii.-fhu n wants huio n -pail fci.,p by Jiiutj 1. Addrtsa E-oi;, 'Irilmn". V ANTED ; U";mfed Ho!) I'eniale .M.-U. Aft' t. I; A I J', ,ifil.A (... KA K. C-'JUI)! WA'.I.;; IN 'I Hi; ,M A 1 h I N 1 j AND tS'J K 1 N tj I, i.r. v.i.s j r i:oy i.f.NfHa, l"J MVLiI I.Ai. r. j y.l 1-10 '1 . i) n l Ff , mix POSITIONS. '"n'i n i.:: P. .id of .to.'k Ji:wdry M-j.-rk-n. '"'lun .ri li-a.J -,f f '-r-k rz KUndry B'-ct.ion. tjfily wmiim-h Mih pruM.u ability Lo by a-i'-.'l'-'l. Ai.h i:it rtrtos. i. co. M I ii ' 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ' i rrt ;-r ri:tly cm ( idea t ml. Apply iii piT.v.n ir urih-. -ir;i.fi V A N'I III) in ai.i, D K fAKl'Mt N TS ; i.M'i:i(ii:N( l; not n i:t i;ssA it y. best I" A Mi. A IT I A LALNUUT, V.iS li.VST KOl.H 1 H MUf.'l H. . yr:b3 I CR RENT For Jiont Hou-cs L'Rrurrishtd ! o :'0J. ii,. I., t;:'.d.. fi-T X."l " U.UOj MI!LY i CO:.i!'.NT, "i::-.- I.r..' '... U-i'Uu::,," ! -''"-'I i ' r ' I..-!.. ..; UP-l ia;-r..i. :.! w. v.r-.'. ! ,. ;n. "'rr , In. i ha, u, l.iJ WLi.vr li.3ls l.'.-'lt. i-.ji! r i I I:..::.-..-. far.,i.ju, JUs iT.'.i". i K. !!. '::ih:. I 1 iiji:; culylod. 0!j So. Stal t. ' ; yis:'ii A l-la)0l mod.. ..J..;t I). -live. 1-J'i ':M-L'lil I Ulti ;iaJ V'.Lt So-lli uTT . XL-tuple. uiv : 4 HIKH-S, v.alcr uud llu, Lu cluldfi-n. 1 7 J '- M 71 ID "HM .m.v. -'-'7 i. t..-i't lih,Lf, iTt W . li " I"' b. I'liooe . L'.IT'. M 'r U... -V, . l..ii; G !:t'iiM huns- Mti '., ,t u 1 s-. 7 viin'n It-'iis" t'l.a.v iLirnv. . Jospli K. biia', uu N'ts y.'.Hi K'luM hrirk. i;i Vsl Onl ?10? M'-K-ll.i,- l;.al l;-ralL- i luv. Co.. ilU W.ilk.T Kank tiMj. r.?7'.'7 1 . 4 Kli.nis. bal'i. CI..;! lard's .'nirl. I'var -'-.I Ka-I . I '.V, r !,.3,luay. .;mi:;i S-."'l 1 1. lr!oi. Iat.n una sar.h"i. f yA.UW. l'a4 ". Drd to. aCl'T U p. in. Was. W, yU2i S-KHO.H m.-h-m. HT Mail & 'ONll, a'Jl M-lutMO Id.U. .7. FOR RENT Apart n; -ants Furnished Illl' IinilMnvn AIMS.. 70 E.i-t Norih Tiv.i-j ..:-7.."i' t (li'.H. ,iuj!:: ll'n. KaC j -''I M..,.... v.- : ', LAC', E :.-roani Bp'.. T.-.a 'inTallv farois!',-!. ! -arSnMl a. , , rent J'jraii l!i- 5"a iavr; no tluldrco. tsll , ad. -Ia71-M. laLa llia..!.. i I Ann-...- i.uadv lariiiv'if '! a" a!:d a !' a aids.: i!.a.van:. t-'d. hMr.-lit; 11J . i:l dr. n. : . ;.-u M:V I.Y f.irnV.l 2 a".d o:. f.-r r.-m I a! ,.. an -.r-.h 7;l, A;m..' N-:L;hh 'V j IV'vd Haas,., 7;,:; w. 1st Mill,. ' " ;! AV1I.I, laat lay -l-rauai ai'annu nt v 'III Ut'iI;"; j 1'nr i.ir.n 1 1. ; all iurnilHai: i'u -ad ! !:'.'.-'r 'S'-l B. ala S.j.. Al'l. L. Lail W... 3 S1'!.i:NH11i H.d.rn nra, rm laa "ad W.'!. ,;.rti O.NU.f. i"adia a. bul'fat kil. la n. a. I. a ad ldi'-aa; t:r(a:ad 1,... -'n't .s. -a 7atst. a.a' .NKM'Li d.a-aralial. fiiK-ly funusi"d -I -:n :.'!. ZiiaiaLiuiau, -lid 11 a.ta -No L-liiii'.-a. vOl.l'MAl, am-. ial i.u!, 1-14 V. 1M S'ai,, will aal iial'-d ; ida.-ia ill; bata. pla.aic, ilcv., lar. a-. 4'Ha. bjlst', UBOI! A P I S.. IK.ly .-l.-aa..'d an-: da--, ,1 a ud. lo ?:,.ttn: L-aj, lj-ld. liiu-a f unu-'a-d. l'"'.'I S,ai.!i U'l.d la,--'. ka.'aia 1HH LVW'UULi nidi... L':i4 1-;. 1-.I autli 1 raoln. mod, 'rii, oak linbiad; ui- luiinlura; no rl.il.ln-n. wMI V i 1 ,K LEV aids. Tu,, lar;a nils., k 1 1 i-ln-n . ba 1 Ii , IK-ivly cK-eoralt-d, -a. JaLl 1'ii-rliaiU avian:.--. KoSiNESS OrPOilTUNlTIES Hol-.-ls .-ml Ronn'.ina: Mouses I 1 a.l A: -. I " I'l, lading t-vi'lda.-- . ;- . -a.,,,- h, :i',-,, in--:, :a. roaa-s a-' !!: - I- -I , ,- iraasa-at laaa.u-a- ill ll"- ; , ;.. I la ariaa.-.aaan, s,a-h U-al ,1-,- r-atj im laall's -ad all' an ,-,. fl...r a-,i : -., ,y i , i,, b,- 1 ! " P"rn. O-i a.-.'-Bl- i'r I'.- ii'i-'-aa;. .Mraa-Imari .-N .- !-..- aaaia-. l,.-: ,. r-o riiil"iir ..f llli- !!.. I ;.aa a.,': ,-rv aa-ili rbar -aia pay av-i-'b. If mi !! .ill la'a. ,,a .'d aU-il U is I!,- y,i t,,s! na-!a laakir' p:-,-pasll a-11 ia j I'.'vr ri.i;i:iT tii '' ir vol' i-1: r this ! run: Yni' M' aiisi'i i "i rt.v s.w tm: sr,:, rrn MiiMii s -rii r i-s n 1 1' mui nt J THAI' 'i ii i-si: i;im!s is u Hi; ill I n : lilN'l' ANI V. IMfll ll'-'-l's llli' M.TIHNH. f J.' IM lull. HAM.I.i: III1S 1'KOruMIH'N. .''i I--,,:.,. i na 10 dara ball . .1... 1 M 1 ,. 1 t'a- b,-sl l.-aali,,!! al'l lb-- a'a-ai-a-I i---at , n Iba ail, . ' ;Us laa:--- i ob-aiii' la-taaa! j ssdil .,,,, siiimo r laaalh abova all i-a-as, s. : I's-a- lii-:ii ,1 ,,,:,! i;M. antoaal a.-dad. L ar 1 1, , as' i iilviuiiai. ),''" 1 "ill ul' basau-ss (uliiab a--ls all n.-lliMi.-l. livs i absa'an.-iv Iba lu- I b-daM j ".iii ia I'l- ,-U' far a la'1,-1 u f'' llaaisrii'd dadars 'ill lia-alb' lins. laiao bi :nal t II, .1 ,a,-r nub i-ia aad i"ilko a propasi I ia., . My iaMna'liaas ara la irfiisa la- laa saaab 1,--M I, r. ;,s iao ov. ia-r is in a io;iiia'J hi vo ba urn- t sail. Cd r-ac.d-'rn );p i,,d-'l--. slaair, ba.Ta.l i-a-m-.; ba-l 1,,,-alioii ia tba city . ran!, ia.-iild ia i: b.a", ,,nl s-,n in, , a ib. aial ll'bi plaaa absallilalv abars s unl par innntli. SIL'iid n-ill biMidla. 'i ,'ii i-iiaa-.l id'i'ard la miss Ibis h' vim iial'.t Ilia bast tiaiis!:-M iaaalian ia iba oily. I WANTED Wanted JToIp Female W: :t-:- t',-:,l .,,-,,1,;-, r ir . .' s "' j '" da lb-.' ''.'..ir'.WMbai' . ' Vii-da ';.'!;:.. .J 3. Mam .ir.-t. u, .-.'.ars. :.xi'i:.';;::.'.i i.d i o.-.h-t um i. i 1:1; oi'LRA ron , j ;il;.t also hd'ii) 'III'!--;', i:.M'iu j AND Ai.'CL I ; A '! L; 1,0'Tj SALARY. AITLY !C UI.ST IMj MJI'III. CALL A-i. nvS. 1 ciki.s ami wn;i:',' 1 ii;pai;t- Ml, Ms Al'I'l.Y l;I.AIii' Hilt V,OCK. - ll'ir U I.A Y. C-.". hO. tjlA'iL ST. liUYAL LAL.NDlil. ?m V.'OMW of ,iaii!,-iik' ;i b 1 1 : " . -viMi bii'a ii-'-'I'l-tiiHniii-'i lu ilr. I. a'-..- a!i,i n-arby .-aaulry, s'ladiL f-. par i a, a in s,dba'. raj!-.- S7.CJ la .';' dally ..I'll liftla ai'f.al aad f, '.- aaais. A a aia-iit oi-iaiiiuiilly 1 vf :. lil. pally. A-llri-. Z all. 1 rlban,.. , :;r,:l I'Oft Ki-ilh I) Ilfi.ai I ;,!,; aria;;, .-ai i-T. . ,ia, Jiami; niii, ii, s .) y, obi, b, oia.a-a"- i-b-va In,-.-, .-A-ri,.,a a ui i n-- -i--ai ly if r 'I H,'i 1 1 L lo;i I ioiia - uro yoa' , y-.uil balarv. A:-pb.-Mil.. ..ff " ,.;;; iui m, b,7ui,",7iii,s i.T.Ti T'CT" i i- ia - in-p' H',11 ili-,;ii-ltiii-iir lo barona- asisiaal. lo Iba dapu n in .- n I na-jTiak'. r; p.-riaaa.-i! I ,ai::nn. Iina "blsii-lunily I,,r a d i ;i n , -,-iii,-ii I . K,,d s.ilary lo Lan v.illi. Apply riapl. K--illi U'Lriou lo. y.',7l' . y EUSIN ESS OPPORTUN IT Miscellaneous LVl'KA-mil'L'LV.UULUxT , Jil'-Z i;o"'"""' floor , " , f'd will r;.rrn ,-f fur ..tii i, 0 ' fu'"-" '"i" iw m pn-"' " M M SI Kl in' Al'AK IMl N Is . S 14 ,., plaaa. siriaily l,.,n. ;:-:-iV:,b:r,-..,rUlc:;r,,,,-f;: , l.a- r.l... li.-.u only S7a. and i;.;,0 u, U I'llMOLM I: LLI'AII; M,r ';' .lnn.-iy and laals. ibisl-araaf roam far ,' ia ,',a a,,o. A ,pla,l,d ,'o,a4' ,, ';i,r' . ""s;r,.aap' ,,rib:s"ii;;aVM' "" u I'P. a 'far 11.1 l lasasl"bii"riiiaC,1''U'i, ,.i alauarl'' "'" 'U '" 'lllc i '' " ' ll'1'L VIXTI IIESJ far ,, , ,, MA'i;L,;-iTir"' I'Asii i;i;iM i:in ,' '" I I'"' Plaaa lo" -l Ubiaw I ': ' dady bnsiaass. 'i.. a., .'.,.' ' .' '-. sia.d'. I..,",'!"-i' PaVa'anl. S"J '''rJ " Llisl'AI KANT Ml! I; I. M MY Hiss SSI lj , Any ,;.-:,so,,ab,a .d'far ,., u . , IViia-'VaiPniaT'lVf,.":; K'! ' C.nsis,:, ,' tbo.f.dba.i,,;,-: Ilaubh-, i V' I'""'-''- I'o'iiilar, Mviiad . Intlrs. mlri-r j Sbaiio.isas, i l ar,-. Lit. 1,011 .-Mliipii,,.,,,; . , l',"H Ul'"'' fni'i'lH"'' and n.lsi-ilh I his ra.slaurii.it b;,s dandy slaopi..,. ,,,, ,, V "' 1' ' l "I'b' l Ilia offK-o uiul ;!'' ' oal und slam- you. Koinombrr, ' ; ba ii bark-inn. ..n b,l ban,,,- iulrn ' l, ATI'S FII.V 11LAL1 V CO " la Lilsl l'aui lb tolllli. Ll Ll'J'ID.NAL opporluully for yourj "111, plcasint; porioua li ly- to ynlt-r ,x 'i us piirliK-i- In well paMiig enter piiit. w " aull-u S'JOUD (o faCIC'l). Addross E-13, Tr - anted Board and Room GLVJ'LLMAN. I.asr raforancos, ivauts iilausnnt '"' ".it, . privato family, duriiii; summer nuaiihs. AMr--ss !; ;I7. Tiiblilta. Jabl7 n'l.TI-:il-;m ial board by a goulb'inan. 'all Was. Hi I. -i, liooai 41. j5I3 Vi'A.NTKL-TU BI'Y Ul'SINLSS ASH APAKT-ilL.NT APAKT-ilL.NT UOCSK Ll-.'AL ESTATE. Li. EAKNES, 4,il-4Pa-Illi Bostou Bid?. Call Was. 4UL;2 -!UJii any lime, including Sundays. ltar H number of elients w ho are looking for an invent raeui in business or apartment bouse real estate und tbey asked us to look tl.em up some k'",'d puyinij propositions tiiut uro Murtli ibe pui'L'baiie price asked. ff ion hate nnytliin.gr that is worth while, get In touch with us immediately. D. BARNES, iot-.n'j.4lii Bostou Bide;. Call Was. .luaLMUa'S any time, including Sundo r3, n-ssae Wli liave o uuinber of buyers for mall homes. What have ,,,iu for bale? So if you would like to soil, lisr your property with us. TUB WRIGHT COMTANY. -TO Templclon lildg. Vas. 1610 Mai 'JO A 4 OR a ROOM home; will pay S'aOrj; SUnn down and a mouth. Address TJ-'J, Tribune. ya!H2 Y'IIO lias got n bargaiu iu real estute? Lei mo know. Stale price and location. Address L-7,0, Tribune. y5677 I W ANT a nice little home in Grd ward, or close by. Address L-ali. -Tribune. y-5670 Aii!ilS335a!!- REST' prices paid lui- second-band furniture aud stoves, rauges. .Michigan Furniture Co., Was. '."I- y-K.a WILL PAY HIGHKST CASH PRICK FOR SLCONlt-HASD FL'KNITUHE. 1'HOiNE WAS. S7.70. 13S9 SPOT CASH PAID FOR FL'RNITUF.E AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. CALL WAS. 41101). uSS7 WILL pay up to .aU each for three good rugs, also want diuing set uud refrigerator. lly. fa-R. :;w2 liCl SLUOLD goods wanted. Will pay you what ,'bey ale worth. Salt Lake Furniture Co., l?a-3a l?a-3a :J7 l-L Broadway. AVas. 31187. a7jo4 SPOT cash paid for used furniture. Axelrad Fuiuituro Co., 4- Weat Broadway. Was. p,S,'i. 131 6 I Nl-iEI) your furniture. Call me before selling. sell-ing. Spot cash paid. lid "Y. Bdwy. W as. aSl-tl. t39afi 'ASATCH FI KN. CO. pays most for secondhand second-hand fdiruilure. 307 So. State. "Was. S&IJ. va3S4 Wanted Automobiles A TTfT7ixclNTn Slate street. Cars bonclit. said, exciinngod. Merchants' special service, uigUt and day repairing uc Hotudromo. y3711 AY.LL trade crop of lU'ij ueres of' wheat, 4 acres of u 1 fit 1 fn . 2 acres of orchard, nil well wa ten.d, for a u Loin obi le ; must be iu good coii-diiion. coii-diiion. K112 So. 3rd East. v4jS3 'V, will buy your Fords in auy kind of condition con-dition or shape. Slate St. Motor, GGS fo. State. yOTOii WANTED- One Maxwell body o-passenger. 11)17, in good cuiidUioii. lly. HG7-H. 337 4tli E;isE y37GS WANTED Koadster; imist be iu Al mechanical com! i lien ; bargain lor cash. Address B-7, Tribuue. y!714 I WILL )ay cash for any late model, popular make -1 or 0, shabby condition:. Address X-14, Tribune. )0S0 IF you want to sell your light six 5-passenger car to private party at a bargain, call Was. Ct74 nr lly. U77t;. . y5."iL'2 W A N TED To buy. inecoud-haud trailer; must be in good condition. Address Box 1st. Magna. T.'lah. y5G!tj LI; ITT car, up to ?3tM) cash; must be gi.od buy. Albert Collins. 29 West 1st So. y.r.r79 5S modern. stc;!ni healed, up to date mein'-, f iivs: -cla location. uuner wn! soil and viH tnii ke 1m' -aei ifi ce. 1 raordiuarily cheap rent. T.-l,-phone service in each room. l'riee on'v .14i.)li; i;. Mvri!i nmro than twice Ihr a mouii ( . Act I'juifk ly i f on want 1 his ca Iraordinarily big iTtrgain. IT-1; P'orlern.' up to ''ate hotrl. cle;;r!n": nbout C.L'mO per nionih. 'j'hl'j absehnely is the fi"est hotel .n tjie wet. Owiht lias made a fortune in liiis placp and lias decided to retire. 'i u can buy liiis place for about half of what it is really ior;h. r.-'-oom modern, up-(o date, be a ut i ,'ully fur-n fur-n i - lieii . cln-.!' . i n ;i nt . Ionise. 1 'osti vely clearis pnr in on ; h a beve all e p?:ipes. Loch t ion is best in Hie oil ; is full all the time and always al-ways has a large waiting ltt. ?.'iO0O uill handle. Ci7 roen modern, up-to-date, centrally lo-cated lo-cated hotel: (dears S4ui per monih above all expiues. '1 he heat is furnished with the rent, and the rrn t is the cheapest in tuv. n for litis kind of location:. $15111) will handle this proposition. prop-osition. 1 f von are In the market for any kind of I butiiieis or hotel, tee me, I I 40!-.RUM 10 15 oh I on Building. Was. 4032 -1033. ' D. BA UN LS, yrw;2o PAAIS INVESTMENT COMPANY, V tali's Dependable Hotel Brokers. -10-ROOM HOTEL, Just off Main street; sleam heat; rent only S12."i a month; furniture furni-ture in fairly good condition. Owner is ;'oin"; east and will make a big sacrifiee if sold a 1 once. No r en son a bh of f.'r refused. If y.uj want a BIO BAKUA1N", come in and see this. 35-KOOM HOTEL; all new furniture: hot and Mild rminiug wa (or in all rooms, public and private bat lis. moms rented nil the time; excellent location in the business district ; low rent, steam beat. If you want n first-elass hotel at a bargain price, THIS WILL INTEREST YOU. S ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING ANT) StEETl NO. beautiful east side location, nice lawn find sh-lde. big backyard : income about ?7j a month, reserving a beautiful apartment apart-ment for the owner. Rent of building only S3o a mouth. Hot-water heating plant. Tn fat. this house is stricl ly modern in every respect and is located only t u o blocks from the business part of I he city. Owner is goinc lo ins ranch and will sell for onlv Sr,50; ?3rj0 cash. A GENUINE BARGAIN. 10 BUO MS. excellent loca tion. close in ; furniture furni-ture practically new; all rooms rented: a nice home aud a good income ; st rin ly modern house. Ken I only $Uo a month. .Benuliful shade and lawn. A REAL HOMELIKE J'LACL. First time this house has been offered on terms. THINK! ONLY S.V.0; ?UU0 cash. WORTH MLCU MORE. x DAVIS INVESTMENT COMPANY, 421-41212 Melntyre Bldg. Wasatch 1!M3. yr.tilO CAPITAL INVESTMENT COMPANY, ol3 Desyrel Bank Building. Was. oSGl. HERE IS AN OPPORTU N I TY ! if! -room hotel, strictly modern, phones in nil rooms. n'rfic are connected with private baths, located 'in the heart of the city. A chance lo double your money in thirt y days, if jon have Slodu cash t" invest. Sickness the cause of this big sacrifice. Very cheap rent, only SuilO prr mont h. E cry thing iu f irst-cla ss cmidit ion throughout. We an- authorised to qnoie tliis wondcrf ul ba rga in for t he next few da.v s for the bargain price of only .$K0". Do not overlook over-look this opportunity. See H. IL Leatluim. r.l.'l De-eret Hank bid).'. y.- 17.1 Sir.fiO DOWN buys double house, G-room modern each side. Income 1V per cent a mouth. " East s i d e , near c a r bams. Inveslmeni now brings in per cent a month. Can be improved to bring in Ju per cent or more. One double house (-1 aids. ) and one 1 -story hoi i so (li a pis. I . Very a t tract i ve propo-sition propo-sition as investment. !?o000 in all; terms. Home 1 nves tin cut & Sa vings Co., 2'J'i Walker Bank bide. y.'nSu .! A i , ,h Kirl.-, el lou storo- park. Piint'-y mi ls, ..IPiuMoiie park. W nitre:,'..-,. Vollowsione park. S I'K (M ' K 'H EM '. AGENCY. VA NTL.I) - 'I y sti-.niB " women; good u7ig7n mil i,wr 4lt ;rarrH; to eb-an rugs; long J.-b. 'HI Was. II) ('ll. I b.'furi! h in the morning and after G lu the e.euiug. oUl .So. W. Tempi'. ; V.joUO ON Sunday, from p i,, . ,s udll d.-uionst ra t e to ep.-rieiir.'i i',inv;iaSiTs how pn-s'-ul tilaff ff uoik'-r.-i is looking from ?3.j to $50 u weel;. "no more u nut ed 1-j complel e crew. Shubrtek HPts., ii-r.. ;,Mr i'.M'AHLE. iii'iliM uoman to eb-rk lu Htore aud do light work in bak'-ry. Hours froiu S . m. i'U . l.cli Homo Ba kery , 1 Gj Secoud La at . ;.G!3 ' A N Tl ,H- A hoiifi''k'"per for n l'a rrn house ; no rhildn-u; Jijj,t. to to cook for. Mule uages. Good home to rij;ht parlv. It. D. No. 2, Baud v. , Tt'JX 13M. .S7-ft 1 Mldvale. . 3oSD , i t I j N i i Judy n I tending m-IiooI ilrtirrH work tu priatu family for board and room. Was. 1 KTS. y-.M'S A GIKIi vho unilerstandei sewing wanted ini-mefiiuiely; ini-mefiiuiely; (steady employment; yood pa v. Hll E. Vnd Mouth. y.'IMTo HOI.SEKLEPKR : must be fcood -ook. mlddle-'igt'd; mlddle-'igt'd; Dillci'i. Mont. Steady position; exceptionally excep-tionally good place aiul pa v. References. Call I'.'it lllh East .trier 3 p. m. y3373 ti I ll L for g.-niTii I ho n to' work, uo washing, $ 10 a month. Go3 La.t ud South St. Was. GoL'1. y4P31 ( ..Si; girl to assist, with hout-ewurk. Was. JfMll-J 77 S mreet. y 3.101 WAITRESS wauled at once. Call at 17S West So. Temple. : 3491' t'UUH b learn stress. 42 South Ma ill Btreet. yir.13 W ANTED Chambermaids at Beiuloli hotel. ' y 1 Gr.r, WA NTEU Woman lo do some cleunlng fur housekeeping room. GIO W. Teniplo bt. yaoa IN'TI'jl j LIG E NT uometi for truveiing, selling toilet virepu ra I luUa. I'rci loua ei perieuce thW .Hue unnecessary. Aha. Ida Cbemul'f, Hotel ''' LL4 r, . EX PERI ENCED millinery mitkera wanted. Ap p!y Western Out fir Co. , 2 10 South Sta (e. millin"ry department. 3rd floor. yUiJ)7 GTULS for sewing machines. Anptv Mrs, Bv-water, Bv-water, 7s. C. M. T. oternll factory. rli730 1 EN salealuilics and tdore deuionst ra t ors ; good s-ilary. Apply room 417 Dooly bldg. 3u3l CillUi to hssIsI in Relit housework. per uiouth and board. Good home for rizht cirl tDt B st. Was. tVJ3-'-J. yjqu MAIDS; apply housekeeper. Wilson hotel. y27'-9 I UMPETLNT girl for geuernl liousework. two In tamil;. lOol East Su. Temple. Was. 7000. yL'S:.l GII!L to assist -v i f li housework, one who liked babies. .No, TJ Hllh-rcst apis. yL'G03 A A X'J'ED Teai-herc, hich school, special, grade and rural. Phone Was. J!L':). x'620 L N I'ERTAIN l-.RS wnuted; mnt be eood biugers. Minera Cafe, Marion Hotel bldg., Orden, I!;!1 xG14.-, tilRI.j; over 18 wanted at 143 West Second South: cent waees. xG4."i9 W A N Ti1; D Nurue girl. Apply OT? 2nd ave. X42H0 "GMAN to earn ?".( while lakine our 40-dav eoiirse; many Im ve done so. Brown School of Dressmaking. 174 Kat-t So. Temple. aGISG Sl'KOCK S pl.o Y ME NT AiThNCY. I 'esl S.-eond fMuuh Sf. Was. 0000. Oldest. B,--t and Reliable. r 1 o 3 4 I-1 R LS for sew iug f u i s ; ei perienccd preferred. JUniTel F,,r ( 0. p0 Mi;iu. W121G W A NTLD S I rong w oma u to cok on Wyoming ranch; L-ood home, good wages. Call Was. 3-b afternoon. y3420 (..IUL fiT housework. I'lioue Was. 171G. or call at 2.r3 ."'tb :ni', ySGo W A N T 1 . i N u rsiv i rl . one who ca go home nights. 223 4ih me, Wa. f.0S3. 3GG4 WANTED Gir! to assist with peneral housework, house-work, experienced, t3"). .No. 2 Louise apts. y4S04 t OM PKTENT i.irl, 1wo in family, good wages. G1H 1 h t avenue. Was. 37.VJ. y47.".2 WANTED Nurse girl, one w lio can go home uighfs. Apply 223 4tli ave. y3253 ( I' NG or ni idd Ic-a ged woman, yen era 1 housework house-work ; good position. 1131 llth East after 3 ii. m. y374 j ALEX A N D KI A , 332 So, W. 'JVmp'e. strictly modern 1, j and 3 room apis,, b!eep,ng rioui-, rmini'vj: warer. ;371l FUR rent for two mouths. Phone- Wasatch 830-1-M. ,4U13 'IHR ELI rooms, modern, furuished apt., willi sl.'f piug jiorch and garage ; nice lawn and no children. o'JO Pth ae. ylel'-S FOR liENT 3 -room furnlshfcd upt. Oxford a ii UO W. No. Tunpio. UiO TWO and time-roomed apts., furnished or unfurnished: un-furnished: ideal location. 110-A Mo. Main. joMO THE ROSEWAV Nicely furnished 3 aud 4-ieoni apts. Phone Was. SUU 1. uGG4 Apartments Unfurnished MODERN 3-room apartment: gas range and beater, Hulmes disappearing bed. etc.; ground floor; very desirable for the p':'ce; no children; 20. Apply 0i3 East Gtii youlh. y4oS7 5 ROOMS. Blriclly modern, with large sleeping porch, gaH range, linoleum, close iu. 320 East olh Soull), $10; uo children. Tel. Was. 2o 7 1-J. vMii W E I LER it pari in en I 2 roi,ms u ud ba th ; cioe in; disappearing bed; janitor. Was. oliP. x7S0 FILLMORE API'S., Cor. 2ud W. and . 2ud So. Modern flats, lla'!'00d floors, sleeping porcli, disappearing bed ; $28.50. Apply Yissing, Wfis. 2753. or janitor. 3 -778 SNOW API'S., 4-room and bath, $25. Was. 474U. yQ4'J'J TWO iooujnv sereeued-in porches, light and gas. I n q u i re 38 W . G I h South. xoe 12 FOUR-ROOM, striclly modern apartment, with large sleeping porch, $110 per muutU. Inquire 100 W. 1st North. y3GU3 GODBIG APTS., 104 E. So. Temple., one 8-room modern apt. Phone Was. 45M-W. 3SS2 BULLEVARU apts., Ulh East aud 1st South; modem fiat, basement, $20. Apply Yissing, Was. 12753. or janitor. y-looU 4-ROOM modern; hot and cold water; heat; $US. SOU East st Souih. J 4 So 7 ITiESCOT'J' apartments One G-room suite. Apply Ap-ply janitor, or plie Was. 4152. y5272 For Rent HousekeepingRooins HIGHLAN D APTS. , under new uiaiiageuieuli Nice housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 1 block i rom t he uui ersiiy ; good lake and city view: with light, hot and cold water and linen furnished. Rents reasonable. 131U E. 2nd So. Hyi lif.tlS. y3G'''2 b fit H.. i'LV mod. Ii. k. rooms, lights, gas, phone, bath, shelf in ice box furnished, rent reasonable. Was. 0'Ji2. 271 West -ilh Bouj h. y5u'- SLTI'li 3 rooms, newly papered, 3 others, nice, coo 1 . 50 Norlh First West. y 57 4 3 A PA RTM ENT for cou pie in new, mod. home ; sleeping porcii ; reasonable. 010 Wal I st. W'as. OlciS-M. y."011 COOL room and kitchenette; walking distance university, lly. 1U25-M, or 1175 E. 7th So., afternoons. yooSI. NICE large room and kitchenette, on ground floor ; a Iso 1 - room apt. ; light and gas ; reasonable. rea-sonable. 5S No. Main. y5Gol 2 CLEAN housekeeping; no children. Phone lly. l!iilitv. 410 E. 3rd South. y 50311 2 .MODERN furnished rooms for housekeeping. 014 S. 12nd East. j5040 4 ROOMS with bntb, upstairs; no children, 125 a mouth. I uqu i re H7S So. 7 th East. y074 1 AND 2 rooms; gas. 421 Church st., 4th So. bet. Main aud Btale. -833 LOZY 1. Ii. k. room, gas, closet; modern conveniences con-veniences ; close iu. 12S F st. y 2.133 3 NICELY furnished rooms, modern; gas, piano. 217 West 4th Bo. y2!S0 2 ROOMS and kitchenette, w i th gas, lighl, bath and phone. SG C street. w 01)05 FOR cheap I. h. k. and sleeping rooms, 1 . ;0 and up per week, ca 11 at 231 Bo. 1st West. x-152 APARTMENT for housekeeping, gas and lieht; reasonable rent. LU E. 1st So. xll-iP!) TWO newly cleaned rms., partly furnished; no children; walking distance. o-M E. 1st So. y2'128 FOT." R well furnished rooms, electric light, garden, $17. b43 West' Third No. Was. 3373-W. .v342 SO ME houst.s f..r i-piil. 'Jul He Bros. Co.. 100 Main st. Was. 1231. r2210 MODERN fa -room ; -ar.ur, lav.ii, back iard; close in. Was. DGS-U. y5-J77 FOR RFNT 7-room frame hcue. Miod.. larg- yard, garage, .iuth Last, nliar l"Ui So. CaM V as. fcjip-u. ;530'J 4 A N D 5-rooni modern. Inquire 251 &'o. 3rlt '"'-t-. ' .v5037 3- J;ot)M hou.-.e, partly mi.rieni, with ,'as range: close in. 05i; So. 3rd East. y5M 1 4- ROOM lions-; f,n. rtMil; modern; no children. W. 3rd North. ' y57 45 5- ROOM uiodern. on OGi So., bet. Stale and 2nd Easl ; '-.,-. Hamilton pta.-e. y5T3. Bedbugs Exterminated RESULTS guaranteed. No dirt. A. M. Rice, Wusateh K5VJ. wl7&5 ForRent Houses Furnished TO THE right party, our home on E. 2nd So. st., completely furnished Srm. inodern; hot-water hot-water heal, piano, garage. James K. Shaw, 200 Ness bldg. v3520 BEAU'.TFUI,LY furnished &-room modern homo on First avenue ; liueu, china, silver, player piano, everything complete lor $05. Call Was. '-b-L y51201 3- ROOM t'uriiislied, modern collage; no children. Call 230 Brunswick place. Was. 3011-R. . ' yot02 4- ROOM furnisheil. Inquire 73S Bo. 4th West. 75570 JoIt-urnished Rooms ONE desirable l'rit room, well 'f urnlsiied, in modern home, a;.Vins pri va te sleeping porch and bath, convenient Vor r.vu ; gentleujen onlv; garage ; references. as. 1054-M. ylPOl NICELY furnished rooms, 73 .North Stale si., 270 E. 2nd South, 400 E. 3rd South. Call Was. 3130-M. yj,fi TWO furnished rooms for rent, slriclly modem. 730 Fast 7th South, llylaud S0S-M. y10J3 IDAHO Hole!. 1'tH ' E. 4th Bo., nicely fur nished outside rouimi, 50c aud up a night or $2.50 and up a week. y21 1 4 NICELY furnished room with running water in outside, elose in apt. No. Louise. .VJ739 THE LITTLE HOTEL, 107 Main Street. A. Fred W'ey UoLd Co, 100 rooms, w ilh baths, closets, phones, hot water, elevator, home eomforls; weekly rates. U137S NEW Salt Lake hotel, 372 M:in 75c and $1 day ; $3. $3.5U, $ I to $0 week ; clean, nice lobby ; good tr-v ice, phones, hot and cold water, free bath. ml 033 FURNISHED room, with or without board; steam Icat. 577 E. 4ih Soulh. u3495 NEWLY furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Apply 302 So. West Temple. x2020 LARGE, pleasant front room for 2; also small room; reasonable. Was. 45SD-XL 135 F st. x 5 Ml iS MODERN, nicely furnished, clean room; gentle-in gentle-in nn preferred. 4112 E. 2nd So. x5S!l7 NEWL Y furnished rooms in modern home; garage. ga-rage. 27 U. 1st Bo. Phone Was. 230G-R. xOllO ND'E furnished room for rent,' cool us a sleeping sleep-ing porch; private family; close in. Was. 0S40-W. y5513 NICELY furnished, clean rooms, $2.50 per week. La:-L;e. front room for one or two. 350 Mast 4(h Bo. juS12 FU RN 1SH ED rooms $20 per month and up, with private bath 27.50 per mouth. Keith opts.. 122 East South Temple. y3372 BE A UTI FL L rooms iu modern home, close in, $10 upward. 55 1st avenue. y3S55 1 NICELY furnished room, breakfast if desired. de-sired. 134 A street. y4030 MCELY furnished room in connection with bath. No. IS La Franco apts. Was. 2030-J. y4330 IN" mod. home, nicely furnished rooms, one wilh large sleeping porch, suitable for two: also a garage. 253 -1th nc. y4377 TWO small rooms, clean and quiet, $10. Rear hl28 East 4th South. y4S20 NICELY furnished, clean rooms, close in, reas-onable. reas-onable. f-iO Sonlh First West. y52126 NEW'LY furnished rooms, $2.50 up. one block. from posloffice. 302 Bo. West Temple. y5345 NICE front room, furnished, for rent. 307 East Otli So. Was. 7544-.1'. y5747 LA RGE. well-furnished room, private Imme. 445 E. So. Temple. v57J)7 lit. N G Ljlii for hghl housework ; family of I wu ; ,,',,0,1 ages. Call Was. faOL2 W be-f"i-e 10 a. m. or after 7 p. ui. No. 5 Fillmore ai'ja. y.'iVPl' CLEU K w a I. Apply '1 em pi clou Baker-'! Ill K. It So. y57S2 WOMAN ili.,h via.-her. .li-.-iou eafelena. 327 -":i M. y57b3 W A N T E! J - -E. pern in.',., Ul, ynis. Sli.i v's eaVena, 3- B-., M:iin. yoi'M A GIRL uilh ipcrieuee in &-wii,;; w7niT--T Standard Tailoring to., I OH E. 2nd So. 1 5727 HAIRDRESSER, moat be first -etaas, all uround worker: best ui salary paid. Room 218 Hotel Utah. y4U40 LOMl'E I ENT girl to d- family rooking and some housework; no washing or irouing; good aget Was. M00. yoOlO STOP those headaches, eye fit rain, nervousness. Be.? Dr. Hughes, 2nd floor Judge bldg. y5704 WANTED -Good, competent stenographer that has had experience. Stare age and experience. experi-ence. Address E-l (, Tribune. y 551)4 AT Provo, Utah, imrnin nen I position for clerical cleri-cal work, with selling ability. Address SlS M"eln(yre bldg.. Bait Lake. y5000 EX PER I ENC ED millinery sa lesw omen to work hi millinery sales Monday morning. Apply Saturday inornirjg between 0 aud IL ut 6upt.'s office, Krith-OTlrieu t o. 5GU0 WANTED A c-ouk. GO 1 East Isl South st. y3120 W A NTED 25 sa lesladies to work UoLise-to- house canvass in cit ; good salary. Applv 117 Dooly bhU. y 1 7S4 E.XPERI ENC ED girl lor general housework; small fLinily. Appl 1212 Last Bo. Temple direct. yl7SS GOOD uirl for general housework; small family. Apply 115 K. Secoud Mouth. yl32 - -- WANTED 2 yuung ladies. 11-1 WeBt 2ud Bo. j33S WANT good satet-people, eiiher sex, take order Iron: housewives for Mazola Cooking and Salad OR, tu be delivered by their regular grocer fan en ; easy to sell. Salary and comuiissiou. C. J. Oliver, Beuiloh hotel, 7 :3U to i) a. us., a fter 7 p. m. y2tino YOUNG girl w anted at once for light house-work; house-work; small family. Hv. 1U77-M. Add. 21P$ .So. 0th East. y;-t2n0 GIRL for housework. Phone Hv. 23'1-W. , 5200 TEA N A B and 1 (akine small ranch near oirj : give me your general delivery address. II. H. C, geueral deli v ery , ri ly. j 52ll GIRL wanted to help wilh light housework; may do washing and ironing it rare to. Call 1010 Lincoln slieel, or phone Hylaud S3-M. yt''2,-)7 PRESSERS on ladies' fancy earmeuls; steady work ; good paj . M , ers Cleaning A- D 'eing Co. y5G7'J WANTED A maid for fur'nislied apartment house work; good wages. Apply Richmond apts. y5G 5 9 WA N TE D Good girl or wvmm u for generut housework and cooking; sinall family. 50 So. 3rd East. y5020 WANTED Chambermaid for day work, 4 hours. Broadway Hotel, 222 W. Broadway. yoO IS ' W.ANTED Competent middle-aged woman for genera I housework ; fa mi 1 v of f our ; no w asli-1 asli-1 ing. Telephone Jlyhmd 2323. y5S10 , CiIAMBElLMAlDS CULLEN HOTEL. 1 3-500" ; WANTED W oman to clean offices. Apply en-giuepr. en-giuepr. Newli'iuse bldg. y505S t.llOn home for young girl; small wages. Was. ; G5S1-W. y540l GOOD cook . no house work , 3 in fa mily, be-t wages. lly, 2014. " yo-130 AN experienced girl for general housework ; K'od wages. Hy. 31P0-W. y54!0 GIRL wanted for prinling office. Aoply Caxtou Press. 315 Hooper bldg. 23 ",. 1st Bo. y547G WANTED Two girls who want steady work. Apply today. Hotel Utah Laundry. y5477 EXPERIENCED hairdresser for Beauly Parlor, 515 Judge bin;. y5470 EXPERIENCED lady for clerical work: answer iu own baud writing. Address E-12, Tribune. 1 y54PS G I RL for housework ; no washing ; three lu fa mily. 250 So. 3rd East . y5523 WANTED Cook; good wages. Phone Was. 2IJKI. GROCERY STOKE FOR SAL11. ' Ca:!i grocery, L-ast bale location, duinc per nieiith business. Rent $15.uo. pri fixtures $15b and invoice stock ubont CLALDE D. BTEEI'ir. 410-411 Nosb aa t SOG0. THEO'B lunch staud, 202 No. 2nd West ? bile high school, suitable fur Mimd' : rabbit pen ,r chicken coop. Call ur -Ii laud 2030 J. i'. FOR S A L E A p-of i lab le Jeweirv hu1 ' ' making business in the best, rity in 1 (Poeatello). Stock about J50UO.0U "iloro '" than a GOOD man cau care for. Tnetil .xears in business. Wish to retire. If ym. a good paying business, write me. J. X.. , brl;p, Pocateilo, Idaho. MODERN, up-to-date smla water f act orT mile or rent to responsible parties; ens ! incuts. Plant located at Logmi, Ltuli, a .' e-juippeil and ready lor use. A sreutbi if taken at ouce. Apply tu Dr. P. 51. Pi Logan. Utah. BUSINESS man to make small tnvesimi eslablish factory making staple urlicU: large demand; unrepre-seuied in btate; 7 portunily. Address F-2. Tribune. FOR SA LE Paying business fully 7ii" '; with necessary tools, lathe, etc., for g7 repairing of all kinds; employ 10 uioq. "; dress L-24, Tribune. FOR SALE Only drug store iu llvt '': town. Only soda fountain. ?40iw, o:; invoice. ("'nsh business over $1200 ptr ( i See Mr. 1'aus of Smiih-Faus Drug Co., i . dress E 30, Tribuue. NOTICE -For sale, cheap, a good puling r rant. t)wuer must leave city ul vikt. Was. 402S for in forma Gun. 1 HAVE $10UU to $25UU and hervtiT', est. Proposition must bt b'itiinn ;: money maker and sland closest iavubtij Address E-10. Tribune. FOR SALE Only pleam laundry in Price, big business. Machinery in b-oud sli;it . vesliga te. l'rice Bleum Laundi'.v , Price, FOR MALE- Blacksmith shup and autoi". repair shop in eon nee I ion. For uartl address box 230, Green Ki ver, W'yu. PA R'l N E It wauled with capital to take est in well-established business; g-ioU ' guaranteed to right party. Address Xya, une. FOR SALE A well-establislied, paying '.'. ture store; $50U0 lo $10,000 will Inuidl.. snap if taken at once. Address 'JUli Elm or Hyland 218-Wr. :' FOR SALE The kuowledgo of lh gr money-maker ever put on the inarkft. : from 12 lo 7, room C-ll, Keajuu h-A FOR BALI Three-chair bhon fn guo'l town. For particulars call at Wcilcru ber Supply company. ' OIL bhiik Best oil siiale lands in L'. S.; to R. It. Will cost $3.12 an iicro -deeded. Write A. T. Gulliver, Jlegeatu, MODERN up-to-date oda waler factory, 1 at Logan, Utah. Factory all eouipoe ready fur use. Buick truct included. j Bold at once at n sacrifice. AppU t0 1 M. Panltou. Logan, Utah. LARORINii man's rooming house; goud lion, low rent, paying well. Old ug! of Belling. Apply owner, 110 ', Reg'-'t't k. FOU sale, cleaning, tailoring, with buL invoice $2000; offered for $1500, ou a .. of bickuesb. F. Malerick, Kemnierer, STORE fur sab-; good business and fil , 021 No. Main st.. Pocateilo. Idaho. : FOR SALE. First-class tailor shop, doing a good bo ' :.lust sell quick on ac.-ount of lllaebS. liable li-able rent. Boston Tailur Shop, 474 K. 2. i Finrixial EP0T CASH FOU i LIBERTY BONDS. ; PARTLY PAID RECEIPTS, WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. Our prices based ou N. 1. Stock tl , (plot a I ions. . - Oul-of-H-wu parties mar snd b-jnO R Et ; 1 S'J'E RE D MAIL. We will returu money same day bonds are received. CENTRAL BOND EXPIUNGB. LICENSED LIBERTY BOND DEALER 4U5 CONTINENTAL BANK Ui.Ub -Open openings, 7 to 6 oTduCk. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONUS. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS 1 'S 1' A LL.M EN T BOND KLCEIP1S. BONDS OK STAMPS SENT BY REGISTERED MAIL PROMPTLY REMITTED FOIL LIBERTY BOND KXCIJANOL. . 225 JUDGE BLDG. : MOVED FROM -W- , LIBEKTY" BONDS BOUGUT, ' SPOT CASH. -NO DELAV PAYING CURRENT NEW YORK! PRI. Receipts for partly paid bond aho U Mail orders bolicited. G EORG E A. SH EPA RU, 0 j IS Wef-t 2nd .South- ! TaSLI-FOR LIBERTY BONDS. PHONE WASATCH liol. n?,G South Main Street, " Doo- N ..-th of Posiofticc. OH-eti Every Evening. I A. A. Greeanood. Manager. j Highest price paid 1 for I W-tr Savings Stamp?. ' ! UARTLEY A HARTLEY, 411 Jnd-e Bldg. V UIOIBTV bonds ai.d rec, ipts. ho '' milu.trial stod.s, bo;,gh. sold. -E. C. D A ILb, 01. So. V.alu St. - wav t pi-k'vVu "-in I fi ,m;v i.nu-rTuTidberty b..mb aj . " Abe's Loau office, 4? W. 2nd Bo. HOTEL FOU SALE CHEAP. ' 20 rooms, strictly modern: very best of furniture; central loration. Rent $IO0, iurlud-ing iurlud-ing heat. Price $1700 for quick sale; $10dO down. bal. e;isv' terms. CLAUDE D. STREITT, 410-411 Ness Bldg. Wasatch SOOO. FOR SA LE 10 room?, modern, f urnislir-d f,,p ho'.isekeepinrg ; close in : desirable neighborlioort ; good money maker. SO C street. Was. 107S-M. x 4275 ONE 0-r'iom house and 7 -room hou:e ; bot li excepi j.ma lly food locations aud cxreedinely gen.l furniture. Terms to suit. Call Wa-;. W30-M. ,v."a;52 FOR SALE 50. room bute) on State st., jroo.l paying proposition. Will sell nn easy term to riu'ht parly. Address owner. Box 340. y)S23 Ft) R SAI.E--1 2 rooms, furnished fnr light housekeeping; good location. 253 Bo. West Temple. x4555 FO R ! i 20 i ooms. modem ; also six rooms, unf -rnishrl. Hegney, W:i. 5S00-R. y-t 121 Mining W ILL lease fine fiilver prop-rty at Ophir, Utah. Lindsay. 201 Tern pie roU bldg. yiti3 M'MMi and nil stock for small car or rent est a i e. Address X-3S. Tribune. itt'-'i JUOVP ETC. Si O RAG L, .,,ii 1NG, PACKING, SHIPPING. 'I he eld RELIABLE REDMAN COMPANY. If jou want service, call Oldest, biggest, ex- rPiM-.-e handlers of HuLSLHuLD GOUDS iu Gio W LS I'. REDMAN FIREPROOF STO RAG E CO., 130 So. 4lli West. lMioiies: Was. 1401 and 1 in.".. hWJ BE fair lo organized labor; insist 0n uncn U'f-ii moving (our fum i Hire. We employ limn. Asliworth Leaver: offlees. UI0 So". W. Tee.,1,1... Wa., 2107; residence, li . S';:u Hv. 2e.il.l. s257S J. Ai . 'i' R 1' ITT'S motor :m for prom pt and ciu'ef-nl moviii'j; lo:ig distance hauling a specialty. spe-cialty. Uin;:;e '.o. .'U70 i'l i ! E P H OOF (-'or;ige, also e . perl parking and shipping. lo'V.-cr Uirrmoof Storage C. Pimn Wa-. 5722 and 572:1. p2lTl (.ALL .V H 1 : 2 1 , Was. -'nr,', for mown.-, pa--k- si:-alT -LU,, vii,-: f--".-i..!i-ta:.r.-. ui..'iec. f'N-' ASh'Vi'ull'l H V WtiRiiEN Express A Transi.-i' ' e U u in i u re and piae," moviiig. Lung an I ,-:,or h:;i,'v; ibices so 11 -, ! ' . 1G7 bo. W. T. :-i. H".2. R.s.. Was. 2-r-W. u:;22 t ALL me; 1 II g-I y.m v. h:i t j our u . i-i; wi R ro- le-forc I mi..-.- you. A.ito ,',n, loag-.i'x- l."i!-e u,:"'., 1.. Harris 222 W". 0;h So. Wa- t-'h 721.". M1,:'.,-, era!.-' tlu- la'e-si ii.ovui- i L Utah. ANn M'iall a;.-. Wa-. 17P.S. M.-Phee Pi.: no ..:u-Co. ..:u-Co. t, ;,;,27 HAW! ..'.ur h.ili-dild g.Muis mi o ,-o T.i-lii and I'" -.aii.-lb d. Lall up J. L. Wat.-o'i, -tel. i; J. : is'i Wanted Information WANTED Information as to w hereabouls of Harry R. Pierce and Bert Pierce, aged 29 and 31 . Their mot her resided in Bait Lake City about throe or four years ago. Their grandmother grand-mother has died, anil it is necessary that they be located and present before October 1, 10J9. Addrcbs all information lo E. B. Fierce, Cherokee, Chero-kee, Iowa. y5S70 Wanted Miscellaneous LASH FOU OLD F A LS E T E ET H (brofc e n or not.!. We pay $2.00 to $35.00 per tel. Also act ual va hie for d iamonds, wa l dies, bridge-work, bridge-work, crow us, old gold, silver ana platinum. Semi ut. once and receive rash by return mail. Your go'.ds returned if price is unsatisfactory Mailer Bros., G-2007. B. ilh street, Phila.. Pa. y35 1 2 2ND-UANI) crinoline pump and tank for cash. Call Was. 5250-J. ;-55',S WE wan t to buy 35u0 good ewes and lambs. Give fult particulars. Culp Brus. Sheep Co., 232 Ness bldg., Salt Lake Gity. vl.U KODAKS, any make, bought, and repaired. Mc-Kee. Mc-Kee. -M'o Main, room 3, upstairs. Plmue SI 22 . x 5-1 84 SUITCASES, trunks, instruments, clothes of everv description, aud in any condition. Plnvie Wasai'rh 3U11 -W. v3iU2 SECOND-HAND motors, uiiy size. We do repairing. re-pairing. Lardley Bros., 27 E, '1st So. Was. H7'im. e23o0 Tl DO 'our upholstering aud mattress making. Utah Bedding & Mfg. Co., Wasatch 57u4. m b203 FISHER MUSIC STORE buvs used pianos, talking talk-ing machines, records, musical instruments. Wa. .".ST!. k5752 I WILL do your plowing in Kush or Cedar valley I have the tractor. Was. 3M3-R. or 2i1 Ness bhlg. w43l2 PRIVATE pane will buv 4 to 0 rooms of good fn-uitu'-e. Addn-f-s T-53. Tribune. v2527 WANTFn On- g.;, 1200-Ih. horse: will trade 1'urni'ore. SuarhoiiSie F'Jrulrure & Hardware fn,, DGO Uar 21-t So. Hy. 4$U. w3u70 WILL b ( v 4 lo 0 rooms trood furniture, 2 lo . o.-d rui:s. Hy. 3323-K. y3739 W A NTLD Sidecar for motorcycle. Call Murray Mur-ray -PC y5:i2I WILL pa' cah f'.ir cabinet talking maehin1. Hy 1 .74 It . 5725 Sdll U. S. CA1-T". Special dinn-.r, 35c; elir-rt orders n'i'l f Iiinrse si le. LhaS. Hong, I'rop.. 220 Souih Stale. w972 VETERINARY SURGEON J. II. ilALTON, D. V. S., 100U So. Oth Ens-t. T-d. Ulaud 27 15. LIl'ls, dogs, cat!!", fcv.iuc. J2.3 SINlJLE rooms, light, pas. phone, good hot bath. Close in. Hy. 2735-R. y3594 1 CLEAN" front h. k. room ; phone, gas ami light; cheap. 519 5th East. y3933 2 CLE' A N rooms, screen porch, large yn rd. Inquire 123 N. 4th W est st. 4 833 HOUSIKEEPl NG suite to rent, large nIeoe, bedroom and sitting room combined, kileheu and bath ; $30.00 per mo. 27 Bo. 9lh Easl . - y4S:v8 2 FINE h. k. rooms, ground floor, piano. 741 So. Main. W'as. 3G1S-J. y53'i7 NICELY furnislird room; also unfurnished rooms, very reasonable. Elks Hotel, 42'-. L. 2nd M". y54S5 2 NICE clean rooms for a couple, close in. Kid So. 3rd East. y55u2 SINGLE nu'side room : gas plate, " telephone. 402 E. 2nd South. M. Stephens. y5H3 0 N E ground - floor room , st reel en trance ; rlixe 'in. 274 E. Fifth Souih. y5si:i 1 A N D 2 nice, clean housekeeping apis. 2.'', Wesr tith South, 'df Main. y5777 2 NICE, furnished housekeeping room, modern. 520 South Stale. y57Sl For Rent Garages LAP.GE barn, cement floor: will store 8 auto; close in. Rear 43.. So. W. Temple. ylS:il GARAGE for reut. 9G3 Eat South Temple. ( 3407 LA RG 10 room. g"M for g'irage or auto pa int -ing or acees'-ories. Si is State st . 531 7 For Rent Pianos F i RST cla ss upright pia no for rea t reasonably. Inquire 327 Ea-t Gth So. j500I EXCELLENT home cooking, day or week. Mrs. Bowman. 50 NorGi let Wt. xsu23 I MtGE frnnt room, with breakfast. 225 E. So. Tcmpli'. y!'7 FIRST CLASS room . god I able bo;i rd. bra u t i ul Hummer lorjiiion. 0i.)5 E. ;r Sniih. "0.Vj ROOM tor 2 table boarders. $22. 5n. No. 2 ' Louise apts., IL blo-:ks from Hotel Ulaii. i y in:i IT EAS A N T cool room, w :; ii board. 'aatrh .p3 l-SV'. 5:'2''i NICELY fnnii-ii-.l room and e.cel'e:it la'.le p.-ard. W:'-. l V'. 11 Lmrry :iu. -5-ls; BOARD and room. 4iU East Sec-ad South. Children's Home MODERN lie rue for babies ; c. :"T!eiU'e,l n ii e. Inquire 7iG WiLoii ;ie. Ii;. laud 2310. GOOD pinate le-nw- for little girl-. 3".0 Lith EaM. Hy. l'.'.al. 5T l T li I Ll U X W A NT A US P L" L h. W A NTED- 2 wideawake w omen : good mouey-niiiki-r for right parties. Call 319 Ness b'M'ding. y4014 N ri'D Co-k and a uurie; references re-euird. re-euird. Mrs. Ilallorau. Hy. Ss.5. y4017 N E T APPEA R 1 NG t rls to Serve ice cream. ppH- jia; K. p-i, Vo. 51so WA NT 'ED - Good, steady wnnau to wrap bread. Call 4 Or. East P'h S-nil h. yelSl ANTED Coin p-tent clereil girl or w oma u, to g,. home uiijlils; good wages; small fatnil.y Wan. 1758. 4 Pp-s.-ft apis. y5030 0 lUHOl hoMse furnisln d and bath, near car barn. $22.50. 45.. s t tilh South. y5127 STEADY position with pood salary, for capable young lady, to op-rate he:n si telling machine. Kid tailored Corset l'a r lor, 40 East Broad-w Broad-w sr. y3(X)") 1 IIA.MBEIt.MAID wanted. Kcnyon hotel. I'A'PEKIENCED waitress wanted. 374 Bo. Stato St. y.5000 UN PERI UN C ED cha mbertua id. Apply I'lan-d.-c" h.'t-i. ' y5;;37 WA N"ri;o Rel .'M.' ypunc girl for housework and son:.- care of children ; no w a so ing it cocking: cne ee:iiLg and sepral uftprnno:;s nuny. Hy. S52-T.V r, 72 Harvard nve. y270o t II A M tl E R M A ID. Apply Clarence hotel, 54 K. 1st Souih. y5323 L.CURIUN ED w -litres. Referencs requidT k.vl..y U-e l-..ei lo.. 55 So. .Main. :5324 i'ICI . pot over 10. to aLst wilh housework. 1.'2 'h East. y5oo2 j (.('CD gnl for general house w orl;. lu" F -t. x342 I C. Oi D L-ii-: for g.'ii."-:i lio's,.u -irk ; 3 adults ;n fa mily. pl.one Wa. S3-I2 J. y575S v'n Pi'Rl UNi ED millner maker. Apply L. A- A. Colin Piilline-y dept. y5ni'.3 X AN'I I'D- Nii'sr to c.'ir- f.T baby. Call room. ! -in.. Hotel Utah. ("all mornings. y5770 j Y.'AIVRLSS. g I wag-s. Young's Cafe. i Mmminr; Tauerit. 1. A I ' I i"S I - ugh t s in :u:ing ; p-i a to lesions, any : 1,-e--. P:i .eie Processor 1 )!"ru tou, Wasa reh I r:n-i w, h i t SOT L:i"r s.-Nio; ,,f s-. iniiiiiv:. Warm Sprints. I'r.y i'. S. Le;,f, i'o-.tre'-ir.r. W:is. 1732. u417 R a ir time PIANO pia.yng. 12 !e peisonaRy or by in;: G , note or ear. Y a tu t man, 4-1 Bo. Mn ; n. o-t.'OS Dancini; I.l'AUN lo dauec fn four U-s.-eua dally. Wood-' Wood-' wcd'K. 31 Main st. ulS7 Schools and Colleges feAL 1 LA K E Ru; u-ss coll- ge, h imiuer cuirH-! cuirH-! L'g.es Juit- 3. Was. 2-0. y2130 IrKert Roms ON E furnished room or two unfurnished, with gas and private baGi. 227 E. 6th South. 4496 2 ROOMS, screened-in porch, light, gas, hot water. Inquire 321 Margaret ct., "l43 V.'. 3rd So. .1-5509 4-RM. house, rear 317 Bo. State, $10. Call Was. G012. y1S3G FojRejU-tores and Offices UP-TO-DATE offices;, one, two or en suite: steam heat: elevator and janitor service; b'-sf location in the city. Boj d Park bldg., 102 South Main ft. h2310 CHOICE office rooms in The Tribune bldg.; re-recenl re-recenl ly pa intnl, pa per,. q and refitted. Inquire In-quire F. J. Weslentt, 11108 Kearns bide. x3902 DESK space. Inquire 715 Kearns building. y3300 It EG ENT s ' reer. In the business center, storeroom store-room 30x100 feet, two floors and a basement. Will remodel to suit tenant. Inquire for owner own-er nt No. M) E. 4th Soulh st. ' y4047 DESK spa.-r; 412-4 IS Templet. m bldg. Price $i0. Phone extension free. Call Was. 2020. 4-lf'S YFR Y d-sirable of fire space for rent at 3-t3 Main st reet : a bo so me office f urui ture. Tu -, quire 343 Main st. Was. 2000. y4-H Rank and Store Fixtures ; WE mfr. bank, office and stor4 fixtures, special spe-cial f urn i I lire for houses, hoi els, etc. S. L. Cabinet-Fixture Co., 32 Richards sf. Was. 3219. sliplO ! MAHOGANY typewrit", ,esk and chair. I'mler-wood I'mler-wood 1: P'-v- rile-, bookkcasr. ruirs, safe, off. Bargain. Address I -20, , Trihune. x2925 , E ER V'i'H I NG In bank, office and store fix-I fix-I t lives. Plans and ima tes f uniisud f ree of j eh a rue. SamT E. Baxler, 715 Kearns tddir. TYPEWRITERj3 ALL makes for tale or rent. Write for p-ics lisr. The Wholesale Typewriter Co., (221 Uj So. Main. Phone Was. 2701. p2TJ ! AtiENTS New 1'oyal and Corona portable. A'l ' tithe- makes for sale, rer a:id r.-uair"d. ' I'tr.h TvpewritLr Ex. Co.. 30 W. 2nd So. Was. 4S36. ylT , NO. 3 Monarch t ; pe ri t.r. excLllent cordi-dit cordi-dit ion. $ -H'.uo. Vus. 5-15u. Ii5 South M ';n s t r-o i . y -'T 1 5 ATTORNEYS I'.IN'i, BRAFFET A- SOIULDER. attoruev-at-law. Suite ;:;i .ludg buildinir. i:270 WAl7l'ER P. KIRKSEY, a 1 1 y . -a t-la w, s!2 Kearns Mil u'. I'lo'ie -.a--. 0530. d3121 I fTTI'IE bureau of le-al information. B. N. i V a 1 1 hews. lawyer a to I counselor. IJooper I buildings, 23 LJt lut Boutb. j 30-17 GOOD girl for plain conlOng; four in family; no children; no Hashing; good wages. Was. 5508. y5310 2 WAITRESSES wanted. 2 10 South Main. y53l8 WA NTED Colored women to do cleaning. Apply Ap-ply Liberty Hotel. y5415 COMPETENT girl for general housework. 72 C street. y5!I2 EX PERI ENCED pantry girl u anted. Marl "s Lunch. 154 Smith Main. y544S COMPETENT girl for light honsekeepiug, 5-rooru 5-rooru apartment: uo washing; family of t b ree. as. 2 1 55 W . y 5027 1 MIDDLE-AGED woman for chaniherma hi. Belmont Hotel. '205 So. State. y5031 WANTED Waitresses; good wages. 77 West Second South. y5G32 WANTED-- 2 e.xprrieticed waitrets.-s and one pantry girl. New louse t ot fee Shop. j 5038 LAUNDRY help, hand irom.rs auu mangle g'r'y SI. Mark's hospital. a 5150 Wanted Situation (Female) RTTTNED young woman with daughters. 10 and 12. as housekeeper f"r widower; will leave city. Phone Hy. S5-M. Address E 45. Tribune. t 55(13 HIGH sell i -d gradual . w isln' position, stenographer stenog-rapher or book-keeper: e.nerio7ieed. Refcr-cuccs; Refcr-cuccs; good worker. Apt. B, Was. 7091. y5st0 j EN PERI EN CRD si enocraph-r desire. posiii.,i,; can assist with books. Call Wasatch -:582 J. y:,s:o7 LAUNDRY work am ointaliis do'.io bv hamfT W'as. 2310-Tt. Ca-.-n-l nf enb.r. x20 LACE curtains laundo-r.l by hand. B'."-t ,,r roferem's. Was. 0723-W. x!212 LA' E curtains binnOered : work guara a i. l . YOCNG lady wishe.- poition as boeV km-pur :cd cashier. Best of references. Pbor.e W.i-. 2 0 P2 -. I . y3 nr, WANTED Position as rous.'kr-erK r for o::-two o::-two jgenHrineti. Ad'ii-'ss U-4. '1 ribune. yJ072 STEN'Oi;. wauts perm. pes:ti"U. A-ldrvss I U1. T :- i but:.-. y513 0 LACE curt airs laundered; work guaraureed. Way l.'S'i'R. y52:'4 I'.l'i.iNM'.i; wants posGi'Ti a., so-nogra i-'-.t. Call Miiri-ay 27H-M. : "'57 1 PROCESSOR COi'K. pi.uUr.r ard T-nchr. Method new. ra i'-d ml full of Gtt.T' St. Svsteui glad ly ilrtn 'h;,rra ted a t : our resi l-nce. or at s;udio, jh5;i 3rd inc. Phou- Was. 07-19-W. a 5 15 1 MR S Ll VING.--TD pT- iit--i n:--r-ip I pi an is . for a room pan i in"i . g:r- !.- .-.o;.- at In.me or at your home. t u'lS I't-a.-ojiabl". Si" me at 50 ltr.on Road. ;5ri7 |