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Show j V ' I t5TK5-i!int-!. V v - ' ii t . S ' J VEl SELL FOR LESS" t r ( i & f v New Shipment for Saturday 1 150 Dark Hats f Values to $10.00 for SATURDAY Poke shapes with facings, ribbon, and flower trimmings. A Small brimmed hats trimmed with curly s v ostrich. i S 50 -. Light Halsj' Values to $10.00. fjj ' For Saturday Special :. ... . . .kpPQi jj ..... . ' . '- E'E2). '! j I cto' I 3 . i r x wm" rr-TS rr,: fS savings (mffc Ki l- 4 I TUNA FISH fn P wL f;l 1,1 ! fV. " Pure white Amber tOr . fc ' '1 folBERFlSrlJ style Tuna Fish the It:. : j g -kind that looks nice and tastes delicious In .- (.', picnic sandwiches or light salads ' I : -J BTOiuinwrUillMlgi IWJMr?lir "' "" rt DAISY BUTTER 1 SAVE oa SUGAR p K-A Pure, whole- 8 !,fds 53S f '.l Hi some, delicious; PSS fk. I ?y9AR m J e s e ciallv se- M MB ft. I 10 Pounds (with any other 51.00 tev4 ;:, lected and pN f-1 fi f g purchase, excluding butter eqgs r,j i J packed for Hos- " rJ 3 B and tuna S 1 .G5J P. ,; kisson's eleven nJS 0 fl fish) ,WW : A busy stores. BO' U 100 PoundJ . CiA! 9 j PER LB SUGAR . Sf J : gtLmat.JLZiu.tJLMttJ'aflMWJ'' aw 'an Jyr'g"'-W-', t g-, ' A There's a Hoskisson Store in YOUR neighborhood. It's there to ---j ;- Eive you the best value to be had on every cent that you spend h, j t COME IN TODAY YOU'LL SAVE BIG ON GUARANTEED fry GOODS. I'V-:: . '.j jtM?R&B2JlllMl'2aBWBBNIW Jvm y - - -i K;ea Spick and Span ' S3 Fresh Vegetables vi ; "A Bargains In Soaps and Powders 8 h ksh?sR'CBS. . . -10c I1'.! 2 bars Palmolive Soap 20c B Radishes . 2 bars of Rose Bath tablets bunches Onions .... c , V '. (with coupon from papers) Free U 6 Sp'nach, ...15 ,.i . , White Flyer Soap, bar 5o j JJi-v V ; Gold Dust, per pkg 6c i , , , B ?.. . Lighthouse Cleanser, can ...5c E S2IlQar(l rOC6U SS '', Savex, per pka 21c b ttt-KTC C r $ - Large Soap chips, per pkg. 35c i AT BIG SAVINGS . . J Indian Brcoms 79c i ggSi 2 dozen ??c l'- iji..ijrrr9mw mtrmMm f fuh cream Am. Cheese, lb..c : Teiand Ccfles Specials J h Daisy Tea, 'b-lb. pkg 15c C , AT S AVINGS Daisy Tea, lb. pkg 30c j Nice Rib Boiling Beef, (3 . I Bulk Tea (black or green), per f per lb : 1 j ib 50c I Lamb for Stewing, per lo. . .ue f Pickles (small) pint 11c P Choice Pork Roasts, lb. .. .. W. 4 Oliver, pint 30c t Sugar-cured Hams, ,5. ' . Yacht Club Salad Dressing, per S Specially Cured Bacon, b. .. ?N j: i bottle 30c " 2 lbs. of Lard Compound . . .J f- -.. ' "i ' .- Trt'.' 'i-mr- V.5Tf'.'"-T5?v .' " i" 'v. ''', i'i:...v 'Vi;..r: |