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Show Omaha. OMAHA. May 23. M' tilled States bureau of markets. 1 Hogs Receipts, 10.500; market mostly 15 cents lower; closing 20 cents lower. Top. $20.55 : bulk, $20.20ft 20.40; heavy weight . $20.35 M' 20. 55: medium weight. $20. 30ft 20.50; light weight. $20. If. ft: 20.30; heavy packing sows, smooth. :'20,25''' 20.40 ; packing sown, rough, $2i.0aft 20.2U; pigs, medium, $lS.2ofrl,49.25. r' 1 1 iL. Receipts. 1500; ma rket generally steady. Peef sieers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime. $! 5.75ft 1 7.75 ; medium and good. $l5.0()in 1(1. o0; common. $11. 50ft 13.75; light weight. pod and choice. $ 1 5.50ft 15.7Ti ; coiniiuMi and medium. sO.r.Oft 14 .00 ; butcher cattle, heif. ers. $S.0Hft, 14. ("X I ; cows, $7.50ft'13.75 : cnuners and cutlers. o"uk and heifers, $5.50io7.nO; veal ca Ives, light and handy m eipht. $1 1.50ft, 1 2.00 ; feeder sleorK. $ 1 1 .00m 1 1 .4m Mocker steers, $S.U0 13.00; stocker calveH. $S.0Oft 1 2.IR). Sheep- It. -ceipls. 4 0UO; market firm; top California sr!ng lambs. 81S.35; lanibs. 81 pounds down. $1 3.75rn 14 .35 ; S.. pminds u, $12.50 ft 14.00: culls and common. $S.7.""d 12. 75 ; spring lambs, medium. $17.2518.65; yearling wethei. $12. 0or.: 13.'n; ewrs, $9 .75i. 1 0.30 ; culls and common. $S.00ft.9.75. |