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Show Ogden Livestock. Spceiiil to The Tribune. OIJDEN. May 23. Cattle Receipts, 39S. Cliok-e henvy steers, $1U to $13.00; good steers, $11 to ?!3; fair utoers, ?S to ?tl; choice feeder steers, ?Lt) to $1:2.50; clioiee cows and heifers, ?7 to $1); cullers, $5 to $7: tanners, ?4 to $5; tliolce feeder cows, $7 to $S.5Q: fat bulls, $7 to fS; holopna bulls, $.j.o0 to $7; veal calves, 5in to 51.50. Hogs Keceipts, 231. Plioice fat hogs, 17o to pounds, $1S to ?1S.80; bulk of sales, $18.30 to $18.50. . Slief'ii Receipts. oSI . Choice lambs. $12 to $13.50; wethers. $9 to $10; fat ewes, $7 to $0; spring lamhs, $15 to $l(i. |