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Show NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled proposals wilt be received by the commissioner of public works of the stato of Idaho at the office of the commissioner, commission-er, Boise, Idaho, until 2 o'clock p. in. on tho first day of September, l'Jlf), for the construction of three and six-tenths (U.6) miles of paving on the Yellowstone park highway between Fort Hall and Gibson, in Bingham county. Bids will be opened and publicly read at the above stated hour. Plans, specifications, form of contract, proposal forms and other information r..ay be obtained at the office of the director of highways, Boise, Idaho, and from the division engineer's office at Idaho Falls. Idaho. All proposals must be made on the forms furnished, and must be signed by the bidder, with his address. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, or to accept the bid or bids deemed best for the state of Idaho. No bid will be considered unless accompanied ac-companied by a certified check on some bank In the state of Idaho, made payable to the commissioner of public works, in the amount of 6 per cent of the total amount of the bid. This certified cherk Ib to become the property of the state of Idaho, not as a penalty, but as liquidated liqui-dated damages, if tho bidder, upon acceptance ac-ceptance of his bid, fails or refuses to enter into a contract, or to furnish the required surety bond, within ten days (not including Sunday) after presentation presenta-tion of the contract by the commissioner of public works to him for execution. A bond with a surety company, authorized au-thorized to do business in the state of Idaho, and satisfacto- to the commissioner commis-sioner of public works, will be required for the faithful performance of tho contract, con-tract, in the sum of fifty (50) per cent of the total amount of the contract price. It is the purpose of the commissioner to build the road in the shortest time consistent with good construction, and complete and well designed equipment and effective organization will be Insisted U1'n- W, J. HALT,, Commissioner of Public "Works. Pated September 15, 1919. bir.44 |