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Show year an extra day Is added at the end of the year. (Any reader can get the answer lo unj question by writing The Tribune information infor-mation bureau, Frederic J. J-lHKkin, di. rector, Washington, I. C. cjive full nn mi and address. Be brinf. All replies ari sent direct to tho inquirer.) Questions and Answers. Q. What Is the Adrenalin test? F. J. H. A This Is a test used to ascertain the effects of adrenalin (or cpinophrin) on subcutaneous injection upon the pulse-rate, pulse-rate, the blood pressure, and the tremor of the fingers, sometimes Us effect upon tho amount of sugar in the blood is alHO measured. " It is most often applied in persons in whom an overactivity of the ; thyroid gland is suspected to exiat, for : when the thyroid Is overactive tho injection injec-tion of adrenalin is often followed by a marked acceleration of the pulse-rate, a considerable rise in blood pressure, outspoken out-spoken tremor of the fingers and, sometimes, some-times, by sweating and a transitory feeling feel-ing of apprehension or anxiety. Q. Should I apply hot water In cleaning clean-ing my automobile? B. II. A. Hot water or steam will spoil the finish on an automobile. Water with kerosene in It, or soap and water, cold or only lukewarm, should be used, Q When was trans-Atlantic communication communi-cation by cable first established ? O. P. F3. A. The first successful cable across the Atlantic came into operation in 1858. . Q. Which state names are of Spanish derivation ? F. R. A. California hot furnace; Colorado-color Colorado-color red; Florida feast of flowers; Nevada, Ne-vada, snow-covered; Oregon wild marjoram. mar-joram. Q. How can I remove butter stains from clothing? E. J. A. Place a piece of blotting paper under un-der the stain and apply a hot iron. Tho blotter thus absorbs the grease. Q. Who made tha first clock? I. A. A. Archimedes, in'- he second century, B. C, is said to have made the first clock, which was called a 'water clock, or clep-svdra. clep-svdra. The next clock, known as the pendulum pen-dulum clock, was invented Jy Gerbert of Auvergne in 1003. Q. What is the origin of the expression, "Patience on a monument"? &. W. A. The full quotation Is 'Patience on a monument smiling at grief." It is found in Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night," Act II, Scene IV. Q. What Is the length of the Mohammedan Moham-medan year? C. H. A. The Mohammedan year consists of twelve lunar months alternately twenty-nine twenty-nine and thirty days In length, making a total of 354 days. Eleven times in each |