Show city and bounty cottings jottings Jot tings WOOL cashmeres cash meres double belling for lo 10 at B S jonea company READY made flails at WOOLEN MILLS 00 ROYAL marshal of who wa ran in for drunkenness was allow ed to KO home last evelin ev euin your floar to the elite bakery in exchange lor bread opposite post offida A 0 afoot lumber yards want wheat oata barley and corn in er chaure for lumber doore eash etc A complete new block is carried tf aud receipts carefully compounded at smoot drug co f D L haa opened a real estate loan office in fe martins bank opposite the roat office GOOD rooms an 3 boad at the rate ol 01 5 per week at mrs opposite opp onite the opera benee FAMILY trade solicited goods delivered promptly 07 the popular grocers bombard importation ol 01 french novelties ind a fine of prevo woolen mills beautiful auit inza of just in at the 9 8 jones company paint 1 paint 1 faint ready mixed paints at sona 1 per gallon can feet of IOB wanted immediately G W mickel provo i Boan ABDi SAXBY carry all the leading brands of hoar at lowest amut growers and bee keepers can got their supplies at the lowest prices t geo W mill city in bail Jine material and contractors can save money by sending their ardora for mill work to geo W provo utah t go to the excelsior house opposite the opera houam on J street for the best 25 cent bed and the best 25 dicent meals in the city in the bakery line made to order wedding cake aJ specialty at floras opposite PO B S jonea co are bavine a hot air apparatus caceil in their store new styles in cloaks anat in at the y S jones bandine ia pries from to for fishing tackle at provo hardware aud iron company LOCKS repaired and keys fitted barber shears sharpened and adjusted umbrellas laa repaired saws filed and et at the gates furniture co im beekley marble have first class fl aine they ara putting in walks examine their acore and set their prices tf I 1 good lucern field pasturage to aront for horses by the week or month for further particulars enquire of A E bielow ath ward 1 m ds go to the hardware iron co for hay tools etc T ROCK zanvon orchard ia famous for choice fruits conflicting conf listing of bartlett pears orange prunes plums grapes etc 2 milea from post office would be pleaded to fill your orders W 0 beesley anz democratic drum corps boy give a danaj this at the southworth ball while down in the southwestern part of the state timo aso say mr W editor of tha chico cal enterprise 1 I an attack of adya dya antery hiwing heard ot chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea remedy I 1 bought a bottle A couple of doses of it completely cured me now I 1 am a champion of that remedy for all stomach and bowel complaints for sale by smoot arne co tasty and that it new in the grocery line will be found at howa tafta retail grocery store as centre et FOB rent A aix roomed house enquire of the A 0 smoot lumber co tf ans S S jones company has fitted up a new and spacious cloak department and the public can secure the handsomest hanso wraps at the lowest figures ever bought in asay body interested in lar off africa her and their mannera and should hear the lecture at the B Y academy this evening this will bo especially interesting and in from a geographical historical and mining standpoint |