Show TRUSTEES BALE default haying been made in the pj ment ort a aromi egory note dated january 1891 executed by albert kazan baroo haban bis wife nala joeetta aon bia wife and norman B holladay unmarried for edurn hundred bollara Do llara cay able to aba columbia loan of den escurex by a deed of trust to clyffe kj trustee aad in of removal or abreace born the conn tv or or inability to act thep athe a cu bariff coun ty aa dated january and 2nd 1891 in to utah county records and whereas bftts olyda eastman Ea atman ass now audd leeal bolder and by in me vested breaid deed of tr on tuesday the day of Noye nib fir si D 1895 at ten am at public auction at the front door of the anun ty coort house in the county of utah of utan all the krisht title i interest and equity of redemption albert bacan karen hagan nels and norman S holaday Ho daday in and to fol lands and premiere prem ieee the coulty 0 utah territory Tarri tory of utah tn ati at the corner of lot aix 6 block seven 7 plat A townsite Town eite thence baat forta 40 feet thence south sixty two west forty 40 feet hence north sixty two 62 feet to place of ahe highest highe Bt and beat price the game will bring in cash for the purposes puro oses of paying eaid and tha interest thereon and the expunges 1 of executing this trost joan A as acting sheriff of utah county and sue by cepl sheriff SALE benjamin kirkham and jamea baia unmarried by their akol of trust dated may duly aud recorded in the office of the county recorder of utah county utah on the day of may 1852 in book 15 ol 01 mortgages on 53 conveyed to the un der signed as trustee the following described land and premises situate in provo city utah county ed and described aa follows to wit Oom 9 rods west of the north east cornar ol 01 block plat A brovo city survey of building lots thence south 6 rods thence west 3 rods thence noth no th 6 rods thence baat 3 rods to place of beginning cf description otherwise as lot 6 block A in the county and territory of utah containing an area of 18 square rodo of ground in however to lecore the of a certain nets therein for dred dollars dated may 1892 aad delivered by jamas kirkbaum Kirk bau aad benjamin kir to provo commercial and savings bank and payable at the provo commercial and saviera bank in provo city utah one year after date wath interest thereon at h rate of 1 par cent per month from date until paid and whereas aard trust deed prided that in case default ba made in the dayment of any of tho indebtedness there by secured either principal or then eaid deed to remain in force and tho baid darty oi ahe second part or in the event of tha death disability or absence from provo city or refusing to act or other of tho party 0 the second part toen theft sheriff of utah county utah or any of hia deputies then acting mav as anc censors of the the second part proceed to sell eaid described property 1 or any part thereof at dubue tendle to the highest bidder for baah either of the parties to daiil deed aping at libarty to heroine the at euca sale at the lanct naf house of eaid provo commercial and savings bankin provo city utah farat twenty days public notice of the time and placa of said eala and the property to bo sold bv advertisement edvertis ement in borne newspaper printed in the english language and published in taid provo city and capoa ale tha bald party of the csc ond part or his BUCce iBor execute and driver deed or deeds anfee of the properly sold to the purchaser pur chasar or purchasers thereof and out ol 01 the pro beeda of to pay ans expenses at said trust at torney and conneely fees and commena bation to said tri istee or eaid in trust for bis second to pay tha amount paid by the eaid party of the third for mechanic litfia coYe nanta kaaid trust deed contained per cent per month aniere fit data 0 o patt ment thereof the amount on said nate abata described the principal and interest interest ap to ano date of balandi fourth athe event beia a of proceeds then auch to the carlies ot th nath in case of the deficit proceeds to an ac count credit the amount on bald note and certify tho amount of eboh deficiency fici ency and whereas the eaid note io past adne and rena aina woolly unpaid except the bam 0 00 the inter eat on the balance of as in eaid note provid fedr I 1 tha kith day at july 1894 amounting in all to the aum whereas tha holda r of said note haa requested the to proceed to e ellaie premises according to ih e contained in said aed of noar public notice is here by saven that ahe undersigner undersigned under signed in accordance with aba terms and provi siona of eaid dead of trust to which ret ference is hereby made and at the rai quest of ahe owner and holder of said note will bell the above described land and at public venidee ven idue to the tar aeh ia fhe provo commer caal fe dav in Provo City olah on the jtb day 01 ol no yeino er 1895 a 12 naca of baid day for tha expenses of aadi trust T a reasonable trustee and big lor daniu g aard interest and principal and fully cairy of daled at tau act 1695 t J W N |