Show john john henry MH graham james clote enard at the Poto tace at provo ap OF B dally edition on eye in advance puerta of a year per roon thin advance 80 bemi ye berin rin advance TO baily banday excepted BO cents per month in advance ad or 25 tt baek Addres fl co provo city utah where delivery deli verv ii irregular pleada aado complaint at no 27 haa a ciron lation hat every week that of all taft other in central and southern Son thern utah combined in i onney it haa a circulation that ex of RU the other territorial combined V A of Deni under ahe mckinley tariff in 1894 there were imported OBly ans of foreign barley under the biloon tariff there were imported bu 1 can the farmers ot bah understand why the eastern market for choir barley waa suddenly shut off arnica salve ana in the world for cuts bruises alcera salt rhenia fedei bore tetter chapped hands ing gorna and all skin eruptions positively curea piles it is to give perfect satisfaction or momy refunded price 25 cents per box for sale by excelsior drug A paint co farm for sale twenty acres of land good water right floe fruit orchard of various choice yari tisa good two roomed fume hause lined with a lobien corrals aheda etc only two miles froia provo addreen X enquirer provo aw denver and return the union pacific will ball round trip ticket to denver oct at 2000 final limit oct slat quarterly conference tha regular quarterly conference of utah stake will ba held in the stake tabernacle on saturday and runday oct and 1895 commencing at ten a m the bishops of warda will please aee that their quarterly reparto ara abent to the stake clerk immediately stake k VAINS 0 u disorder of the kidneys nd prompt prevent grioua trouble can ta cured 1 delv in their Iriel plency may become J H LIVER KIDNEY BALM I 1 want yoa anaed it will avor alaor der kuncy Weata caa bright and price 91 per bottle send sent S ent hante how to car THE DR J H MCLEAN MED CO ST LOUIS MO at sabot profi co p nf cief CT for infants and children 1 tty yeara of cantoria Car toria ich the patronage of millions of beroa pe roa permit n to cibit gner fag it is aly the 1 eat remedy for children t the horld haa ator it is childred Chil drea ahe it it gitta them health it will aava their live ia n afe and practically perfect M 9 S i chatta catoria dea troya wornia cantoria Ca atoria allay Casto rift provenza pro venta vomiting card cantoria Cag toria onneg and biml colic castoria relieves teething Tee thins brou trou blos castoria carea and iha effects of oar bonio acid gf air i A cantoria Ca atoria doea not contain morphine opium or other narcotic property cassorla Casi orla the food the ach ana lio wels giving healthy and natural bleed bleep Is ant ap in one size bottled bott lea only it ia not gold in lalk zoat allow to oil yon ele on the plea or aig that ant ft good and win anwer every see that yon get C A S T 0 li A the of wrapper children cry for pitchers castoria re your gerves herves pretty shaky wt they Is yosif digestion pretty it thin Is your blood water eh ONE THING wil iMako a whole man of you Thatis iR healers celery beef and iron try a case it will make a new woman of your wife and she wont want to vote either for bale oy smoot co wagon and buggy wood and a large stock ol 01 iron tires drill steel etc the best cook stoves in the city M h aai amp tulsi ice cream arsers fr sers tam arci give us a call for anything in the hardware line BROTO HARDWARE AND IRON COMPANY I 1 D Wa mer PROF of johns dopkins found at heidelberg university a rule printed in 1430 forbidding the older students to shave of the new aces and cites this as an evidence that hazing ls an old liable Atlie nian coins bear the type of athena and this was followed by a design of the head of the goddess greek coins bore the initial of the town where they were struck and then followed monog raina there is one medicine which every family aronld ba provided with we refer pain balm when at hand the severe pain of a born or scald may be promptly relieved and the core healed in much less time than when medicine has to be sent for A sprain may be promptly treated be beta in which ineuzea a cure in about one third the time otherwise required anta and bruises should receive immediate attention beora the parts become swollen and when chain bar laing pain balm is applied it will heal them matter oe anfe formed and without leaving a scar A sora throat mav he cured in one night A piece of JElan nol dampened with this liniment and b oun d on over the seat of pain will cure lame back or pain in the aide or chest in twenty four hours it for rheu i pei eona with this disease will be delighted with the prompt relief from pain which and it can be depended upon to effect a I 1 care for sale by smoot drug co improved PILLS A ot toe bobala each daiy diy u noc emiry ax ahma pill whit tho loolu to mait ma it an Hwi dache aba and oleu attar than oon HUo thy neither nor icken to iron wi will ola oil box for BOSAN Etl MED CU PA oval lang CANCER Is now being under the DR JOHN ricca SYSTEM BY if MELISSA stewart A licensed non graduate BENJAMIN UTAH PROVO coital surplus DIRECTORS reed smoot prest D john jones james A bean roger faner E B eldredia Eld redga L B hills J R banking FIRST OF W R 8 S JEH J 0 gao Q CANNON E F D A D A cashier exchange drawn on new york chicago tian francisco and all the principal cities of safety deposit boxes for rent from apor Hp or annum nd upwards fc i i t J buo B COLORADO MIDLAND TOPEKA AND SANTA che boly cara between ogden sail lale city and chicago Ch bod 1 palace chair cara between oad SalL Luk e 1 afeld OMi cago THE EmP MENT unsurpassed ARE YOU b e purs the SATA t sf i lab cita 0 provo an the evening train in orde to geb the moat ysak train J ts t JAA J A A fc 0 0 60 W second south general aeeti neni SALT city stationery of wants and ply everything on stationery list every article in our is ane basl of its kind chetner ink pens pencils paper en w any other article in conr ainu ft makes no difference we can ive von a better article for less money iian any other house in provo on a cant ie leat basis wo ask you to make your stationery of up because it will benant you to do BO we ako offer special prices to book buyers in ovely department of literature PHOTO BM stationery CO MINERS outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING DEPT AND FOR all kinds of miners supplies c biant powder gaps and fuse fanoy groceries etc special attention to mail orders P 0 BOX SALT LAKE CAW I 1 OBTAIN A PATENT fora bronitt answer tad an honest opinion write tc 31 C who have had nasrie fifty yeara in tha patent floru ia mid how to ob uin them le afree algo a catalogue catal of mechack loal and boods ent free taken amin co notice in the scientific A and anu unu widely before tho pet bot to tha inventor this gp lenda capr issued weekly elegantly illustrated haj bt aar abo of an scientific work in aba a year sample coplea cent tree building edition difo a year coplea as cents every number contil ns beau ural pla colors and of new with plasa builder io chow the and secure contracts addler IN ALL OT LUMBER LATH SHINGLES GLASS OILS and HARDWARE 1 J v ALSO or DOORS WINDOWS and FRAMES ornamental CORNICE PORCH and STAIR WORK atik TURNING and telephone no 32 PR OVO CITY UTAH SAVINGS BAM lain m sail lake city doeu Satur cv enines from 7 to 8 6 api cant interest on de of 1 OO 00 or more and corn pound pd four timea a year TITLE TRUST 0 capital f full paid J E DOOLY presided W g me vice president A L THOMAS secretary aud bashier Oa shier DOCTOR G I 1 SHORES aza ai ca W 3 ta c PRICE 2 A BOX to car evary C ri Catar rii catarrhal Caiar rhal jilin batt ceil aal aol constitution treatment for using dr G W fou in til chronic dl seas it your haye catarrh asthma bay fat of any complicated coo of th DO throat bronchial tubes or lungi use or G W shorn catarrh cure cough cure nd tonic aal blood pur clr to cure the catarrh stop h cough ricans aal purify th blood improve tha and dictation if complicated with kidney liver or bladder uie dr G W adny and liver cur act IB all casts talc one of dr GW shore antl coa pill at if I 1 na dalp writ dr Q W shore for hi new list and hv your cas alg bosia and pet lra dr 0 W shores tonic and blood clabus and lh blued zlati string th and cure and an diseases price 1 per bottle dr 0 W kidney and alvr car curt 11 II diseases of lh iier and badar bad dr price 1 per dr 0 W shores cough car mm all cough colds and bronchol bronc hll on lost will stoy croup kp in h hour lre hz bottles csc dr G W shores mountain sarc oil stops thi vorst piu in one minute for h adach tooth ch aurl fia cramps cr colic us it md la tr oly prevents and cure diphtheria 1 esad li alm keep bottle bandy price ac bottle dr 0 W shores pepsin destroys de bonns ind demov th round nt esra they hitch and bra it niver all pric csc a boef dr 0 W shore salve cures afi of the skin removed red spots cl black pin pl frota the fac beala oil lo 10 3 to S day IS a box dr 0 W shores anu palli cures chronic constipation hi adach kallou attacks pric ther falaus are prepared prepa rei only by boctot Q W shores aloa salt lair aty qty utah for sale by smart co druggists drugg ista provo utah NEW SERVICE leaving p m con at denver with tha burlington ROUTE train tor kansas LUY at joseph bt louig ad chicago sleepers Slee pere free Chair Cars dining oars A la carte secure lichens lich ets at office R F W F mcmillan iw fm abt s boom 11 over no 10 W southa bt salt lake city utah D P millis eloa Eo Oa manufacturers of and dealers m first class flour and feed H bh A Q B nsf and tz uy J W ENQUIRER during the past eleven years has given to every one of its subscribers alfo has paid for one year in advance one subscription to the well known magazine THE ENQUIRER was the first home paper to introduce this popular agrical to the people of utah and will connnie conn nue to fend postage prepaid pre paid THE WEEKLY ENQUIRED and THE FARMER for one year to any subscriber re 81 ID i ii the united state L who will for y ward to ux fc t Y i 5 ey a abw another feature to our Premin nr a ip T one that j is of a i i special interest to the ladies arp r j 1 for only we will mail to any subscriber in the united states postage prepaid pre paid for one year THE semiweekly ENQUIRER and W an entertaining and instructive monthly magazine that baa already beame thal of utah |