Show DAILY james clove manager number la 27 local mention in lais column 30 centa per line and chanze fl anat b office not latea than 10 a m to anber ti n flame dar A SPECIFIC rok la grippe for golds coughs AND LUNG TROUBLES CHERRY r I 1 anbi PECTORAL two years ago I 1 had the grippe and it left mo with a cough which gave me DO rest night or day my family physician prescribed for me chancing the medicine as often as he found tha chinga I 1 had balsen not helping me but in spite of his attendance I 1 got no better finally my husband read ing one day of a gentleman who had bad the grippe and was cured by taking ayera cherry pectoral procured tor me a bottle of this medicine and before I 1 had taken halt ot it I 1 was cured I 1 have used the pectoral tor my children and in my family whenever we have needed it and have found it a specific for colda coughs and lung lo EMILY WOOD north st elkton md ayer cherry pectoral honors at fair tha with he worlds pair cesis showed ao baking powder so pure or so great in leav balog power as abe royal effects ami statehood punch strawberry plants parlina wantina oregon strawberry plants can arrange for them by ca ling on ua bithia the eight daya G F 18 1895 A anre care for piles itching piles wa cnown kiy moleton causing intense when chii form sa well we blind bleeding or pro trading yield at BC top pile remedy which acts on parag affected a bf loiba burnon itching ana alferta 50 acta afif all free dr boanni pa bold by excelsior drug paint co the U S goat reports abow royal baking powder superior to all others haip wanted w nna WEEK la P I 1 tawana gents to beell the rapid dish masheb and dries them in two without batting the hanje no experience necessary bells at sight permanent position tv P no 14 ohio for areri efty years KM beean for fifty yn by million of mother foi children while teething with perfect roc em it soothed tb child orten the rams 11 pan cirei vand colic udas the be remedy it alu relieve the poor attle sold by Dro reit in every rt ol 01 the wald twenty five centi bottle be lure aid uk for ur toot bias arcy uk kother kind festival and plata the rio grande western ry agent here will on oct sell round trip tickets to denver good until oct for 2000 via the denver and rio grando railroad these tickets will be good via the broad guage going and returning via the narrow guage or vice versa remember that the denver and rio grande railroad is the only line running two daily fast trains to denver in connection with the R G W and the only line having two distinct routes between grand junction and denver YEARS OF INTENSE PAIN jar y JT watfa druggist drug gist and physician humboldt keb who suffered with heart disease tor tour years every remedy and all treatments known to himself and tellow believes that heart disease Is ci rable he writes 1 I wish to tell ahat boar valuable medicine has done for me for four years I 1 had heart disease ot the very worst kind sev oral physicians I 1 consulted bald it wu rheumatism of the heart it was almost unendurable with shortness of breath palmita eions severe pains unable to sleep especially on the left side no pen can describe my sufferings particularly the last smintha Smon tha of those four weary yeara I 1 finally tried miles new heart cure and was surprised at the result it put new life into and made a new man of me 1 have not had a symptom of trouble sine and I 1 am satisfied your medicine has cared me tor 1 have now enjoyed nance taking it three years of splendid health 1 might add that I 1 am a druggist and have cold and recommended your heart cure for I 1 know what it has done for me and only wish I 1 could state more clearly my suffering then and the good health I 1 now enjoy your and other remedies also alvo excellent J H WATTS humboldt neb may B M dr alloa heart curo la sold on a positive that the first bottle will benefit all druggists sell it at 81 tt bottles tor 5 or it will bo sent prepaid pre paid on receipt of arico by tha dr miles medical CoEl bhart lad dr miles heart cure restores health A great playa grand cow lany i in securing the appearance of the pay train in this city monday oct the managements has certainly had in mind a desire to give its patrons the very best play of its kind before the public the pay train has been an admitted success for the past half dozen years during which it has been making a lasting reputation for itself and increasing the bank account of who conceived and exploited it the great measure of success that has attended the career of this play throughout the country is due to the fact that ita characters are all natural and life like its scenes and situations are taken from every day events and the whole has been worked into a story of well sustained interest from rise to fall of curtain not only is it a story of dramatic merit but it is full of bright and highly amusing comedy as well when baby ana aide ire gave her Cast when she niu a child ho cried for cabria caoria Ca oria became aus the clung to cantoria when the bad the them Catt oriSt pol frog rom the following ia the program for poly society this evening ey ening piano selection lola gates lectura south africa john E owens vocal selection lola lyman DR SYRUP B sy tw AND CROUP bast for to uk htiu no ajmer to n bold BOB k botu mad by ate MID co aptt sold by excelsior drosa paint co 24 center fit one door west of pyna drug store sells meat at the following prices for CASH BEEF VEAL beef by the side ac kobats 8 to ac ib quarters 5 to ao 50 cutlets for half haud quarter or veal for veal loaf buttock 4 to ac stews 4 to ae ib fore quarters 3 to ac bump roasts 5 to ac pork whole or sides ar to ac prime rib loasta ac loin or rib roasts ac ib Sh cuder boag roag a ae shoulder roasts ac ib boiling bea 3 to ac pork chops ac ib all it iii steak loc pork epame ribs ac ib round beeaks ac SAUSAGES chuck or shoulder aleak 70 or 4 ibs for pork meat ac ib hamburger steak loc H for 15 and each pork sausage links beef hearts loc each loc ib 3 for brief tongues 16 and each or frankfurt Frank firt loc ib beef tongues salted each bologna ac lb or H far beef 4 to ac ib LARD kidney suet ac loose lard ib gendered Ken dered beef tallow ac aaili MUTTON 5 ib pails 10 ib pails mutton whole or aide roasts leg ucb 50 ib shoulder roasts pails 4 50 leaf lard ae ib mutton chop ac or 84 iba for U KINDS OP CUBED MEATS loin or rib chops S ibs for poultry food every wednesday mutton stew ac ib and CASH PAID FOB HIDES AND OUE MOTTO lowest pric Coni latent with best quality and hoseit quantity j IS 7 PHIL prop W i OUR MOTTO STILL IS hoine 99 and kittle atory is OH SATURDAY SEPT 7 WE SHALL MAKE A SPECIAL SALE OH NECK WEAR 1000 at 25 cents each pairs no 1 pants all shades and colors at each A SINGLETON suot H SINGLETON CO i iteA IS CROWDING OUR STORE wa aidt fa afu W from now until every pair has gon san get any our shoes in the house for COST clothing stores have come and gone and still we continue to grow in sales in popularity in everyday Every way season after season a larger and larger portion of male population turns its eyes Schwa bward for what is best best in every possible in way ready to wear clothes and season after season we continue to furnish it at prices that are simply competition proof THE ls FALL AND OF will find us another notch higher on the ladder of fame our assortment will be the largest ever shown by any clothing store our styles workmanship fit and finish with the lowest price will satisfy you coupled ON THIS our business methods have stood the scrutiny of ands of customers and we solicit your patronage this fall V we give you an inkling of what splendid briefly mention things we have in store for you j we B AT ack chevious cheviots chevi and casi meres never before equalled equal led for AT gl 8 large canety of colors dot sold anywhere for AT 00 y an throne t fu B |