Show ww aai JAL brownlee again in the legal toils WITH LIBEL ills attack on mr BalI tuBer is at the bearing J the defamer of bolest feua characters one brownies was acain arrested by sheriff lloyd abia time the complaint waa aborn to oy alpha ballinger Balli oger cb argina brownlee with criminal libel and reads M tol OB of the territory of utah ta 5 A brownlee be it remembered abal in thia the oct A D 1895 before me 6 justice of tha peace in plies precinct county of garbou territory of utah appeared alpha Ball inzar who waa by mo aborn in due form of law and who upon hia oath aaa that S H brownlee on the ard 3rd day of october A D 1895 at price county of carbon territory of utah did will tally and maliciously comial tt the crime i libel by then and bhore publishing in a newspaper of circulation known a the eastern utah advocate of which the said S H brownlee is edi aitor a certain faeo malicious malici oua and following of ana con cernieux aba said aloha ballinger Ball irger hat is to eay the republican gang 0 incendiaries persecutors and and perjurers per jurers with two or three demo ardt allies have met with a at inKing rebuke from bia honor judge ang meaning particularly the aard alpha ballegeer 08 he ia chairman of the county committee and was one of abe principal witnesses in the of 8 H brownlea Brownl ca for the crime ol 01 arson to which the above buos quos tation relates charging him with perjury and arsan and in ao ather part of which agid libel la contained the false malicious matter fol lowina 0 aej concerning the said al pha ballinger iho birot witness was ballecer Bal lener the man whose very name be outline abe testimony which the were to follow and in another part ica said news paper of same iesue ia contained the false and defamatory defa matter follow latr of arld alpha after batina watched the demeanor of the chief in tn recent larca no aano man could escape the conviction that the witness ha sime s ime euiler knowledge of the fiendish crime meaaisi thereby the eaid alpha ballen ar as evidence in abe proceeding quotation the fint waa alpha ballenger Bal lencer the man very name be outlined abe testimony which the aawar were to follow contrary to tha form of the in each made and provid ed aad against abe peace and dignity of tb people of the Tenito nr of IT tab and 6 wore to bearre me thia day of october A D 1895 E N of peace A complain lant rhe defendant WAS brought before justice mcantire for examination mr brownlaw Brown lae made for a change of venue which set forth that abe justice ii prejudiced gai brownlee to abe extent of eaid justice from rendering ft fuai decision deci tion rhe court overruled the affidavit brownlee waived examination and waa placed under bonda which he could not get and therefore ass turned oyer to the tended mercy of ff lloyd who placed him n the counte jail |