Show NOTICE I 1 bare in my the following de animals impounded aa cst one white yearling helf cir senare crap and two ngn tei two sl Ks in left ear braad on algal ishou ldar gyug one briddle sier past white on ace under belly omah white s ot on rump silt in ifft o ir brand ou right ribs WWW one mack nelie two yeara old square crop off leit tar brand on aft hip re one boimel mare two id white spot in joreh ad brand on left thigh re semb lUiK vw v w one bay hobb about elgha ears od ahlie pot in forehead left hind foot brand on left hip lesem biles it damage and cosla on said animals be not paid ten clava from date of notice ia he ba bold to the highest rash bidder at provo datray pound at 2 i p m oj ge alst day of october oc taber 1895 dated at pi OTO city etli conaty carrl tory of this ifie day D ot said |