Show reader did yon ever take LIVER the KINO OP LIVER MEDICINES everybody needs take a liver remedy it is a sluggish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation when the waste that should be carried off remains in the body and poisons the whole system that dull heavy feeling is due to a torpid liver biliousness headache malaria and indigestion are all liver diseases keep the liver active by an occasional dose of sammons liver regulator and get rid of these troubles and give tone to the whole sya tern for a laxative simmons liver regulator ia BETTER THAN PILLS it does not gripe nor weaken but greatly refreshes and strengthens every package lias the red Z on the wrapper J H co philadelphia in of prince beelby oct 38 special there will be unveiled at thi afternoon a monument erected in honor of prince bismarck by the german A GOOD STEP to cloe their stores together the merchants of provo have taken a wise step and have almost unanimously agreed to close their stores earlier thus lightening the burdena of their clerks following is a petition handed to ua we the undersigner undersigned under signed merchants of provo city believing it to our business as well as condemns contemns favor on the clerks of this city agree to close our houses of business at p m excepting saturday nights and nights proceeding holidays holi daya from oct dec and at 7 p m from jan ast 1st 1896 till march brig johnson abst mgr provo store R K irvine sons annie J atkin mgr S S jones co sam schwab royal A barney A singleton bupt supt andrew eggertsen Eggert Ben mgr robert bee taylor bros co J co taylor A poulton D 0 waid boorey k S schwab the grocer boshard how taft phu provo hardware iron co chas mcpherson McP herBon W H gray co central market tim gatea furniture Fuin iture co J F gatea mgr farrer bros co P P hindmarsh Hindi grier children pitcher OIW both the method and results when syrup of figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and a acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colds headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced pleasing to the and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial m its effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its abany excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known syrup of figs is for sale in and 1 bottles by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who nay not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it do not accept any i h california FIG hyrup CO SAM oai kf HEW alf dr prices cream baking gold medal midwinter fair sa frite 39 as J bat received mpa in the latest wears and patterns wrappers bifi line of choicest goods in the marker COATS JACKETS abaci BEST FITTERS BEST and LOWEST PRICES the best line ever brought to provo will be here monday or tuesday call and see me ANDREW EGGERTSEN agn successor to provo L M B co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL dealema IN J i lumber doors windows blinds and rustic siding T and G flooring abaci ras reLy vt lumber order scroll sailing and turning baie utah valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office and lard opposite B K depot vail vJ iL 1 we have just received a fine line of ladies and childrens felt hats 51 f r both trimmed and untrimmed dont pay fancy prices as we will sell j fr you your hats at prices lower than you ever saw them before 1 watch for our next wednesday 9 foa J ji li f T t 0 f 30 AND 33 ST THAT IS WHAT THEY ALL SAY OP THE worth of merchandise to be sold regardless of cost our shoe department our clothing department our dry goods department 30 yards diagonal eating 15 cents retail 25 cents asir of A J dincolo shoes for 2 and sizes 2 2 8 yards provo woolen mills all wool suiting and cloaking 50 els retail 1 and G D E K regular price 3 and 4 75 child suits 4 to 8 years sell for and conr yards veiling at 5 cents worth 20 cents zypher ginghams 10 cents retail 15 cants A liue of io bahou bhones sizes 2 2 3 and 6 at a great redaction choice for and of black saxony yarn at 5 cents zypher ginghams 8 cents retail 15 cents all cloth bholi and dippers selling below cost bilea 5 to 8 lk A line of mens worsted backs and cutaway suits aidea 34 to 39 price 50 yards fancy novelty suiting 10 cents retail cents 40 yards california plaid flannel 25 cents retail 35 cents A so a line of miasma bizis 12 to 1 at a arry low price 2200 and 23 00 for 1400 92 yards worsted new colors 20 cents retail 40 cents 39 yards tricot double width 54 in wide 50 cents retail ail clipperd in the house at coat A line of mens suite regular price 13 00 and 1400 for 40 yards arripe worsted suiting 30 cents retail 60 centa yards franch sa teens fancy figured make excellent quilt fit aal pellin att a reduced price A line of mens suits regular prise 18 18 50 for 1060 61 yards mohair 35 cents retail 70 cents 15 cants retail 35 cents 61 pair of button bic aad congress abo ss at A line cf mens boita aize a 34 to 42 regular price and 5 00 for 3 60 20 yards balise 15 cents retail 30 cents 2 dozen ladies ailts regular price to 2 now 25 cenas y A line of mens suits cizes 34 to 36 regular price 10 50 and 12 for 7 50 yards figured suiting 25 cents retail 40 cents 2 dozen flannel waists regular price 2 to now 60 centea our grocery department A line of mena bilea 36 to 42 regular price for 50 centa 16 yards plaid suiting 15 cents retail 30 cents dozen buttons regular ance 15 to 75 cents now 5 cents Is complete in every particular to suit tho tastes 0 tho mott shirts sizes 14 to 17 of coat 12 yards plaid 25 cents retail 45 cents ladies cloaks at a sacrifice Suc jmj v ta iJ imite ite A crp L L 0 TAFT JOHNSON ast mr highest of all in leavening power latest U S goat report free pills send conr address to H E enckler oo chicago and set a free sample box of tr kinga new ufa pills A trial will con vinca you ot their merits abes pills anre easy in action and are in the care of aad sick Han dachs for and liver troubles they have been proved invaluable they are koar to be perfectly free from every and to be purely vegetable they do not weaken by their action but by giving tone to aad bobala greany invigorate the batem regular size par box sold by excelsior arne and paint co |