Show are to r be the days of see the hind bills its too ra much for the newspapers here are avery a very few of bargains one line double width cashmeres cash meres all colors will he sold atlon a yard for these two days only this is positively the cheape ac thing in dress goods ever offered here one complete line of black and colored kid gloves at these are the regular foster glovac and cannot be for less than in the territory missed kangaroo and kid underwear dress goods blankets shawls table linens etc will be among the other bargains 4 a r r i see maud bills for full 14 CENTRE STREET PROVO rim bank PROVO UTAH X JJ LAWYERS booma 13 14 and 15 union block PROVO CITY UTAH SAMUEL A KING AT LAW booma 5 and 7 bank building UTAH J W H ATTORNEY AT LAW rooms 11 and 12 corn and savings bank PROVO CITY UTAH THOMAS LAW block up stairs et airs UTAH S K KING attorney at law boom 1 2 3 and 4 martins bank alde PROVO airy oiry UTAH E E DUDLEY attorney at law room 9 bank UTAH D D ATTORNEY AT LAW booms 4 and 6 beed smoot block paavo UTAH ROBERT ANDERSON AT rooms 4 and 6 raed smoot block PROVO UTAH J E BOOTH arroney AT LAW 23 N J street provo city AT collection arenc office bank building PAYSON UTAH SAM painter PROVO coraor F and ah fire insurance J of new york norwich union of london northern of london british american of toronto national life 0 vermont anker life of dea moices osca att martin bt ak prot olty eteh DEMOISY attorney ac jaio IS bank building centre st PROVO airy oiry UTAH J M stull ATTORNEY 2 doors south of Book bill hotel atah E A WILSON law boonas 6 and 7 urah CHAS F attorney at law room 9 bank baudine PROVO CITY S H ALLE county physician surgeon 8 U W bahriy offida t leaco smoot brick house 1 block out of i UTAH DR G H KEYSOR DENTIST crown aad bridge work a specialty all work fully guaranteed rooms 2 and i bank UTAH W B irritation and water power city surveyor f provi deputy U S mineral office at court house oily UTAH R G architect and superintendent corner M and ath at PRO VO J F HOYES M D S block over pyne fc drag ator UTAH office houra hourc 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p tt 4 mccurtain X 2 PHYSICIAN SURGEON office palace bleci 2 eaxt bank corner relo phone no 45 office UTAH X B X knowlden jones general fire and life INSURANCE AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO UTAH i an t and sf traits mark s nd all other patent la tb aint office nd before ur courto prom atly prosecuted n i anon receipt of model belch of la ir M 1 ibo BW of barllw barf lw v with my en beltie in bei itu tit prompt aoa to ay r aka dylo w ram y nd attorney in patent ofte D 0 IT 81 ofte Gul okly Wet knea and tha of atlle tro early aron or 3 bater th gerolta ox i worry ct full detel and sll simple nt i ural V I 1 ile improvement seen W acee book id x maced soled republican ticket governor M WELLS congressman CLARENCE E ALLEN Secretary of state JAMES T HAMMOND treasurer JAMES CHIPMAN auditore Audi torr MORGAN RICHARDS JK attorney general A C BISHOP superintendent of public instruction JOHN R PARK judges of supreme court CHARLES S ZANE Q W BARTCH JAMES A MINER judge of the fourth judicial district A C HATCH state senate JOHN E BOOTH T R CUTLER house of representatives GRANT SIMONS JAMES T THORNE J F brinkhorst BRING HORST JOHN 0 GRAHAM county superintendent of schools LAPS E EGGERTSEN municipal mayor LAFAYETTE HOLBROOK marshal NEWEL KNIGHT if recorder LAPS L NELSON treasurer JOSEPH T FARRER justice of the peace ALFRED councilmen first ward JOHN N STRONG WILSON H dusenberry second ward ANDREW KNUDSEN DAVID R BEEBE third ward MYRON TANNER GEORGE T fourth ward WILLIAM JLEWIS 3 J FULLER fifth ward GEORGE W GEE JOHN GRIER ward ward will be held in the utah as follows lehi nov ard 3rd meetings at 10 a HI and 2 p m EDWARD DJOHN stake mr J K fowler secretary ani trea bure of the coranna mill canal and esock corinne lutat in of chamberlains cough remedy aate 1 I consider it the besan the market I 1 hare used many kinds hat find chain barl aineth most prompt and effectual in giving beliel and now felep no other in my honse when troubled with a cough or cold give this remedy a trail and we assure you that you will be more than pleased with the result for aate by smoot drug co oar free oater th leng winter eTan inKi can b profitably devoted to reading bat there era ome things that xa anual read th round ona of local paper ali leat in the Is baor yen another is bood benr an fn rl anch M womankind for eblanc which ft anth filled with the bot thins lor the barr koaB iIa able by special rith the ihen t offer t womankind r for a ter to batery aldin abt cribar to our i and we tire glad to do 0 o for we m convinced no bobae paper in contains more of practical TIM to thomaa bright tones clear cle ar boemi the labeit faeh ioni news of 1 domang work artillea arti olea OB motherhood of flow br wot nui parliament for the dla mattera of atra fair of the abt fei tore ol 01 to taft head of tb boar w offer on tn efeme tenet farm RH bl edited by a miller purris esq late slate lecturer of the ohr farmere Farmer 1 al lift nce and fillad ach month with from able bat nakai taa to berr id chii for the pro Tidd JOB tar t atry baidin rutn to TK ii entitled to hh 0 itar of ther abbat abi offer A copy of both my b by addressing ta proto utomi joae la fand pay T IB kd ie tad taftt aaa ot that anut na t delinquent road tax of provo can woric their de linquanti lin quant water taxes and road tax for the next 16 dava froin date ol 01 this notice apply to the undersigner undersigned under signed SILAS oct 11 all alree those who have used dr kince new discovery know its balue and those who have not have now the opportunity to try it free call on the advertised druggist and get a trial bottle free send your name and address to H E backler co chicago and get A bamble box ot dr kibies new life PiU aFree as aa a copy of guide to health and household instructor free all of which ia guaranteed to do you bod and cost you nothing excelsior drug aad paint go avers hair vigor which baa out hundreds of similar is undoubtedly the moat fashionable as well as economical hair dressing in the market by its use the poorest head of hair soon becomes invariant and sealed proposal will ba received by the board of directors ot the territorial insane asylum for tha famishing of supplies for the asylum in the 6 months endina april 1896 in part of 1500 bushels of wheat ba fresh ineat iba oata iha shelled corn tona ot coal groceries dry goods medicine and salt particulars as to kinds and quality of goods to be dished will ba given upon application to jamea dann steward the directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids not considered by them to be advantageous to the terri tory bids must be sealed and marked bids for supplies and directed ip the onor before tha of november 1895 by order of the board R mad sapt TICS TICS or BR ties wanted delav ored on abo line ol 01 the TJ P railway lat once apply to 2 B S JONES lost A ladys gold watch on sunday fore jooa near N L belsons nelsons Nel sons residence fourth ward finder will be rewarded by same at tha enquirer office USE PURE WATER martlea 0 taft aty atar will do well to call on the for the coat of to the main bates or mj pertaining to caca and nr d eif water kindly br era CITY MARKET wheat per bu new 40 to 45 gate per cat cwt new to 80 per ton 4 hay wild per ton 5 Timmoth ton toa potatoes at store s 20 to 25 applean per bu 20 to 40 per prunes german W to 1 bases white per bu to cabbage per cat cwt 60 to bof celery per doz 25 ta wf alfalfa seed per ib atoo beef steers live per ib am to af beef live per ib veal prime per ib dressed 6 veal com toon 6 W pork heava per ib 6 besper Ee sper doz 15 to 17 batter per ib zif honey comb 9 to 10 honey extracted canned 4 to 5 cheese prime 8 to 12 mutton prime per ib af mutton common per ib 4 poul chickens doz try chickens old each tuf dacan wild per loz to pine hens per doab do jB aioo dear carcaba aaa per ib ator SONE FINEST VIRGIN TOBACCO 6 THE HIGHEST SKILLED WORKMEN im MAKING THESE cigarettes vw 0 o successor m m S S SJ gonei artis J 0 GRAHAM manager ONE NIGHT ONLY great realistic comedy drama iiii b P uy traia y has carried more applause than any train ever made ap FIVE YEARS OF SUCCESS seats on sale saturday 10 a m prices acta 60 acts 25 acts eluh diamond brand and only genuine ewt ladia 1 i for jlia frond la ked mil gold blu ribbon take r ficai and at draggan Drag gln r tenho in fr ail aoma chemical 1 fl f l ri rit Undo va tn send for prices forast FRUIT TREES SHADE TREES AND ornamentals ORNAMENT ALS EVERGREEN BROSES CLIMBERS LAWN GRABS SEED HARDY GARDEN ROOTS BULBS greenhouse PLANTS FANCY BASKETS FUNERAL AND WEDDING DESIGNS PAMPAS PLUMES estimates made on parks and landscape gardening part payment in trade to suit the times west 3 st P 0 box 39 provo oily only gold medal in utah bald for fancy japan foliage planta zions savings bank and trust company sail lake chiy utah pays flye per cent interest per annum on any deposits yon mase write for M prest cashier delivered to any of the city bock springs lump castle gate lump pleasant valley lump winter quarters lump bock springs nut castlegate Cast leGate nut anthracite 1100 YARD TELEPHONE 17 1 agents i this water is a cure anra tam miners leading Lead inz indigestion oa constipation chronic diarrhoea palpitation of the heart and all kidney and nervous troi blea towels and auita by Empire laundry mirla obtained i business conducted for MODERATE i ova 8 armit U 3 nd we can mccur patent la lei auns tuns than i groote from 1 baud modal dawine or photo tle scrip aloa we if or not free of charge our fee not due secured i A obtain patents with cost of same in the U and forello tries ent see across j OPP lic ii MPA T mi keeps always on hand THO JOBA home cured hams and bacon bologna and pork PURE HOME MADE LARD PAID FOR FAT LIVE STOCK MY MOTTO lowest knees consistent with best quality and honest quantity D proprietor HE bearor Aror of ENGINES AND BOILERS AND BRASS CASTINGS MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS MADE AND BICYCLES STOVES AND LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED ALL kinda OF alle DUNE P 0 box 91 CITY UTAH s paints oils glass and wall paper largest hock south ot salt lake city at paint CO easby X aja fall line of liquors and bottled beer family trade solicited bf S PYNE mgr AT ielein pyne maidens Mai bens drug store j ea LOOK OUT FOK big stock of hew goods spec ades scientifically adjusted to all sights without extra |