Show miss willards ideas of reform OF W 0 M A W bicycle nc a reformer that will be abed bews BALTIMORE oct 18 special after a and well earned rest at the country home of lady henry somerset in england mias frances wilhur reappeared today at tha head of alie vast organization of which she i to whose up building lie more than any other has the occasion was the assembling of the twenty at aind annual convention of the christian temperance union which opened masic hall this fitts morning in alie presence of over five hundred delegates comprising one delegate at large from each state in alio union together with ul delegate for edich tiva hundred members alie general officers the board of national superintendents superintend enta and other executive officials of the organization who are ex officio members of the annual congress immediately afar the meeting had been called to order and the regular committees appointed miss willard delivered her annual address after giving a brief sketch of tho progress f the temperance movement eh referred to alie fact that through alie of the W 0 T U all of the and territories except two georgia and arkansas now require the teaching of alie laws of health to all school children beginning with alio youngest and through the same agency the custom had become gan eral in the sunday schools of the country of devoting four sundays a year to the teaching of total abstinence prominent among various agencies which had come to the as is tunce of the temperance movement miss willard mentioned the bicycle the moat influential temperance reformer of alie time milk being the favorite beverage of those who ride to win referring to tho new woman liaa willard said that the world waits not only for the new woman but alao for tha new man one swallow does not make a bammer and one p arent by the hearthstone does not make a home we need to stop singing the old ditty what is home without a mother and to put in ita place the father alone can make alie house home referring to the project for a corn bini tion of reform forces miss willard recommended the following basis of union 1 direct legislation the initiative and the referendum in national state and local matters the imperative pera tive mandate and proportional representation 2 when any branch of legitimate business becomes a monopoly in the hand of a few against the interests ot alie many that industry should be taken possession of on just terms by the municipality the bbate or alie nation and administered by the 3 the election of president and vice president and of U S senators by direct vote of th people and also of all civil officers so far a practicable 4 equal suffrage without distinction of ex As the land ia the rightful heritage of the people no tenure should hold without use and occupancy 6 prohibition of the liquor traffic for beverage pur poses and governmental gover mental control of the sale for medicinal scientific and mechanical ch anical 7 all money paper gold and silver should be issued by the national government only and made legal tender for all payments or private on future contracts and in amount adequate to th demand of the business 8 the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the ratio of ac to 1 miss willard avowed her belief in the tingle tax system of henry george paying 1 I believe that the land belongs to the people and that while the farmers damain should nt be interfered with since he turns it to beneficent use a propaganda of education should be devised phareby the eingle tax and the iau of all money by the government itself should become two of the contra planks iu the platform of the party of tha future bonaparte was characterized as a moral monster and the revival of napoleonic worship wa cited an evil omen she referred in glowing terms to the worlds temperance congress held in london in june last and recommended the following resolution adopted by that gathering to the earnest consideration of th present convention Kv solved that we are unalterably opposed to the compulsory medical treatment of women under all circum atances when this is done in the interest of impure relations between man and women she said that the legalizing of crime might do for other timea but not for the twentieth century eliat it might do in continental countries but would not be tolerated by the women of the anglo saxon race mrs laura ormiston chant who conducted the crusade in london last autumn against the low theaters and impure living pictures was highly complimented for her work and attention waa called to the recent establishment by the W C T U of a department of amusements for the purpose of conducting a similar work in this country in thia connection miss willard said it is time that those who in church sunday school and miggion hall are trying to prefect the tempted ones should recognize mor centrally gen trally tho perfectly natural and harmless desire that young people hav for each others company and we should replace alie casual meeting on the street corner or the appointment at the concert hall by reputable places of wholesome entertainment where young men and women can aret each kotlier openly surrounded by the safeguard of helpful friends an important part of the address wa devoted to the situation in armenia and the invasion of madagascar by the french was also referred to indignation her addrena closed with a touching tribute to the members f tho organization who have passed away since the last annual meeting the reading of the address occupied over an hour and was followed by the reports of the correspond ing secretary and treasurer the morning session closed with an evangelistic ge listic service thi evening will bo iven up to addresses of welcome and responses tho speakers will be governor frank brown of maryland the mayor of baltimore and aey luther T townsend of this city no one in ordinary health need b coine bald or esy if he will follow sensible treatment we advise clennell nesb of the ecale and the aso of hair |