Show HEVEN ecar to in a lineal descendant on tho spot chief eisenhower Elsen hower of the bureau 0 city property lately planted in the penn treaty park says the philadelphia press a lauffe shoot from the original alm tree under which william benr made his treaty with tho indians ic 1682 the shoot was sent to mr elsen hower by gen paul A oliver of laurel aun and was planted a the exact spot whore its historical ancestor inc estor nourished for RO amny fi actions the treaty elm stood on the property of gen olivers matthew van dusen which has bee converted into the treaty park alte tree was blown down in march 1810 van ansen dug ume of the few suckers that was brov ng irom the roots ana planted it or gen olivers fathers place at for I amilton N Y the young trey grev to an enormous size until 1892 whir jen oliver hid it dug up and carefully removed to his home in laurel run I 1 was so large that three railroad car were required to carry it and when the railroad i s officials learned the history of the tree aliey refused to change tor its transportation when the tree aus transplanted to laurel run it conj il 1 to arow until now iti branches branch cs cover im area of many square yards about a year ago a sucker appeared from the root of the tree and when it was about four act aih gen oliver du it up and shipped it to this city to take the place of the original treaty elm |