Show TICKET republicans name good men to control the cita the of springville Spring ville held their city convention m the city hall and an excellent ticket was pat up the men named arc among the oldest and most prominent ci tizana of that city and their election el action by a big majority maio rity ia assured tol lowing are the candidates for mayor B M davis for marshal darld A cartia for recorder G 8 wood for treasurer trea aurer H L cammenga Cam minga for justice of the peace J M weal wood for F 0 boyer H M dougall Doue all don 0 william sum eion and geo mckenzie Kenzie Tc H M dougall wats chairman of the convention and J F secre ta prevailed throughout the meeting the band and republican drum corps were out early in the evening patriotic and the town WEB thoroughly there is no doubt but that neville will go bv a large majority maio rity |