Show TICKET joseph T nominated for Delegat cB the ranks of tha ye democracy met at the county court bonee this moraine for the pura pote of again up a city ticket for defeat Jb airman faeh called the ae to order and remarked gatab met for the purpose of placing the ticket la the field for aid he this is a vear john B milner waa chosen temporary chairman and bert temporary eera tary A committed commit tea on credentials one on and order of bugi BeES and one on coa ono from each ward waa ap pointed an adjournment was taken until 2 thia afternoon the convention pert bently organized organised sed with john B milner chairman 8 A kinf may brown assistant secretary W K haary arms and M L Pratt chapin after the adoption of some vigorous joseph T mcewan was nominated by for icador 8 W sharp COD tn tha contest for marbal marB hl he got 70 alex wil |