Show the present generation elivea tt apaez oats too baat too late doea not ariae betimes smokes and alas that we should have to bay it 1 chevy a too much tobacco the consequences are dyspepsia a general absence of that hobnet and manily vikor characterized our ancestors and a proneness pron enesa to early decad decaf regular hours a due allowance of time for lueala the disuse of excessive smoking and altogether of chewing tobacco in connection with a course of Hostet tera stomach bitters will in nina cases out of ten efface con sequences of the abuses of the lawe of health indicated above A want of stamina dyspepsia nervousness and biliousness are among those conea and they are bodily ills to the of which the bitters is specially adapted nor is the bittera less fitted and fever and ague kidney and bladder troubles and rheumatic ailments it is aleo a tine appetizer and promoter of cou valea cence |