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Show RAISE INTEREST ON LOAN COLLATERAL A nnVer or liul har-ks !iave ii.rredsed r.ite or' i!-:err: on ?o:r.e Oi ;he io.tns t.ey ire carr;i: on seoond I-i!er;y loan coi-rJro-i 4 per t :u to 4' jer crnl. Avr' c-r ;: r.-i m.i-ie :or ninoly !o.i.i wa? :rt1. and upon rhe;r rta-T:;r:"- u few da? tli;o ;!.ey were renewed it ::-.e asis o: ll.e iv.i;:.vr interest r.ile. S 1 inresed t.ie ree;i?.'oun; rate .-'n; t.-. 1 per ' Not :M tV.eleans resting on L:t;:"o loan coliatera! were '-.e.ted to a h: ' r rate. liank? have r'een :e-i in t:.e niatrer by standing of oorrowor?. Acvar.:e in ir.tert?; rate fuinishrs tV.e explanation lor re-ent weakness of second sec-ond L.:'re:tv J, a? son e o:' :lie borrowers borrow-ers were i.!:;.-ed n:ore tr-an the interest a-.'-:ru;n on. the.r oor.d :aa:. they rie-:dei rie-:dei to d:s;o;-e o: the --e..a:rities." and their iio'aid.ition van-Jed the price of bonds to d- iine iO the .ow- record of i.T'.t on "ednejay. T::e wave o.' liqj:d:t;ion was ?:!or:iied. boweer. as the hor.ds have in.e rtcoverejh Boston Xews ojrea'j. |