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Show BUSINESS WOMEN HELP CLUB HOUSE Decide to Purchase S10 Worth of Bonds of New Civic Community Club House in Eegent Street. Decision to buy $10 worth of bonds in the new civic community club house, to be opened soon on Regent street, was reached last uight at the monthly meeting meet-ing of the Business Woman's club, held at the Hotel Utah. The vice president, Miss Mary S. Perry, presided at the dinner, which was served at 6:30, the repast beiui; followed fol-lowed by a brief business meeting and an attractive programme, the feature of which was the reading by Mrs. C. E. Richards of selections from the works of Miss Josephine Spencer, a Salt Lake writer. Mrs. Richards read "MeClosky's Kid," a splendid human interest story, and several poems, including "Spring Primeval," "The Song of Life" and 1 ; Columbus. Mbs Spencer's verse is marked by much beauty of figure and clear expression expres-sion of thought. Pier "Columbus" was especially appreciated for its tenseness and patriotic appeal. |