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Show GERMANS READY FBI! ASSAULT 01 BfllTISH LUES Indications That Cambrai Sector in France Will Be the Scene of a Titanic 1 Struggle. BYNG EXPECTED TO CHECK ENEMY Front May Be Straightened; Russian Troops Aid in Operations North of Bagdad. While Cor the moment there are no infantry in-fantry operations of R-reat magnitude lu progress on any of the battle fronts, indications in-dications are not wanting that shortly the Cambrai sector in Fiance and the northern north-ern line in the Italian theater will again witness titanic struggles, with the Aua-tro-Hungarlans and the Germans the aggressors. ag-gressors. Already" the Germans in the Cambrai region have brought up reinforcements with the object of blotting out the salient sa-lient driven into the line by General Byng's Intrepid dash, a small portion of1 ' which they have reconquered, but at a fearful price. While near Cambrai it is conceded that i he British will be .forced, by reason of the dangerous salient held by the enemy in their line, to somewhat straighten out t heir front, optimism is expressed that on the whole General Byng's forces 'will be able to give a good accounting; for any attacks the enemy may launch. In Mesopotamia, the British and Russian Rus-sian troops have carried out a successful operation against the Turks, hut just where has not been stated. This has significance, sig-nificance, inasmuch as it is the first re- i port of the fighting of the Russians with the British in this region since they formed a junction after the British cap- i tured Bagdad. BRITISH BELIEVE THEY CAN BEAT OFF ANOTHER ATTACK By the Associated Press. "WIT II THE BRITISH ARMTES IN FRANCE, Dec. 5. There is no Indication that General von Der Marwi tz's great offensive lias been abandoned, and the presence of further fresh Infantry divisions divi-sions in the Cambrai area shows that the enemy has not yet lost hope of inflicting' 4. sharp defeat on the British. The British Brit-ish line is tiow very strongly held and can wil hsninrl any sledge-hammer pressure, pres-sure, and the anxiety the natural effect of the first two days' onslaught has been followed by a feeling of cheerfulness and complete confidence. The number of British batteries has j been greatly increased and their accurate counter-shelling of the eneniv's strong1 artillery ar-tillery groups east of the Scheldt has effectively ef-fectively reduced thetr activity. The British airmen in clear 'weather continue to dominate completely the German Ger-man aircraft and bomb marching in fan- j try and towns which have become new railheads. GENERAL BYNG MAY ' ABANDON. SALIENT AT BOURLON WOOD l By the Associated Press. WITH T 1 IK B Rl TISU A R MY IN FRANCK. Dec. The Germans today j were still inactive alung most uf the new ha 1 tie front. Fight 1 ng whs in progress around a fortified farm north of Havrin-court Havrin-court after an' enemy attack in the morning, morn-ing, hut no other offensive developed against the British line up to noon. There had been rumors' of an nttark smith of Marcoing. but It did not materialize ma-terialize : it is possible It has been pnRt-poried pnRt-poried bccHUse of the heavy casualties suffered by Yon H indenburg's forces Monday. The Germans doubtless hop 1o push back tho British line and recapture the front between l.ftvacqnerlf and Marroing. The sharp salient which General Byng is holding about Bourlon wood has given risp to interesting military problems. The British have held this line against repeated re-peated attacks, but there If no gain-saving the fact that it is a difficult "position to maintain and it is considrnl that, the British front would , be considerably stronger without it. GERMAN AIRMEN BOMB DUNKIRK; 2 PERSONS KILLED PART?. Tee. 5. The official communication communi-cation issued by the war office tonight leads: The Hrtiliery nation at limes as spirited in the neihhorhon,- of t'ra-onne t'ra-onne and the .sector of Moron1, llle.rs : 1 (Continued on Page Twos') GERMANS READY FDR ATTACK M BRITISH (Continued from Page One.) it continued with violence on the front of Bea union t-des-Fosses. South of Jnvinoourt the enemy unsuceess-- unsuceess-- fully attarked our small posts. Tjast night Dunkirk was bombed by enemy airplanes; two civilians were killed'. Belgian communication : Testr-rday there was slight artillery activity; bomb fighting took place near Dlx-mude. Dlx-mude. Last night enemy ay La tors bombed Fumes and Adinkerke. ; Today To-day the artillery activity was - moderate. mod-erate. Our airplanes -carried out numerous nu-merous missions. Eastern theater, December 4: There was limited fighting along the whole front. On Lake Presba' enemy barges which attempted to approach the shore were driven bark by our artillery artil-lery lire. |