Show DISTRICT Sctt liiK ol 01 cases lor the lexi term in the district court yesterdays M warner attorney for defendant in the case of the people ya ah ling stated that attorney jadd had agreed to accept a plea of cuilty of aim pie assault in chiq cabe and asked permission to withdraw former plea of not guilty to assault a deadly weapon to simple asanet granted and sentence till february H B jones VB T J scofield Bc ofield con inked coart adjourned till monday at 10 EQUITY feb ath salt lake city vs joaeph H cooledge ct al feb alth L johnon v hoaeae fe co joseph chamberlain VB J wight man et al jamea 0 kinnity et al ys T B gough et al feb 12 kate sullivan v mary jane loring et al elizabeth conch va JT gough feb 15 E G defreaz vs 8 D golton et al CIVIL fab 14 jonathan buckley vs city feb 25 juab county vs bullion beck A champion mining co W W river vs H F johnsio et al eure ea city va wolf marics jas aldemon VP R G W ry co badt johnann TB R G W ry co lareal erana vs F S W E davis va T D darrow et al feb 26 W A y henry robbins R G W y W F young feb delos lombard va T P sullivan benj bachanan vs F SI smith T broadbeiut Broad beut VB brooklyn irritation co feb 28 iaac vorhees va manti city J T ta eureka mining co wm T areld vs R G W RT co CRIMINAL feb 18 U va jacob nielson Ni eleon adultery U 8 va harriett hanaan adultery U 8 vs L elliott unlawful ot public domain U S va smith feb 19 U 8 va lorenzo huish cohabitation U B y don C cohabitation the people vs john graga and john robbery the y charida E caraey grand larceny fob 20 thy ya J J B loth fordery fore ery the people vs hana nielsen obtaining money ander faiad Bea caien james goodman has filed auit the provo commercial savings bank alleging that defendants defend anta unlawfully connected to their ansa boma property to plaintiff by which he has been damaged in the lum of six thou rand dollars he aske damages in the sume camei attorneys feea and coats |