Show weakly 10 chicago and mcw york A special pullman excursion tourist bleeding bleeping Ble car will bo attached to rio brande western train leaving augden 0 m and sat lake p in evera friday to chiado vid D K G B M ana 0 B Q K H secona clasa tickets accepted on this car close anade at chicago with all lines FOR DOUBLE BIRTH ogden price and diate points t 3 0 irice and intermediate points 4 00 it will ba in charge of a salaried reo of tha burlington Bur linston route nd will be by a ul linan porter whose sole duty will e to look after the comfort of i ra the cars which will form this through ine are constructed on the same general olan aa first class sleeping cars being with stuarte lavatories for addes and gentlemen and double lower ind upper berths the lower berths are converted into comfortable beats during tie day the upper berths arc closed are equipped with curtains mattresses blankets pillows illow cases towels combs brushes n fact every requisite for comfort and convenience persona desiring a cheap and con means of reaching rea chine chicago or he east boast cannot do better than to a ranee to make the trip in thia farbion fas bion I 1 A ticket G arv at W F benl agent burlington route room 11 over no 10 west 2 south st salt lake city utah |