Show during the lon winter days boys in the country towns congregate in front of public places and for pastime cast insulting remarks at ladies who pass them we have that class of humanity in provo and a number of complaints have but recently reached of their puerile practices in pleasant grove there are also boya of that kind and our correspondent informs us of two young buxom maids who broke a club over one young rascals head for insulting them we are also informed that for that commendable piece of work the justice of the pesco of pleasant grove lined the girla for their bravery there are certain wrongs that cannot well bo redressed io court and the best way to reach the offenders ia by means of a club or a cowhide personal cation of the character mentioned above justifies n little physical force if girls have not a bi brother who anu apply it and they have tha nerve to do it them selves they ought not to ba lined for their valor regrets that ladies are forced to adopt anch masculine methods just as it regrets that the occasion for their use exists but hoodlumism n cease ita insults to the weaker sax publio opinion will endorse rash method where respectable ladies cannot walk the streets without subject to sneers and jaunta from ignorant hoodlums hood |