Show WONDERS OF THE SEA ann black sea has a depth of COO fathoms corald corals are found in every sea tin atlantic ocean takes its name from mount atlas ann water in the strait of gibraltar is 1 0 O fathoms deep TIK sea is estimated to con tain 2250 cubic miles of water THE polar currents contain less salt thoyce from alie equator very common species of ocean is shaped like a bell ix i cubic meter of limestone erbig ny found too sea shells tun lf stream is miles wide and from tl 00 deep lit vl e tennte i rie in depth of tle alipit feet As blat the arst Ii illin teis lias over lo arms firt fir t author to attempt an exi ia nation of ocean currents was kep TIK ca is nothing but a thin sliu and a very capacious stomach sr water is said to contain all the soluble substances that exist on the earth |