Show DAILY FRIDAY 1 1895 JOHN 0 manager tan number is 27 I ocal mention in anis calnan Q centa per line each insertion and changes amnet be neat to offida not later than 10 a m to alcare on same day awarded highest honors worlds fair MOST PERFECT MADE ft pyre grape cream of tartar powder free alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS TH STANDARD the modem invalid has tastes medicinally in keeping with other luxuries A remedy must be pleasantly acceptable in form purely wholesome in composition truly beneficial in effect and entirely free from every quality it ill he consults a physician if constipated he uses the gentle family laxative ivr up 0 aipa dr prices cream baking powder worlds fair highest award the U S goat reports show roy a baking powder superior to all others when baby was sick we gave her castori when she was a child she cried tor cantoria Cat toria when she miss she clung to castoria when aha had children ghe gave ahm castoria dr miles nerve plasters for for sale A 15 horse horizontal engine and UD feht boiler almost new can be purchased together or separately cheap bv applying to P 0 box provo ai ty the worlds fair tests showed no baking powder so puro or so great in leav ealsie power as the royal POINTS CROUP grandmothers ORAND MOTHERS ADVICE nine children my only tak ody for coletis Co vetis colca nd croup WM telca amp it 1 art today to day a it w forty defa ea how my ake dr aann onion syrup chloa u bredy prepared and mow pl pant nt to tho sold larca bottle 0 oct TX BO for it thre tod sold by pyne maniben provo opera house S S JONES piotr 8 J boies arcis J 0 GRAHAM manager ONE NIGHT thursday february 7 favorite dainty and an excellent company in her latest success by U T delray in old kentucky NEW SONGS I 1 NEW DANCES 1 CLEVER specialties 1 advance sale of tickets on wednesday fab jtb at the box office MYSTERIES the nervous system the seat of life and mind recent wonderful discoveries no mystery has ever compared with that of human life it has been the leading subject of professional research and study in all ages but notwithstanding this fact it not gener ally known that the seat of life is located in the upper part of tha spinal cord w evand uV and bo vil v 0 O alve Is this portion of the nervous system that even the prick of a needle will cause instant death recent discoveries have demonstrated that all the organs of tha body are under the control of the nerre centers located in or near alie base of the brain and that when these ara deranged the organs which supply with nerve are also deranged when it is remembered that a serious injury to the spinal cord will cause u of the body below the injured point because the nerve force la prevented by the injury from reaching the paralyzed portion it wil bo understood how the derangement of the nerve centers will cause the derangement of the various organs which they supply with nervo force two thirds of chronic diseases are due to the imperfect action of tho nerve centers at tho base of tho brain not from a derangement primarily originating in abo organ itself tho groat mistake of physicians in treating these diseases la that they treat tho orsan rather than tha nervo which aro the causo of tho trouble DR MILES abo celebrated profoundly studied this subject for over 20 years and lias made many important discoveries in connection chief amon them being tha facts contained in the abobo statement and that the ordinary methods of treatment ara wron all headache dizziness confusion pressure blues mania melancholy insanity epilepsy st avitua dance etc are nervous diseases no matter how caused the wonderful success of dr miles restorative la due to tha tact that it Is based on the tores principle ure MILES is sold by all on a positive guarantee or sent direct by DR mner MEDICAL co elkhart ind on receipt of price 1 per bottle six bottles for 3 express prepaid pre paid it cont alua neither opiates nor dangerous drugs sold by all but both men ana women talk about our IN from 7 5 c upwards come while they last s s km i r OLD m ANNIE JONES ATO Mn THE SENATE MEAT MARKET A U SMOOT prop successor to milling co keeps constantly on hand and dealers in CHOICE BRANDS OF FLOUR AND FEED bof M H mi fsr sausage wheat on deposit cash paid for custom wheat grinding a specialty FAT CALVES AND DRESSED HOGS WANTED jb ree delivery to any part of the city centre st provo mill opposite union pacific depot third door east of cosmopolitan D K mor f JD DELIVERY AND CORN SHELLER the lucky numbers drawn are as follows ast 1st prize no 94 and 2nd prize no 15 ard 3rd prize ath prize if the above numbers are not in ty january 15 95 the following will take the prizes 86 1404 of no thin over all must go to make for our spring stock you you yes we mean you and everybody take advantage of this sale ley PROVO ibrah 1 S ebe OUTFITTER ur entire AT COST va it will pay you to buy clothing for j next aprin sprin 1 J 9 G I 1 ali jtb amsy 6 3 5 is a i |