Show m m lore about disaster THE SOUTHERN WAR uncle sam will not inter fure in aase of a feht G amblers jan 31 interviews hai abir afternoon wilh captain dou of the Urs thie and tle beconi officer of that leavy no doubt anat it waa that steamship ran into nd sank be elbe gordei eaid thu gratzia Gr atnia at 5 30 a m wa about thirty five miles from Water wrt ane wind was north by weal half west it was very dark and the sea and wine 1 I stood at the bottom of th cibau cage he said and waa going on deck when there waa a heavy ami the water bagan to pour into the deck I 1 ran on deck aad saw a large bradee ship aling aaroe the bows 0 toe callus after the collision we r turned to the spot where it occurred 0 as near as we could make out bui w eu nible lo 10 bee any adigna of baamer By Amer which we thought had proceeded OH hei vo yae we followed a tar some time ont lost ail sight of her wy waited two hours aad then proceeded to Maa sluis we reached there and came here for re pairs chich will take five weeks hie second officer of the crathie Cr athia said thee wag no fog but it wag dark it waa my watch on deck and I 1 Budden lv saw ahead of us thee th ee lights and made out a etaamer et eamer painted in liht color with two stacks also punted in light color coming towards ui it waa impossible to escape a collision although ten or a dozen yarda mire would bava cleared us after we baruck it was impossible for some time to disengage the two and gear had to be cut we heard no cries and there was no commotion on board tle tl e bloamer as far as we know after the collision the other tessel showed blue and rad we e turned the same signals understanding that it meant that neither of assistance our captain waa below at thi th i time I 1 the steamer A stocker asleep had hia right ear torn off by an iron plate which was driben be side of the crathie I 1 dont believe ane ahio ne collided with waa the elbe but I 1 did not aee the ninae the Cra bow was com batove in and was not fit to pro ceeil in birb pea As far as ascer tame 1 of the pas and crew of the elbe are laifi in |