Show evil fee system so far rb the fixing of salaries eaters into tho work of the constitutional convention we hope the evil fee salary will be done away with it ii i i unsatisfactory because uncertain and it gives opportunities in many instances fur downright rascality on he part ot avaricious office hold ers let the fees in the probate courts the district courts and the various state and county offices be turned into the public treasury and let the officers salaries in all basea ba axed amounts fees of course cannot bo done away with they will al way exist in the recording of deed deeda a issuing f marriaga licenses etc where special governmental favors are conferred but we would favor the obliteration under state government of as many fees as possible those fees that still remain should go to the government make the public treasuries the mediums of all public receipts and disbursements we would like to eay to the delegates noar that those proposed change will no suit the office hold ers while thy have persistently declared dec larad in the past that fees netted them vt ry little in office they have always clucked to the waca i hu fee system was menaced lik to a carcass they swarmed abon alie last anft one apar tm affa n 21 i tia katr ending for the relief of tha public they to d very doleful tales of poverty in office before the while some of them outride of tha committee room con teased to friends that they had cleared their thousands we do not care however whether the feea be profitable or unprofitable to those now collecting them they are public re vannes that should be accounted for in just as public a way as the taxes the are entitled to know juat what their officers receive and they are willing ti pay for all labor incurred they are not willing however to farm out any part of the public raventea as is now done in tha fee beetem that alvors too much of the practices in boue in despotic government to the sovereign will of a free people here every citizen wants to know all about governmental Rovern mental affair and it is his right that he should inov |