Show john E booth president john henry smith vice 1 0 graham 0 D W D robinson A singleton oscar wilkins M H graham john C graham Mena eer at the Poat office at provi ae second class matter 1 TERMS OF subscription BY MAIL dai lv edition one year in advance parts of a ye arper mon thin advance 80 sami vearin advance fcc TO CITY daily le livered sanday excepts 39 nta per month in advance or 25 centa u week address co provo city hara delivery ia irregular katie complaint at the office or throat h no 27 piara T A artt as pi on a acenoy at and 65 Mer cbanta ax shaa sh aa ran francesoo Franc isoo oal where contract contra cn can be made for it ana has a circulation hat every week exceeds that of sll the other newspapers in central and southern utah combined in uenh it has a circulation that ez that of all the other territorial kuprs combined bior over liay I 1 curs mrs ws si for over fiat icara b in illions of kothera tor their chile with perfect sue eci it collies the child softens alie gums alia s nil pain arrs colic iiii lithe bast rc rocil fur it fiill relieve the poor little ul lerer sold by in every part f the worlin twenty five tents he ure and osk for nars ni klow syrup anil take boothr noot hr anid boor indeed for persons troubled with con is poor indeed true they act upon the bowels but this they do with violence and their operation tends to weaken the intestines and is art judis cial to the stomach Hog ettere artom ich bitters is an effectual laxative but it neither cripes not enfeebles further more it promotes digestion and arean irr ir r action of the liver and the kidney it is an efficient barrier against and remedy for malarial complaints and rheumatism and is of great benefit tj the weak nervous and aged ac a medicinal stimulant it cannot be surpassed physicians cordially recommend it and its professional in dor is fully home out by popular experience appetite and sleep are both improved by this agreeable and alterative ml sel dr miles plaster company ano regular annual meeting ot tho stockholders of the tian company will be held in ane city marshal a office at the counte court house on monday february 4 1895 at awn pm for alie transaction of euch aa mav be necessary JAMES V BEAN secretary for infants and children HT do know that nannc drops godfreyh godfreys God freys cordial many eo called soothing syrups bcd most remedies for children are composed ot opium or morphine T jo yon know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons t do yon that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics without labeling them poisons t do yon snow that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child unless you or your physician know of what it ia composed t po yon know that castona ia a purely vegetable preparation and that a list ot its ingredients is published with every bottle po yon know that castona Is the prescription or tha famous dr samuel pitcher that it haa been in use for nearly thirty years and that moro castona is ww solo than or all other remedies for children combined 1 po yon enow that the patent office department 0 the united states and 0 other countries have issued exclusive right to dr pitcher and hla assigns to usa the word castoria aad its formula and that to imitate them is a state anson offense bo know that ona of the reasons tor granting ahta government protection was because castoria bad been proven to be po yon know that 35 average cosea or castona are furnished tor 35 cents or one cent a dose do yon that when possessed of thlu perfect preparation your children mar b kept well and that you may have unbroken rest T well these ahinga are worth knowing they are the facsimile fac simile i 0 every signature of wrapper pitchers Pitch eps easterla ea storla ONE PILL FOR A DOSE I 1 chuia boreli eeb day to nce atry far ball thesa pills cupply what the system iteld tc bare it they cure kyo nd olear the Comp lerlon better anan CG attles nel ihei aripa tripa nor at battier elul do to oon vinc roe of rr ariu mu mple area or a fuu deex for sold boazzo co r sold by pyne madbea SOLICITED PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES satisfaction guaranteed first door east of coop co op store estimates and designs furnished upon application OF imm cwm DIRECTORS A 0 president W R JOHN C GRAHAM GEO aso Q B 8 E F D A SWAN cashier exchange drawn on new york chicago ban francisco and all principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per annum and upwards THE PEOPLES general blacksmithing and wagon repairing done on the shortest notice HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY first class work at living bricea i J street 1 blocks north let national bank arnon DAVID P P THE LEADING GROCERY LIST OF PRICES so 2 western washing machines 4 40 all kinds of smoked and salt fiah wood tubs small 65 celery cranberries oranges lemans medium 75 ban annaa sweet potatoes apples large sweet pickles pi akles keg syrup all good and galvanizes Galvan izes tubs small 80 guaranteed or money refunded medium 90 utah sugar 20 ibs 1 00 law H 0 utah sugar pair sack 40 tree tea three papers 50 canned tomatoes per can 10 coffee per packet 25 string beans 10 raisins five pounds 25 canned corn 10 cheeda per donad 15 salt per beg 1 10 java coffee per fouad from 15 to 40 one gallon oil cans 50 canned salmon good per can 10 tin oil cabb 25 mustard sardines per can coal oil per five callon loose 75 oil sardines four cans 25 best oil per case 2 35 nickel 30 bakers per hundred 1 25 n graham per hundred straight grade 1 30 corn meal patent bran shorts keep this list and send in your MAIL ORDERS DELIVERY to any art 0 lie city telephone 29 P P W st provo successor to provo L M B co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN lumber doors windows blinds and Moul dings rustic siding T and G flooring buei alis aad S adye lumber order scroll and turning done utah valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office and yard opposite R R depot P r ri u v u ll 11 1 1 0 box 79 telephone no 20 f I 1 abaer a delivered to any part of the city rock springs lump castle gate lump pleasant valley lump winter quarters lump kock spring nat castle gate nut anthracite 1100 YARD 17 agents zions savings bank and trust company sail lake chiy utah civo cent interest on any deposits you mase ame for particulars GEO M preat meat market reopened re opened in beehard opposite post office choicest bleats in their season send in your orders delivery prompt oar old patrons are invited to renew acquaintance best of treatment guaranteed mgr outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING DEPT AND FOB all kinds of miners supplies rons STORK giant powder caps and fuse fancy groceries etc special attention to mail orders 0 box aalt CITY CAN I 1 OBTAIN A PATENT t fora prompt bawer and an honest opinion write to blunn fc CO who have bad nearly experience in the patent business alons strictly A handbook of information and bow to obtain them bent free also s catalo gua of acl and blobs boobs bent free iatesta taken through munn co renelva notice in the american and thui ara brought widely beford the public without cost to the inventor paper issued weekly baa by tar the laureit circulation of any BC work in tha world 83 a year sample copies gent free edition monthly a year blnche copies sa cent every number beau plates in colon and photographs of new plans enabling bul to abow the latest and secure contracts addreal alwn CO NEW YOKE yon can efa the finest and most durable claths cloths made at home as you can also get the boo ianno w call and see if what I 1 say is not true S PETERSON tailor gnp door south of deveret telegraph office 3 street WESTERN COLORADO ATCHISON TOPEKA AND SANTA FE the only line which ands pullman palace sleeping cars salt lake city and chicago without change and pullman between ogden palace chair cars between salt lake city denver and chicago THE SHORT LINE SUPERB SCENERY EQUIPMENT unsurpassed AEE YOU goina EAST if BO be sure and secure tickets SANTA FE over the grandest and greatest railroad on earth ogden salt laface city or Provo to ee the copat beautiful scenery in america on the evening train in order f train leaveat kia grande western provo at mi H 0 dooly building general agent SALT LAKE CITY UTAH department yan REMEMBER PLYMOUTH ROCK prices PANTS TO ORDER TO 1075 TO ORDER 1450 TO OVERCOATS TO ORDER 1100 TO oter three haldred aad fifty patterns to emelect from latest spring styles now in domestic english scotch and french goods full dress suits in very latest cut 30 to 75 41 west ana so street salt lake city utah AT THE ENQUIRER during the past eleven years has given to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year in advance one years free subscription to the well known magazine THE ENQUIRER vas alie first home paper to introduce thi popular agricultural magazine to the people ef utah and will continue to send postage prepaid pre paid THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER aud THE AMERICAN FARMER for one year to any subscriber re siding ig re in the states who will forward to us we have recently introduced another feature to our premium department one that is of for only we will mail to any subscriber in the united state postage prepaid pre paid for one year THE SEMI vy r an Enter taming and monthly magazine that has already become a home necessity aaeng the ladies of eteh 5 buy imported and li chec the home cared is and better MY PRICES bams lie per it breakfast bacon lie arv palt bacon 8 dried beef aird lc att baila paila GOC baila 20 ib pails pails rhe batcher center at t phone no 39 or allies pain pills on cent a boso doso male help wan ten WISH to employ a few good T men to make 50 to a week selling our home moter run machines printing pr pesea ven lane pimps etc everybody buys them steady employment easy situation and bood wages W P harrison co clerk no 14 columbus ohio for sale the entire stock of the late aca har raaon tinsmith will be sold in aulk or job lots at a great sacrifice bids will be tor the next 30 days address W 0 harrison fork or provo city box 5 lm W 0 at hensens jensens Jen sens call and see the fine block of opera glasses watches jewelry ilver waie optical goods etc of which jenpeo bis the largest variety and best kind cell and examine our stock get our which are the lowest the anast bargains suitable for the hard times JULIUS provo dauw children pitchers Castori ae |