Show A sure cure for piles itching files are known by moisture like perspiration pei cabrin intense itching when warm thia form ag well as blind bleeding or protruding yield at once to dr Bo Bankos pile remedy which acts directly on parts affected absorbs tumors allais itching and effects a permanent cure fa acts or mail circulars free dr Bosan feo philadelphia pa sold by ayue maiben A nonal liver sinthea a well man are you billions Bil liona constipated or troubled with jaundice Jau sick headache bad laate in the month font breath coated tongue D yi indigestion hot dry akin pain in the back and between the shoulders chills and fever ac if you nave any of thea symptom a your liver ia oat of order and your blood ie slowly beina poisoned because conr liver coee not act proper ly will cure and disorder of the liver stomached Sto mache or bowels it haa no equal as a liver medicine price 75 centa free trial bottles at smoot drat co dr prices cream baking powder gold midwinter pair sn hamilton ilia saya I 1 bad the ao bad I 1 not ray band to my bed snow liniment has cured me I 1 ta plou Bar in informing mv and what it haa dan ine chas handley clerk for lay lyman kewanee Kew anae ills ad viada ns snow liniment cared him of rheumatism why not try it it will aurely do you bood it cares inflammation wounds sores guts 8 ate sold oy smoot drug go 4 children cry for pitchers cassorla Ca storla highest of all in leavening power latest V S goat report of local do you get up many times during the night if you do it ia very annoying and is the result afan irritated boudi tion of the bladder if you will bev a trial lizs of oregon kidney tea which costs 25 cens it will cure you and bring peaceful slumber and rest without which you cannot enjoy good health dr prices cream baking world fair highest medal and diploma A from los anacles Ans cles Oia telar at loa ANGELES cal after haying suffered for a long time from acute rheumatism without obtaining I 1 used chamberlains pain balm and was almost immediately relieved I 1 thit as the best medicine known DM HAMILTON for eale by smoot drug co lo 10 loun on bood farm property at 12 per cent per aim um on bums of three hundred dollars and upward am wa both the method and results when syrup of figs ia taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colds headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of pigs ia the poly remedy of its kind ever pro deuced pleasing to the and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known syrup of figs is for aado in boc and 81 bottles by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute california FIG CO SAN ani KV HEW YORK HV we will anu a t lill of gent s sauli Sj uli and youths bicycles in sok so k CO PROVO CITY LUMBER GO W J ROSS manager WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN NO 1 KED LUMBER LATH SASH PLASTER LIME HAIR ALL OF BUILDING MATERIAL square dealings our motto wool for sale all orders delivered by team toj spanish fork and lake shore when required suits arcade to order A lare telephone no 31 P 0 box provo city variety of samples to select from call and examine boods and compare jemc prices satisfaction guaranteed WIT aind SOCIETY fire and life insurance WILL SELL YOUR J MAR FRUITS BERRIES vegetables POTATOES represents HONEY FISH GAME STOCK continental of new holts KS SHEEP HAY AND GRAIN norwich union of london it will pay you to call at their office corner ath and J streets Pro of the officers for information on any northern of london any desired Je sired british american of toronto no middlemen to take a laree profit if we bell for you national life 0 vermont DIRECTORS P H boyer prineville neville evan provo beof life of des mainee lake view D M smith pleasant grove john spanish fork clinger D snell spanish fork george office at swasey martins bank W H kelsey pres thos provo city utah leonard vica prea F J covert provo keav J E booth provo areia treia k I 1 acs di J dealers m all kinds of 1111 SHINGLES LATH PLASTER HAIR GLASS and combination FENCE manufacturers OF PORCH stair WORK LUMBER YARD corner ath and J st 0 o FLANING MILL corner ard 3rd and H st are positively going out of the clothing business and will sacrifice their A grand clearance sale MONDAY NOVEMBER and continuing y to day soll ailt we bineau what we say ane opportunity of aning regardless OF COT these are only a few quotations but everything goes mens suits for mens 1100 overcoats for jalens suits for mens 1300 overcoats for mens 1000 suits for boys suits for mens 1150 suits for boys suits for amens overcoats boys suits sor boys overcoats at prices enst as low dont miss it you cant afford to the above prices are strictly for gash SO olvid Q oon le st it is more pleasing to see smoke brightening into flame than flame sinking into smoke aa A KT X OF abil ha r ay iy |