Show m mm Is it opposed to the THINKS NOT more arguments of the opponents to equal suffrage answered editor ENQUIRER I 1 hava attempted in my lait two articles to prove that it will not do to alaert in a general way that the inequality now existing between the ia justified by the experience of the past and further that the past not only fails to justify any such nee but proof positive of its erroneous i character har acter whether or not it has been you may judge it may be haid that the argument made from past history BO far aa it attempts to justify conferring the elective elec tivo franchise upon the women fa merely theory concede that it is what is that of the opposition but theory with all the reason pointed oui in your mon jays issue opposed to iland with the further leason that eatery step taken in advance bj women in our institutions has worked an improvement rio much eo is this a fact that historians and philosophers have cause to study the abasement or advancement of women as a true indication of social ond civil progress or regress now to leaba the question of the past let us look at some of the questions we meet today but yesterday one of my friends after attempting by lidit culo the kind of answer with which the opposition is BO replete to show my position ig ona of noma aaa observed that the nature of the two sexes adapts them to their present positions and that woman would be out of the place nature has assigned her if the present restrictions and lim now bounding her social life were removed ID other wor s nature designed woman for the wife the mother the queen of the home if the restrictions denying woman equal suffrage is removed it will effect and the happiness of the family well now my dear sir if you are unquestionably right as to the natural sphere of woman calm your fears on nil apprehended evil resulting from ie time down the bais oily in a life time do we faud a person who ia as great a fool as thompsons Thomp sons colt people do not seek to do that which IB contrary to their natures and only do it when arom rome causa that woud otherwise be natural is rendered unnatural it would be the highest de gree of folly to adopt means to prevent fish from abandoning the water or a land animal from exendine ep endine its existence in the water so with everything then those who aree that nature has ordained the sphere of woman and that woman as now is in her proper and natural place must accept the logical conclusion from such a position if their position ba arne then the limitations and prohibitions now opposed to the weaker aex are adlo and useless swept away if the opposite aex would on the removal of the restrictions now existing dart from what bome are pleased to call their natural place it proves one of two things namely that those who presume to be fudges of the natural place of women are eken or thab men have made natures place so mis drably uncomfortable that woman pre fera abo inconvenience of an unnatural existence to it how ia this gentlemen can you find any other explanation of such a position T I 1 deny that adv man knows or can know as matters now exist and have formerly existed the nature of the flera or can he and fairly make a difference between them it might be argued with some degree of truth that women in general do not concern with matters they naturally avoid them their tendencies moral and mental are of a character unsuited to such matters but what does that establish 7 nothing as to the real hasure of woman nobody needs to look the second time to sea the artificial ao called nature of woman stamped apon her tor the benefit and pleasure of her lord certain qualities and of woman that pleased and suited the convenience of her master for hundreds of years have been carefully nurtured as a choice hothouse hot house plant no wonder in their heated at mo sphere they have sprouted lucurs ailcy other sprouts of charac fr aiom the same rooan have frozen down from the beginning by the chilly cou i cenance of displeasure whenever when nver they hive exhibit themselves and then men cay this in acome respects over grown and in others dwarfed mantal plant is natural unable to recognize their own work the opposition believe that the tree grows of itself the dav they it trow and that it w uld if ore half of it were not kept in a ya 01 bath and tho other half in abc snow tins BO called natorp of woman which places her inferior to man in alip social and intellectual world needs to b looked at in the liht of a very few nasr veara rn reveal its and the futility of any it ia baseil upon D D hausz |