Show war cloud mexico CITY jan 31 tander the ot important Imp orant rectification the mexican official government dally caye today some of the newspapers of this city on the authority of information from the united platen hava sail that the washington government desired to in in our question with gaage although intending to publish at the proper time the correspond nce on this Bubie ct we are an to state that accord ing to a tn legram dated the diat and telegram f the same gentleman dated the 28 h the secretary of state of the united declares no opinion regarding the advisability ot proposing to alie government that it withdraw some of its demands and mexico has advised guatemala that the government of the united states doea not care to intervene inasmuch aa mexico bad a right to act as it beat we make haste to publish this rectification in order to save oar contemporaries from making comments on incorrect news the newspaper correspondent were assured at the palace that this would put an end for the preheat at least to tha rumors alyine thick and baat of the intervention of the united states on tue guatemalan question tue people of thia bitterly assail the intended interference on the part ot the united states and brand the method as entirely nn j and uncalled for the authoritative statement of the government in its daily today will cause much re 1 iriti that ane northern republic will keep its bands off and guatemala will have to ficht oat ita own battled as far i as the united states is conc Brnad |